J'ai un scénario pour un film de 2050. C'est comme Munich de Spielberg, mais au lieu du Mossad qui traque des ancien-nazis, c'est les services secrets d'une France vraiment écologique qui traquent Emmanuel Macron en caché en Amérique latine. #pitch
Stargazer by Linda Audio
Stargazer is a hybrid delay / reverb with shimmer grain generator.
The unique effect that can transform any sound to the ethereal shimmering soundscape,
#ambient #chorus #delay #effect #feedback #filter #free #FreeDownload #hybrid #LindaAudio #Mix #Modulation #music #Network #organ #other #Pitch #Presets #reverb #SFX #Stereo #Time #tool #transform #VST #VST3 #wider #Windows #x64 #x86
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Do you know any #startup #founders who want to polish their #pitch? I'll be the emcee for this Founder Institute event next week where you can make your pitch and see how others do theirs. It's open to everyone.
https://www.linkedin.com/events/quickfirepitching-getinstantfee7100194921910824963/ #entrepreneur #investor #funding #capital
#startup #founders #pitch #entrepreneur #investor #funding #capital
Virtual Vocaid ROMpler Plugin by SampleScience
#2023 #ADSR #AU #chorus #delay #distortion #DSP #Effects #filter #highpass #info #LFO #Library #lowpass #MacOS #Modulation #Multi #pan #Pitch #polyphonic #reverb #Rompler #SampleScience #synthesis #Voice #VSTI #VSTI3 #Windows #Words
#adsr #au #chorus #delay #distortion #dsp #effects #Filter #highpass #info #lfo #library #lowpass #macOS #modulation #multi #pan #pitch #polyphonic #reverb #rompler #samplescience #synthesis #voice #vsti #vsti3 #windows #words
Heb je een wild idee om Zeist leuker, socialer en duurzamer te maken, meld je dan aan voor de Frisse Pitch. De bedenkers van de vijf beste ideeën krijgen 1.000 euro om het idee uit te voeren. Tot 8 september kun jij je idee indienen.
Zie https://www.zeistermagazine.nl/wildeideeen
#zeist #zeistermagazine #idee #ideeen #wild #wildeideeen #wildidee #duurzamer #leuker #beter #prijsvraag #pitch #frissepitch #duizendeuro #uitvoeren #stadslab #samenduurzaamzeist
#samenduurzaamzeist #stadslab #uitvoeren #duizendeuro #frissepitch #pitch #prijsvraag #beter #leuker #duurzamer #wildidee #wildeideeen #wild #ideeen #idee #zeistermagazine #zeist
K3-V Extended by Digital Systemic Emulations[windows,MacOS,AU,VSTI,VSTI3,x64] Free Download
#additive #AU #chorus #Digital #DigitalSystemicEmulations #Effects #Emulation #filter #free #FreeDownload #KawaiK3 #MacOS #Mono #NoMoreWebside #Phase #Pitch #Synthesizer #volume #VSTI #VSTI3 #Waveforms #Wavetable #Windows #x64
#additive #au #chorus #digital #digitalsystemicemulations #effects #emulation #Filter #free #freedownload #kawaik3 #macOS #mono #nomorewebside #phase #pitch #synthesizer #volume #vsti #vsti3 #waveforms #wavetable #windows #x64
El 'fringe' de Edimburgo ha estrenado #Pitch, teatro sobre personas LGTBQ+ en el fútbol de base en Reino Unido.
Visto lo visto en el Mundial (besos forzados y brazaletes 🏳️🌈 prohibidos), me parece flagrante que por estos lares necesitaríamos algo así.
