Dear #Google #Alphabet ... emails to your accounts in 2023 telling telling people they have passwords in the wild from a breach in 2011, is #PissPoor, and tantamount to #FearMongering.
More so, without sending contex or advice as to 'where' in your notification, and asserting many log in and check hoops, then worse again, asserting other produts for use, you're now more of an #InfoMercial IT joke.
Just so you know.. all you are doing is confirming how poorly degredaded your service has really become.
Dropbox was breached in 2011 ... i've long since fixed that issue.. It's the ONLY one breach known to be associated with my email address, stop trying to up 'Market' your user base with fear, so they are motivated to purchase additional BS services, upgrades and products.
#google #alphabet #pisspoor #fearmongering #infomercial