#sydenham #sydenhamhill #pissarro #london #TulseHill
'Near Sydenham Hill' by Camille Pissarro looking towards Tulse Hill. You can see a steam from a train in the cutting approaching Sydenham Hill Station. St Stephens Church also painted by Pissarro is just out of view on the left. Beyond the rail cutting is now the Kingswood Estate and a few houses probably in Alleyn Park.
The picture is now in a Texan art gallery but his famous The Avenue, Sydenham is on view in our National Gallery.
#Sydenham #sydenhamhill #pissarro #london #tulsehill
Le 10 juillet 1830, naissance de Camille #PISSARRO https://www.partage-noir.fr/camille-pissarro-1830-1903
RT from Camille Pissarro (@artpissarro)
Near Sydenham Hill, Looking towards Lower Norwood, 1871 #pissarro #impressionism https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/near-sydenham-hill-looking-towards-lower-norwood-1871
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/artpissarro/status/1631748961601028119
Vernissage de l'exposition "Pissarro l'anarchiste"
demain à 19h, La BAM - Bibliothèque Associative de Malakoff, Malakoff
https://www.agendamilitant.org/Vernissage-de-l-exposition-Pissarro-l-anarchiste.html #Pissarro
Camille Pissarro - Pont Neuf Fog, oil on canvas, 1902. #CamillePissarro #Pissarro #Impressionism #cityscape #Art #Painting
#Painting #Art #cityscape #impressionism #pissarro #camillepissarro
Camille Pissarro, Two Women Chatting by the See, St Thomas 1856
Pissarro completed the painting a year after he finally left his homeland, St Thomas, to France. His father was a Sephardic Jew, held French nationality, but was of Portuguese descent. His mother was a native Creole, a Dominican of Spanish descent, and not of the Jewish faith. Because of this he was excluded from the Jewish school on the island and had to attend the all-black primary school.
Camille Pissarro, Boulevard Montmartre Afternoon, Sunshine, 1897
The painting became part of a thirteen artwork series of the famous Boulevard.
Pissarro wanted to capture the true essence of the busy Parisian street. From his elevated hotel balcony, he obtains a bird’ s-eye view of the people, carriages, and life that passed before him.
#sydenham #se26 #pissarro
RT @nickrichardsart@twitter.com
Same spot today as Pissarro's 'The Avenue, Sydenham' in @NationalGallery@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nickrichardsart/status/1602313913093296132
John Singer Sargent's palette and brushes at the Harvard Art Museums, and Camille Pissarro's pallet at the Clark Art Institute
#arthistory #artmuseum #harvard #clarkart #williamstown #Sargent #Pissarro #oilpainting #artists #art #Boston #Cambridge #mastoart
#arthistory #artmuseum #harvard #clarkart #williamstown #sargent #pissarro #oilpainting #artists #art #boston #cambridge #mastoart
Camille #Pissarro *10.7.1830 – 13.11.1903
Neu: Stadt & Landschaft mit Passanten und arbeitenden! Menschen
[Die Ährenleserinnen]
[Zwei Frauen am Meer, ins Gespräch vertieft, St. Thomas, 1856
Junge von der Insel; Selbstporträt 1873]
Den #Antisemitismus, vor dem schon sein Vater geflohen war, bekam #Pissarro besonders in der #Dreyfus-Affäre zu spüren, auch von Malerkollegen, ua. #Degas, #Cézanne, #Renoir.
#Renoir #Cezanne #degas #dreyfus #pissarro #antisemitismus
All den Schmerz, all die Bitterkeit [.] vergesse und ignoriere ich beim Malen.
Camille #Pissarro *10.7.1830 Charlotte Amalie, Danish-Westindies, eine der 1. Jüdischen Gemeinden in der Neuen Welt – 13.11.1903 Paris.
Fokus: Stadt & Landschaft mit Passanten/arbeitenden! Menschen
Para #EmocionArte hoy con ‘Rue Saint-Honoré por la tarde. Efecto de lluvia', solo tienes que imaginar a #Pissarro regresando al #Impresionismo desde la ventana de su hotel, anhelando el campo y maravillado por la nueva perspectiva de la ciudad. @MuseoThyssen @SecondCanvas
#impresionismo #pissarro #EmocionArte
RT @artpissarro: Portal from the Abbey Church of Saint Laurent, 1901 #pissarro #danishart https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/portal-from-the-abbey-church-of-saint-laurent-1901
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1549469988188209155
RT @artpissarro: Berneval Meadows, Morning, 1900 #danishart #pissarro https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/berneval-meadows-morning-1900
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1543497680479047681
RT @artpissarro: Shepherd in a Downpour, 1889 #camillepissarro #pissarro https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/shepherd-in-a-downpour-1889
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1538407626190512129
RT @artpissarro: Shepherdess Bringing in Sheep, 1886 #pissarro #danishart https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/shepherdess-bringing-in-sheep-1886
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1536764443828297731
RT @artpissarro: Girl with a Stick, 1881 #impressionism #pissarro https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/girl-with-a-stick-1881
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1534637126163345410
RT @artpissarro: The Poultry Market, 1885 #pissarro #impressionism https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/the-poultry-market-1885
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1534226129531326465
RT @artpissarro: The Pont Neuf, 1901 #danishart #pissarro https://www.wikiart.org/en/camille-pissarro/the-pont-neuf-1901
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1534043029899821058