The Pixel 6a also returns among the phones available in the J-D STORE.
#grapheneOS couldn't be left out of the alternative mobile OS options to choose from!
#pixel6a #googlepixel
#grapheneos #pixel6a #GooglePixel
Un dimanche matin parfait pour continuer ce week-end en amoureux :
Ça se résume en un 5 kilomètres en course à pied suivi d'un kilomètre de nage en mer à marée montante. Impossible de nager dans la piscine tellement elle est recouverte.
Le paysage d'hier n'a rien à voir avec celui de ce matin. C'est précieux les grandes marées : à chaque mouvement d'eau, c'est une ville différente qui s'offre à nous.
#silentsaturday #pixel6a
#1jour1souvenir #photography #bynight #pixel6a
Coucher de soleil à Saint Malo, marée haute.
#1jour1souvenir #photography #bynight #pixel6a
@Vivaldi @volla
Volla phones are manufactured in Germany.
I hope they have a long walk through the #privacy hill. Multiboot and rugged is a good start.
At beginning of the year I bought a #Pixel6A and I flashed it with #GrapheneOS (of course without #GApps), so for now not, but I'll keep the #VollaPhones as an open option for future sight.
#privacy #pixel6a #grapheneos #gapps #vollaphones
Vous souvenez vous de la colline de #Windows XP ?
22 ans plus tard, la nature a repris un peu ses droits. Toutefois, on l'a reconnaît bien, non ?
#photography #pixel6a #Bretagne
#windows #photography #pixel6a #bretagne
Bin gerade schwer von der #Knappschaft IT begeistert. Nach dem letzten #Update wollte mein #Pixel6a die Knappschaft Apps nicht mehr verwenden und nun bin ich quasi Testperson für Pixel geworden :) So lange es anderen Usern auch hilft mache ich das doch gerne
draft - how could ios/iphone/apple innovate upon the existing android multiple user profile setup?
related - pixel, 6a, 7a, pixel8, iphone15, ios17, app/data segregation, guest mode, chat/dating, digital wellbeing, fast user switching, notifications, privacy, security...
#fastuserswitching, #notifications
#pixel6a #iphone #pixel7a #pixel8 #iphone13mini #iphone15 #ios17 #appsegregation #datasegregation #guestmode #chatdating #digitalwellbeing #fastuserswitching #notifications #privacy #security
adfree ios17 launcher play store - searching ... -
related - #android #ios #pixel6a #pixel7a #documentlayout #lefttorighttoptobottom #springboard #organization #organized #easyaccess #fun #widgets #grid #cool #2x2appfolder #3x3 #ontrolcenter
#android #iOS #pixel6a #pixel7a #documentlayout #lefttorighttoptobottom #springboard #organization #organized #easyaccess #fun #widgets #grid #cool #2x2appfolder #3x3 #ontrolcenter
The lasted Android beta 14.5 from Google is available for download this morning (27/7/2023)
Am downloading for my Pixel6a now
#androidbetaprogram #pixel6a #Google
#androidbetaprogram #pixel6a #google
Ich habe erstmal #xmpp und #Matrix gelöscht und #briar deaktiviert. Aktuell finde ich keinen #Stromfresser, werde das aber nun sehe intensiv im Auge haben.
#xmpp #matrix #briar #stromfresser #pixel6a
@Thalestria Hm, also was die Temperatur angeht, so immer beim Laden und je nachdem was für eine App ich nutze.
Aufladen immer 2x am Tag
#Pixel6a #GrapheneOS ist nebenbei soooooo geil
Android beta 14.4 is now available. Downloaded and installed 👍now to play with it. #androidbetaprogram #pixel6a #android
#androidbetaprogram #pixel6a #android
Hornet Plumehorn / Hornissenschwebfliege (Volucella zonaria) #TeamPixel #pixel6a
Here's a crazy story about my #googlepixel phone, #water and #recovery. The story starts yesterday at 2pm in Freeport, Maine when I went canoeing with my wife and daughter.
Because I'm such a great canoer, we flipped over shortly after starting, with everyone falling into the water. No worries, everyone is safe.
5 hours later, I could suddenly trace my phone via "find my device".
Apparently, tide went down and my #pixel6a (which is water resistant) went back online.
Crazy !!
#googlepixel #water #recovery #pixel6a