»How to Make a Compelling #Pitch: most jobs require the ability to influence, persuade, and convince others.« https://hbr.org/2023/08/how-to-make-a-compelling-pitch?eicker.news #tech #media
Ohmforce plugins are now legacy and FREE of charge
#2023 #AudioDamage #crazy #delay #Developer #distortion #experimental #filter #Forever #free #FreeDownload #Future #fx #granular #Legacy #looping #MacOS #Morphing #Multi #Ohmforce #old #phaser #Pitch #sampler #Time #Windows
#audiodamage #crazy #delay #developer #distortion #experimental #Filter #forever #free #freedownload #future #fx #granular #legacy #looping #macOS #morphing #multi #ohmforce #old #phaser #pitch #sampler #time #windows
Soundiron Rainsong 2.0 KONTAKT [FREE]
#AAX #ambience #ambient #AU #City #Classic #delay #Digital #distortion #drive #DSP #easy #effect #Effects #EQ #Fade #filter #Fire #flanger #free #fx #Hard #Hardware #Impulse #Keys #Kontakt #KontaktPlayer #layer #LFO #Library #lowpass #Mix #Modular #Modulation #NativeInstruments #NKS #notes #Online #Pads #Patches #phaser #Pitch #player #plucks #Presets #Rain #RAW #rev
#aax #ambience #ambient #au #city #classic #delay #digital #distortion #drive #dsp #easy #effect #effects #eq #fade #Filter #fire #flanger #free #fx #hard #hardware #impulse #keys #kontakt #kontaktplayer #layer #lfo #library #lowpass #mix #modular #modulation #nativeinstruments #nks #notes #online #pads #patches #phaser #pitch #player #plucks #presets #rain #raw #rev
https://www.eucup.com/334788/ BEHIND BLUE EYES EP.4 | Everton’s Grounds Staff #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #BehindTheScenes #Blues #brazil #bts #Club #EFC #everton #farm; #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #finch #football #goodison; #GroundsStaff #League #Pitch #Premier #The #toffees #Weverton #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #behindthescenes #blues #brazil #bts #club #efc #everton #farm #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #finch #football #goodison #groundsstaff #league #pitch #premier #the #toffees #weverton #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
Which of these fandoms would you like to see me write more shota content for in the future? #WillyWanker #Ao3 #shota #smut #shotacon #r18 #nsfw #Southpark #Stan #Kyle #Butters #Kenny #DragonBallZ #DBZ #Gohan #Trunks #Goten #KidGoku #Pokemon #Ash #Ash_Ketchum #Satoshi #Youngster #Max #Masato #Pokephilia #Bestiality
#Rise_of_the_guardians #Riseoftheguardians #Jamie_Bennett #Jack_Frost #Pitch
P.s. Should have the second chapter of Sm'whores out soon 🤞
#ash_ketchum #willywanker #ao3 #shota #smut #shotacon #r18 #nsfw #southpark #stan #kyle #butters #kenny #dragonballz #dbz #gohan #trunks #goten #kidgoku #pokemon #ash #satoshi #youngster #max #masato #pokephilia #bestiality #rise_of_the_guardians #riseoftheguardians #Jamie_Bennett #Jack_Frost #pitch
Re @DealflowEU 🌟 From your company profile, you can easily add your #Pitch. This will open a modal where you can provide a title, description, image, YouTube URL, or PDF to provide additional information.
To pitch your startup, you only need to sign up and claim your profile.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/InnoRadarEU/status/1687327506506952704
MShift8 Multi Band Plugin by Flandersh Tech
#doubler #effect #Flandersh #FlandershTech #free #FreeDownload #Gain #KVRChallenge #Multi #pan #Pitch #vocals #VST3 #Windows
#doubler #effect #flandersh #flandershtech #free #freedownload #gain #kvrchallenge #multi #pan #pitch #vocals #vst3 #windows
SFX 1 by slapassound[Windows,MacOS,VSTI,VSTI3,AU,x64] Free
#ADSR #AU #DAW #easy #effect #Effects #filter #free #fx #Library #MacOS #music #pan #Pitch #Random #reverb #Rompler #Samples #SFX #Simple #slapassound #VST #VSTI #VSTI3 #wav #Windows #x64
#adsr #au #daw #easy #effect #effects #Filter #free #fx #library #macOS #music #pan #pitch #random #reverb #rompler #samples #sfx #simple #slapassound #vst #vsti #vsti3 #wav #windows #x64
Adding Two Axes Makes CNC Router More Than the Sum of Its Parts - The problem with building automated systems is that it’s hard to look at any probl... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/26/adding-two-axes-makes-cnc-router-more-than-the-sum-of-its-parts/ #herringbone #automation #production #cnchacks #bearing #spindle #5-axis #router #pitch #cnc #rol
#rol #cnc #pitch #router #spindle #bearing #cnchacks #production #automation #herringbone
Hear me out:
Eddie Griffin returns in the buddy comedy: "Undercover Indian Brother" ( UIB )
Kinda like "Mississippi Masala" or or "Rush Hour" or "Romeo Must Die" or "Harold and Kumar", you get the idea.
I wonder who would play the Indian dude. 🤩
#film #hollywood #script #pitch
There is excellent, sophisticated work being done, and opportunities to take it further.
This paper beautifully demonstrating a rigorous approach to validation of a #simulation based #evaluation tool. Would love to see this expanded to model #endotracheal tube #pitch, #roll and #yaw. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36598824/
#simulation #evaluation #endotracheal #pitch #roll #yaw
Full Bucket Music Nabla v1.3.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]
#Amp #Arm #AU #CLAP #delay #effect #Effects #Equalizer #feedback #filter #free #FullBucketMusic #Intel #Korg #KorgDeltaDL50 #LFO #limited #lowpass #MacOS #MIDI #Modulation #music #notes #phaser #Pitch #Strings #Synthesizer #True #Voices #VST3 #VSTI #VSTI3 #Windows #x64 #x86
#amp #arm #au #clap #delay #effect #effects #equalizer #feedback #Filter #free #fullbucketmusic #intel #korg #korgdeltadl50 #lfo #limited #lowpass #macOS #midi #modulation #music #notes #phaser #pitch #strings #synthesizer #true #voices #vst3 #vsti #vsti3 #windows #x64 #x86