I just had my mind blown reading about the cavity antenna on the @Raspberry_Pi #PiZeroW.
I was looking for some sort of thin trace like you might see on a phone; I was not expecting the small, triangular notch to be a radio transceiver!
#pihole #raspberrypi #pizerow
Setting Up A Pi-hole Network Ad Blocker On A Raspberry Pi Zero W, Step by Step
#pihole #raspberrypi #pizerow
Setting Up A Pi-hole Network Ad Blocker On A Raspberry Pi Zero W, Step by Step
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: A Wrist-Worn Deck with a Hybrid Interface https://hackaday.com/2022/10/16/2022-cyberdeck-contest-a-wrist-worn-deck-with-a-hybrid-interface/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #cyberdecks #waveshare #contests #wearable #pizerow #pip-boy
#2022CyberdeckContest #cyberdecks #waveshare #contests #wearable #pizerow #pip
2022 Cyberdeck Contest: A Wrist-Worn Deck with a Hybrid Interface - You’d think that now that the 2022 Cyberdeck Contest is wrapped up, we’d stop writ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/16/2022-cyberdeck-contest-a-wrist-worn-deck-with-a-hybrid-interface/ #2022cyberdeckcontest #cyberdecks #waveshare #contests #wearable #pizerow #pip-boy
#pip #pizerow #wearable #contests #waveshare #cyberdecks #2022cyberdeckcontest
RT @thelovebug@twitter.com
Just over 7 days remaining until the five of us descend on @oggcamp@twitter.com in Manchester wearing these little beauties from @pimoroni@twitter.com. I'll have a #PiZeroW on hand to update them on the fly in case we get bored with them, or in case someone wants to know how it works! #OggCamp #inkypHAT
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thelovebug/status/1182687551330627586
#KaliZeroFM: #RaspberryPi #PiZeroW, #BlackBerry #Z10 battery, #TP4056 charger, a small antenna, #kalilinux, #PiFmRds, #nexmon, #aircrack, #kismet, #bettercap and a lot of other tools in a #HarrowsDarts box. Waiting for an 128*64 I2C OLED. https://mastodon.xyz/media/uloZaqoEOzsd8OHr7N4 https://mastodon.xyz/media/Ol0F1JLOagtwQTKkFvM
#kalizerofm #raspberrypi #pizerow #blackberry #z10 #tp4056 #kalilinux #pifmrds #nexmon #aircrack #kismet #bettercap #harrowsdarts
How come a USB charger housing that will fit a #PiZeroW for #pentesting / as a drop box to hide in plain sight isn't something I can buy by now? I don't have a 3D printer :( #ubiquitouscomputing #needsmoarubiquitous
#pizerow #pentesting #ubiquitouscomputing #needsmoarubiquitous
MagPi 61: ten amazing Raspberry Pi Zero W projects https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/magpi-61-10-pi-zero-projects/ #themagpimagazine #magpimagazine #aiyprojects #pizerow
#themagpimagazine #magpimagazine #aiyprojects #pizerow