042/100 #The100DayProject #100DaysOfArt2023
I thought today might be the end of my #PirateBirb posts, but…
…my client prefers the scruffy, sketchy rough draft raven. 😆
I do see what they mean. I feel like there’s always some magic lost when a sketch gets translated into a polished final image… sooo now my mission is to recapture that scruffy, sketchy magic, while still turning out a piece I feel good about calling “finished.” 😅
#themagicisgone #raven #fediart #MastoArt #knezekart #piratebirb #100daysofart2023 #the100dayproject
042/100 #The100DayProject #100DaysOfArt2023
I thought today might be the end of my #PirateBirb posts, but…
…my client prefers the scruffy, sketchy rough draft raven. 😆
I do see what they mean. I feel like there’s always some magic lost when a sketch gets translated into a polished final image… sooo now my mission is to recapture that scruffy, sketchy magic, while still turning out a piece I feel good about calling “finished.” 😅
#themagicisgone #raven #fediart #MastoArt #knezekart #piratebirb #100daysofart2023 #the100dayproject
039/100 #The100DayProject #100DaysOfArt2023
Having a client declare their love for a design on the first draft is always a thrill, but having *two* clients agree to declare their love for the second draft of a design is maybe even better?
#KnezekArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #MastoArt #FediArt #DigitalArt #RavenArt #ProcreateSketch #PirateBirb
#piratebirb #procreatesketch #ravenart #DigitalArt #fediart #MastoArt #ayearforart #buyintoart #knezekart #100daysofart2023 #the100dayproject