Difficult to choose only three. I'd say #PixelWheels, a fun and challenging retro racing game; #Osmand for GPS routing and #Openstreetmap editing; and #DAVx⁵ for tasks, calendar and contacts syncing with #Nextcloud (which is also in #FDroid).
#pixelwheels #osmand #openstreetmap #davx #nextcloud #fdroid
Kode irekiko Pixel Wheels retro lasterketa jokoa euskaratu du Josu Igoa zaleak
#bideojokoak #pixelwheels #euskara
Pixel Wheels is a retro racing game now available on itch.io for Linux - try it out! https://agateau.itch.io/pixelwheels #linux #linuxgaming #retro #racing #topview #pixelwheels
#linux #linuxgaming #retro #topview #pixelwheels #racing
@agateau Just wondering... is #Pixelwheels available for #MobileLinux? (ie #Pinephone / #Librem5)
#librem5 #pinephone #mobilelinux #pixelwheels
Un gioco ancora in fase beta ma sempre aggiornato e completamente giocabile. Gareggia per il primo posto con Pixel Wheels!
#alternative #privacy #pixelwheels #game #games #opensource #android #windows #linux #macos --> LINK -->
#alternative #privacy #pixelwheels #game #games #opensource #android #windows #linux #macos
Pixel Wheels è un videogioco ancora in sviluppo ma è possibile partecipare alla demo per divertirsi un po' con queste macchinine!
#alternative #game #games #pixelwheels #opensource // LINK -> https://www.lealternative.net/2020/04/04/pixel-wheels/
#alternative #game #games #pixelwheels #opensource
Nel weekend ci piace spesso ricordare qualche gioco open source recensito. Pixel Wheels è un videogame ancora in fase di sviluppo ma davvero molto divertente!
#alternative #27giugno #pixelwheels #android #windows #linux #macos
#alternative #27giugno #pixelwheels #android #windows #linux #macos
C'est un genre de #wipEout avec des graphismes à la #FunTracks, le tout en #LicenceLibre et à emporter partout avec soi ! #PixelWheels
#pixelwheels #licencelibre #FunTracks #wipeout
C'est un genre de #wipEout avec des graphismes à la #FunTracks, le tout en #LicenceLibre et à emporter partout avec soi ! #PixelWheels
#pixelwheels #licencelibre #FunTracks #wipeout
Oh, je viens de découvrir un super jeu de course sur #fdroid : #PixelWheels !
Oh, je viens de découvrir un super jeu de course sur #fdroid : #PixelWheels !
Shout out to #PixelWheels, a very nice little 2D top-down racing game that I found yesterday on @fdroidorg !
The game is far from finished but is already challenging while being fun and easy to play.
Gamepad support is coming to #pixelwheels! Going to try to convince my colleagues to try a split-screen session during lunch break tomorrow :)