Closing Time | The Glorious Land #Algemeen #PJHarvey
I wish this was in the list of #ThingsIHaveComeToIgnore but sadly I'm still annoyed by: bands that change their names between releases but only *slightly*.
Here's looking at you,
P J Harvey → PJ Harvey
Belle & Sebastian → Belle and Sebastian
#thingsihavecometoignore #pjharvey #belleandsebastian
This song comes next #pjharvey #theGloriousLand
"How is our glorious country ploughed?
Not by iron ploughs
How is our glorious country ploughed?
Not by iron ploughs
Our lands is ploughed by tanks and feet
Feet marching
Our lands is ploughed by tanks and feet
Feet marching
Oh, America
Oh, England
Oh, America
Oh, England
How is our glorious country sown?
Not with wheat and corn"
#nowlistening my favorite #pjharvey song
#WeFloat #music
"But now we float
We take life as It comes"
#nowlistening #pjharvey #wefloat #music
Only halfway through, but already P.J. Harvey's new album 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' is my jam. Her wonderful ethereal vocals draw you right in. Looking forward to the gig even more now!
#pollyjean #iinsidetheoldyeardying #pjharvey #orlam
Si «Henry Lee» est le plusbeau duo de l’histoire du rock, est-ce qu’on peut dire que «Where the Wild Roses Grow» est le plus beau duo de l’histoire de la pop?
Même si je préfère #PJHarvey à #KylieMinogue, entre les deux duos de de #NickCave sur l’album Murder Ballads, je ne sais pas lequel est mon préféré.
Bonne Journée
#pjharvey #kylieminogue #nickcave
Hello hello les ami.e.s
1996, #NickCave et #PJHarvey sortent le plus beau duo de l’histoire du rock sur l’album Murder Ballads.
Le couple à la ville durera quelques mois, Polly ne supportant pas les problèmes de Nick avec la drogue et « le concept de monogamie ».
Il finira par se soigner et à fonder une famille mais c’est une autre histoire. Après la rupture, elle sortira le très beau Is this desire ? Et lui le non moins excellent the Boatman’s call.
Bonne journée 🤘🏻
Two blog posts in one weekend!? I'm out of control. So, anyway, here's what I had for dinner . . .
#Blog #SittingInOblivion #Music #Photography #Philadelphia #Philly #Food #ShoppingCarts #PJHarvey
#blog #sittinginoblivion #music #photography #philadelphia #philly #food #shoppingcarts #pjharvey
John Parish(たぶん)とPJ Harveyの震える歌声の重なりにぞくぞくする。さわったらくずれてしまいそうな繊細さ。#NowListeng #nowplaying #pjharvey #iinsidetheoldyeardying
#iinsidetheoldyeardying #pjharvey #nowplaying #NowListeng
I don't exactly know why I am comparing them, but it's astonishing how good is the new album by #PJHarvey and how weak was #DepecheMode 's "Memento Mori".
(I know all the praise for "Memento Mori". I just cannot agree. And I consider myself a fan.)
Ho scritto una roba (non so cosa sia, di certo non una recensione) su I Inside the Old Year Dying di #PJHarvey, e in questo caldo ferragosto Nazione Indiana me l'ha pubblicata.
Buona lettura, buoni ascolti, buone letture.
Another nice record store run. A classic PJ Harvey album and of course another Elvis Costello find. Turns out this Rid of Me pressing is an 'unofficial pressing' but still sounds great and is a cool white marble so I'm happy enough.
Thanks Rollin' Records Boise.
#cratedigging #recordpull #music #elviscostello #goodbyecruelworld #pjharvey #ridofme
#cratedigging #recordpull #music #elviscostello #goodbyecruelworld #pjharvey #ridofme
BTW das PJ Harvey Bild hängt endlich gerahmt. Inzwischen gefällt es mir auch so. #PJHarvey
Ik ben nog steeds zwaar verliefd op de nieuwe plaat van #PJHarvey: I Inside The Old Year Dying.
PJ Harvey, "Working for the Man"
#Music #LiveMusic #PJHarvey #ProbablyBetterThanYourSoloLaptopProject
#music #livemusic #pjharvey #probablybetterthanyoursololaptopproject
Electropopband opgericht in 2007 te Los Angeles, vernoemd naar een album van #PJHarvey.
Het duo ontmoet elkaar tijdens een spelletje paintball in 2006, beiden spelen al in bands, #CamillaGrey in Lo-fi band #Mellowdrone en speelt keyboards bij artiesten als #DrDre en #MelissaAufDerMaur, Leisha Hailey speelt tot dan bij #TheMurmurs en speelt in tv show #TheLWord.
Op 24 juli 2007 komt hun eerste EP uit, I See Red.
In 2016 stopt de band om te werken aan soloprojecten
#uhuhher #pjharvey #camillagrey #mellowdrone #drdre #melissaaufdermaur #themurmurs #thelword
These albums have enriched my life immeasurably, I’m sure some of you 90s/00s kids can relate! I put them in my personal chronological order here, the order in which I bought them and fell in love with them. If it hadn't been for them I wouldn't be a musician! What are your faves?
#nirvana #toriamos #portishead #muse #bjork #fionaapple #radiohead #pjharvey #skunkanansie #thomyork #nineinchnails #moloko #anjagarbarek #davidbowie #billieeilish #90smusic #00smusic
#nirvana #toriamos #portishead #muse #bjork #fionaapple #radiohead #pjharvey #skunkanansie #thomyork #nineinchnails #moloko #anjagarbarek #davidbowie #billieeilish #90smusic #00smusic
Bonne nuit les p’tits mammouths,
Que la nuit soit fraîche… et douce…
PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? - Live - West 54th - 1999
#pouetradio #soundcheck #pjharvey #live