I've released a #PixelDrain CLI client v0.7.1. It fixes a path parsing error on Windows.
#pixeldrain #golang #openapi #swagger
#PixelDrain CLIクライアントのv0.7.1を公開しました。
#swagger #openapi #golang #pixeldrain
#PixelDrain CLIクライアントのv0.7.0を公開しました。
#swagger #openapi #golang #pixeldrain
I've released a #PixelDrain CLI client v0.7.0. It now supports end-to-end encryption!
#pixeldrain #golang #openapi #swagger
#PixelDrain CLIクライアントのv0.6.3を公開しました。
#swagger #openapi #golang #pixeldrain
#PixelDrain CLIクライアントのv0.6.2を公開しました。
#swagger #openapi #golang #pixeldrain
#PixelDrain CLIクライアントのv0.6.1を公開しました。
#swagger #openapi #golang #pixeldrain
#PixelDrain CLIクライアントの v0.6.0 を公開しました。
#swagger #openapi #golang #pixeldrain
@fornax Nice looking sharing service. Just name is ehm - #pixeldrain - #rebrand !
📬 Ddownload Partnerprogramm: Vergütung wird deutlich reduziert
#Sharehoster #Szene #Warez #DDLto #DDownload #DdownloadPartnerprogramm #FornaxianTechnologies #pcloud #Pixeldrain #zippyshare https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/szene/warez/sharehoster/ddownload-partnerprogramm-verguetung-wird-deutlich-reduziert-272339.html
#zippyshare #pixeldrain #pcloud #fornaxiantechnologies #ddownloadpartnerprogramm #DDownload #ddlto #warez #szene #sharehoster
How is #pixeldrain performing today? The new 100 gigabit server is running really well as far as I can tell.
I'm experimenting with the new server. You might see the free download limit fluctuate a bit. On this server it's currently set to 100 GB to give it a proper load test. If you would like to try it out go to https://focus.pixeldrain.com. It might be a little unstable
RT @Fornax96
Currently testing a 100 gigabit server for #pixeldrain. It has 128 cores, 256 threads and a terabyte of RAM
Currently testing a 100 gigabit server for #pixeldrain. It has 128 cores, 256 threads and a terabyte of RAM
The growth in Patreon subscribers this month has already made up for the loss of ad revenue. I'm pretty sure #pixeldrain can survive without ads if this trend keeps up.
I have added a zip archive preview to #pixeldrain. I wanted to add the option to download individual files from the zip too, but that was more work than I expected.
#Pixeldrain is now (temporarily) ad free! I have replaced the ads with links to my socials, and a plea to support the site on Patreon, of course.
#Pixeldrain is making its way to 100 Petabytes of transferred data and 1 billion file views. We're currently at 90.9 PB and 920M views.
Maybe I'll make a public page for these stats someday.
#Pixeldrain is making its way to 100 Petabytes of transferred data and 1 billion file views. We're currently at 90.9 PB and 920M views.
Maybe I'll make a public page for these stats someday.