Looks like everyone's favourite good news story has got another 30 day run 😂 ✊
Love your work, Romanian justice system.
#PizzaTate #Politics #PoeticJustice #Misogyny #PeopleTrafficking
#peopletrafficking #misogyny #poeticjustice #politics #pizzatate
Poor little sex-trafficking misogynist ... 😥 🎻
Looking roooough.
#AndrewTate said he broke a woman’s jaw and that his business was a ‘#scam’ ahead of #Romanian charges – #lockhimup #pizzatate #rape #humantrafficking
Andrew Tate once called his sexually explicit webcam business a “total scam” and boasted on his website that he lured women in by getting them to fall in love with him. He also boasted on a podcast that he broke a woman’s jaw in a bar fight and “got away with it.”
#andrewtate #scam #romanian #lockhimup #pizzatate #rape #humantrafficking
🚨WOOP WOOP 🚨 🥳🥳🎉
Right on time for the weekend, Romanian police have provided us with another bit of unalloyed good news.
#PizzaTate #Politics #Karma
Die Luxuskarossen, mit denen #PizzaTate gegenüber Greta Thunberg prahlte, sind dann mal weg. Die Rumänische Polizei hat sie beschlagnahmt.
Influencer #Tate bleibt in #Rumänien in #Untersuchungshaft – #Gericht wies #Berufungsantrag zurück – #lockhimup #pizzatate #rape #humantrafficking #AndrewTate
Tate-Brüdern wird Gründung einer kriminellen Vereinigung und Menschenhandel vorgeworfen. Andrew Tate bleibt in Rumänien in Haft. Ein Gericht wies am Dienstagabend einen Berufungsantrag gegen die Untersuchungshaft zurück, den Tate, sein inhaftierter Bruder Tristan und zwei rumänische Mittäterinnen gestellt haben
#tate #rumanien #untersuchungshaft #gericht #Berufungsantrag #lockhimup #pizzatate #rape #humantrafficking #andrewtate
After 12 whole days in a Romanian prison, Andrew Tate wants to have his toys back and go home.
Romanian judge say: NO.
😂 #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #Politics #PizzaTate
#pizzatate #politics #ENDviolenceagainstwomen
#FRAUENHASS – #Tate wurde bereits 2015 wegen #Vergewaltigungsvorwürfen festgenommen – #pizzatate #LockHimUp #rape #humantrafficking #AndrewTate
Zwei Frauen erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen den ehemaligen Kickboxer und die britische Polizei. Dort wurden die Ermittlungen verschleppt. Bereits vor sieben Jahren stand der ehemalige Kickboxer und frauenhassende Influencer Andrew Tate im Verdacht Frauen ausgebeutet, misshandelt und vergewaltigt zu haben.
#frauenhass #tate #vergewaltigungsvorwurfen #pizzatate #lockhimup #rape #humantrafficking #andrewtate
FWIW, I also tried searching for the far more popular #PizzaTate (as well as my rather niche interest in #CulturalNorms) in the search bar and got nothing, though if I click on a toot with #PizzaTate (that I have already stumbled upon) I then do see tons more toots with that hashtag
Is this a bug or a feature?
Something to cheer you all up on a Friday night:
Romanian Police Seize Four More of Andrew Tate's Cars
🤣😂🤣#Politics #PizzaTate
I am proud to announce that I own the same number of Bugattis as #PizzaTate
RT @SydesJokes
#AndrewTate has had his 33 cars seized by the Romanian authorities 🤣 #SmallDickEnergy @Cobratate @GretaThunberg #PizzaTate #PizzaTateGate
#pizzatategate #pizzatate #SmallDickEnergy #andrewtate
So, anyone who wants to revel in the Andrew Tate arrest just a liiiiiittle bit more (go on, you know it makes sense), the latest edition of the Guardian's Today In Focus podcast is all about it. 🧐
#PizzaTate #Politics #Podcasts
#podcasts #politics #pizzatate
if y'all haven't seen #Barbarian yet—it's beautiful. A surprisingly meaningful movie and a perfect response to the "feminism has gone too far" mentality that we need to process post- #PizzaTate
#Horror #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity #Filmastodon #Cinemastodon
#cinemastodon #filmastodon #HorrorCommunity #HorrorFamily #HorrorFam #horror #barbarian #pizzatate
Hopefully their pizzas are as delicious as #PizzaTate 's, with much the same consequences for the consumer!