C. Harris Floudas · @chfloudas
96 followers · 1005 posts · Server mstdn.social

Excited for participating in this platform study with an expert team from @NICHD_NIH, in the first step of studying the spatial biology of corticotroph tumors, revealing their heterogeneity.


#pituitary #visium #spatialtranscriptomics

Last updated 1 year ago

Nicola Romanò · @nicolaromano
130 followers · 405 posts · Server qoto.org

Very happy to share our newly published "Sex differences in pituitary corticotroph excitability".

It is well known that sex differences exist in stress-related disorders, with women having twice the lifetime rate of depression compared to men and most anxiety disorders.

Corticotroph cells in the pituitary gland are a key player in the generation of hormonal stress responses. However, their contribution to sexually differential responses of the stress axis (which might underlie differences in stress-related disorders) is very poorly understood.

We found sex differences in the electrical activity of these cells, which could be related to differences in their gene expression pattern.

These findings shed light on the cellular mechanisms underlying sex differences in stress responses, contributing to a better understanding of stress-related disorders and potential avenues for diagnosis and treatment.


#stress #pituitary #research #electrophysiology #physiology #corticotrophs #article #hpa #anxiety

Last updated 1 year ago

After sufficient decades to finally have take my needs seriously, and showing the endo my box of overseas HGH (Gentropin, only $14/d at my dose!😭), I finally have a $10/90-days prescription and a dose pen for injections.

#healthcare #medication #Endocrinology #hormone #pituitary

Last updated 2 years ago

This is what looks like when treating a .

I'll never know exactly when or why it started taking over that part of my system but it's nice to know that I can ask for the right when don't know what to do or want to "see if it will get bigger". No thanks. I'd prefer a 13.6x reduction to the middle of reference range for this hormone.

Now, maybe they'll stop asking stupid questions when I ask for "uncommon labs". 🤦🏼‍♀️🤯

#Remission #pituitary #tumor #endocrine #medication #kaiserpermanente #doctors

Last updated 2 years ago

ukneurosurgeon · @ukneurosurgeon
12 followers · 42 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Best meetings of the year @bnes_uk@twitter.com and this CPC

Day long case based discussions and problem solving, keynotes and updates

Highly recommended

#Neurosurgery #pituitary #Endocrinology

Last updated 2 years ago

Pre and postoperative mri of a px w\ a pituitary adenoma which was succesfully treated with a complete extracapsular endoscopic resection.

#nsgy #skullbase #extracapsular #pituitary #adenoma

Last updated 2 years ago

redkiraz · @redkiraz
130 followers · 547 posts · Server mstdn.social

RT @ChantalBritt@twitter.com

Great @VirusesImmunity@twitter.com talk about :
most likely not driver
focus on tissue damage, viral reservoirs, dysbiosis & reactivation
cortisol levels lower (defect in and/or ?)
more antibodies, less functional to neutralise SARS2

🐦🔗: twitter.com/ChantalBritt/statu

#pituitary #hypothalamus #vzv #EBV #autoimmunity #LongCovid

Last updated 2 years ago

ukneurosurgeon · @ukneurosurgeon
7 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

Managed to attend the @NHSGIRFT@twitter.com Endocrinology session at with Prof Wass presenting on surgery

#sfebes2022 #pituitary

Last updated 2 years ago

ukneurosurgeon · @ukneurosurgeon
7 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

It was an excellent session and thanks to for the invite - also really nice to catch up with my many endocrinology friends and colleagues

RT @hormone_doc@twitter.com

Some of the most complex patients we look after. Disease management and monitoring , hormone replacement, Late effects of treatments Inc RT/PBT

🐦🔗: twitter.com/hormone_doc/status

#sfebes2022 #craniopharyngioma #pituitary

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Gatewaybeast
55 followers · 7609 posts · Server brighteon.social

🔥 Throwbacks Headlines: The also contained a high number of proviral remnants, as did the gland, which is a bean-shaped structure in your brain that produces . maddoctors2020.blogspot.com/20

#hormones #pituitary #thyroid

Last updated 2 years ago

DiabEndo :pancreas: · @DiabEndo
2 followers · 6 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

@nick can we request emoji? Wishlist: (pump,CGM) & if you want a serious challenge a 😃 :pancreas:

#Thyroid #adrenal #diabetestech #pituitary

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicola Romanò · @nicolaromano
43 followers · 47 posts · Server qoto.org

I thought I would share this image, which I took a while ago, but that I really like! This is a gland where cells expressing a protein called proopiomelanocortin (POMC for short) have been coloured in green. You can see two groups of cells; a very packed band in the middle and some sparse cells on the sides. The first are called melanotrophs, and they are important in determining skin and fur colour. The sparse cells on the sides are called corticotrophs (and that's what I am studying at the moment!) and they are important for the response to . They secrete an called ACTH which stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol from the adrenal gland. At the moment we are trying to understand what happens to this cells after the body is exposed to stress for a prolonged amount of time.

#pituitary #stress #hormone #scicomm #biology #science #physiology #microscopy

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicola Romanò · @nicolaromano
43 followers · 47 posts · Server qoto.org

Hello everyone! Here's my ! I am a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, mostly teaching biomedical and ( and all that jazz) using and . My research interests revolve around that is, understanding how your brain controls the production of hormones in your body. I am particularly interested in the role of of cells in the gland and how that contributes to generating the right pattern of hormones at the right time!

#machinelearning #statistics #rstats #python #neuroendocrinology #heterogeneity #pituitary #introduction #ImageAnalysis #datascience

Last updated 2 years ago