AK-47 wielding man in Pita Pockets confrontation was on probation :
Also recovered: rifle magazines, a knife, a radio, and a high temperature flare. A park ranger also found a Glock handgun on the roadway near the Bear Cut Bridge.
#AK47 #AshantiEarp #CrandonBoulevard #Glock #PitaPockets
#Miami #news
#ak47 #ashantiearp #crandonboulevard #glock #pitapockets #miami #News
Man with AK-47 focus of Key Biscayne wild chase and crash :
“There was no ammunition, he was just wanting to scare me,” the owner said. “His purpose here was to fight me.”
#Chase #CityofMiami #CrandonBoulevard #FrankSousa #PitaPockets #rifle
#Miami #news
#chase #cityofmiami #crandonboulevard #franksousa #pitapockets #rifle #miami #News
Man with AK-47 focus of Key Biscayne wild chase and crash :
“There was no ammunition, he was just wanting to scare me,” the owner said. “His purpose here was to fight me.”
#Chase #CityofMiami #CrandonBoulevard #FrankSousa #PitaPockets #rifle
#Miami #news
#chase #cityofmiami #crandonboulevard #franksousa #pitapockets #rifle #miami #News
Does anyone on here make their own #Pitapockets at home? I find the store bought ones are often very dry and bland, looking for a better option.