I just learned this, so, in case anyone else needs to know:
A #Yaesu #FT70DR can be powered by its charger as long as you donβt have the battery in.
My #YSF #PiStar is going to see a lot more use now that I donβt have to remember to keep my HT charged.
This is also going to make the #digirig I just ordered a lot more useful. I can put off buying a mobile radio that much longer now :D
Now to hack together a car 12V wire. . .
#digitalmodes #hamr #Digirig #pistar #ysf #ft70dr #yaesu
Do any of you amateur #radio nerds use an #MMDVM? I just got one and am setting it up, but I don't want to use #PiStar because it doesn't have an explicit open source license, and was last built on Debian 10 (oldoldstable).
So I'm trying to find sufficient documentation to do things manually, if at all possible. I *may* end up just doing a big write-up myself once I work it out, but if others have done similar things, it could save me some time. #DMR #HAMRadio #HotSpot
#radio #mmdvm #pistar #dmr #hamradio #hotspot
Well this evening I had a really good chat to friend in Germany via a #YSF reflector in the UK, and I was doing #DMR2YSF cross-over at my end and it worked really well, it was my first really world test for a #QSO of 30min plus with no real dropouts or distortion etc.
Very happy with my #W0CHP #PiStar #Dash doing the hard work of coverting DMR TG to YSF reflector as there was no real transcoding done as DMR & YSF use the same vocoder.
#hotspot #duplex #digital #hamradio #dash #pistar #w0chp #qso #dmr2ysf #ysf
Not really active on digital voice modes, but nevertheless I do have a hotspot running Pi-Star, and I came across this new (to me) customized fork to get a new look and extra features. More info on the builder's page, W0CHP.
#hamr #DMR #YSF #DStar #DigitalVoice #PiStar
#pistar #digitalvoice #dstar #ysf #dmr #hamr
Well I have had a chance to play around with #W0CHP #PiStar Dash and it rather nice. I have #FreeDMR and #DMR2YSF cross-over running in both directions, it also seems to have fixed couple other annoyances I was having.
So will see how we going over the next month or so with it.
Next on the list is to deal with the Aliexpress SHARI clone I have, just need to do backup on old install to add to the new microSDHC I have #hamvoip installed on.
#digital #hamradio #hamvoip #dmr2ysf #freedmr #pistar #w0chp
Finally got off my arse and added #DMR2YSF to my #Pi-Star #hotspot, and it seems to working not to bad.
Seem traffic locally on the hotspot will go from dmr2ysf to dmr on the #Pride #Radio #Network but I can't hear anything going the opposite way πΏ
Anyways it been fun, it kept me off the streets and out the pub πΉ
At some stage I really should do up another SDCard and checkout #W0CHP #PiStar #Dash
#voice #digital #hamradio #dash #pistar #w0chp #network #radio #pride #hotspot #pi #dmr2ysf
Thank you for the activation. I am interested in many ham radio related topics...
#introducion #hamradio #dapnet #icom #yaesu #anytone #dmr #tgif #pistar #retevis #mmdvm #efhw #qrp #m5stack #raspberry #lorawan #cloudlog #rumlog
#rumlog #Cloudlog #lorawan #raspberry #m5stack #qrp #efhw #mmdvm #Retevis #pistar #tgif #dmr #anytone #yaesu #icom #DAPNET #hamradio #introducion
DAPNET pager setup seems to be working, up to a point. I'm seeing messages directed to the "us-mi" gateway (good), and seeing transmissions on my pi-star (good), but the Flipper Zero isn't hearing them (bad).
My best bet is that the pi-star is a little off frequency compared to the Flipper Zero and that I'll need to tweak the calibration. Time to get the SDR out to see what I can see.
If you are on DAPNET please page me at "w8emv" via "us-all" or "us-mi".
wait, my #pistar has #POCSAG tx support!
some details at
Ticket open with DAPNET, since it's entirely possible that I could make this all work once I get all of the accounts configured.
#DAPNET #flipperzero #F0 #pocsag #pistar
Okay, #HamRadio Mastodon, I have a question that I apparently need handholding to answer:
I have a #Radioddity #GD88 that I want to use to send #DMR SMS msgs to #SMSGTE.
I have DMR working. I have a #PiStar working and comms with #BrandMeister.
What specific steps do I need to take to actually get this thing to correctly send a DMR SMS to my phone?
Also trying to get #APRS text messaging working, but that seems like it might be a missing feature, not a lack of understanding.
#hamradio #Radioddity #gd88 #dmr #smsgte #pistar #brandmeister #aprs #amateurradio
The #PiStar is officially in a case! I had to modify it a little bit to allow the camera cable to come through but it's nice and safe now. Looking forward to making lots of contacts on #DMR and #YaesuSystemFusion. 73, folks!
#pistar #dmr #yaesusystemfusion #hamradio #3dprinting #raspberrypi #amateurradio
#POC #Pistar #WXscript #Openweathermap
T Temperature
M Max Temperature
N Low Temperature
L Humidty
W Wind speed
R Wind direction
Just for understanding howto to use Python for transmitting data via pistar-dapnetapi.
#poc #pistar #wxscript #openweathermap
#POC #Pistar #WXscript #Openweathermap
T Temperature
M Max Temperature
N Low Temperature
L Humidty
W Wind speed
R Wind direction
Just for learning howto to use Python for transmitting data via pistar-dapnetapi.
#poc #pistar #wxscript #openweathermap
No QSO yet...
As usual I get drawn into the technical investigations and forget to actually talk to someone!
I've set up a YSF reflector on my Cloud server : YSF #36650 so I can learn about them.
Then I built a 2m "real" simplex gateway with Pi-Star, an MMDVM baseband interface board an a Yaesu FT8900 in 9600bd packet mode.
Perhaps another day I might speak to someone on the radio (?)