Early 2016 I was on a blogging streak. For 100 days straight, I shared my tips around #GTD, #InboxZero, #RSS, #PKM, and various tools and methods I used to manage my work life.
I think it’s time to revisit those topics, and make the 2023 edition. But this time in English, not in Swedish.
I want fewer app feature #PKM videos and more “I made this wonderful thing people care about using a PKM-based workflow and here's how I did it, step by step" videos.
#pkm #obsidian #ObsidianMD #logseq #tana #heptabase
#ObsidianMD - Stimmt, das Hover Editor Plugin für Obsidian sollte man sich genauer anschauen. Es kann z.B.: - Preview notes on hover
Installation über die Software, GitHub hier: https://github.com/nothingislost/obsidian-hover-editor #pkm
Later this month, I will attend Cohort 10 of Action-Powered Productivity. The course is tool-agnostic. The attendees and alumni use #PKM tools like #Tana, #Obsidian, and #Logseq, and no one has only a single tool in their toolbox (so you'll see #DEVONthink, #Todoist, #Drafts, and many others). I have attended cohorts in the past, including the very first one, back when everyone was using #Roam, and I always get a lot out of it.
It would be great to see you there!
#pkm #tana #obsidian #logseq #devonthink #todoist #drafts #roam
Tip of the day: #Markdown is a plain text file format that has become more popular in some circles outside web work. #Markdown allows you to write and add formatting with simple, plain text characters. However, the appearance may be a bit plain for some tastes. Here’s how you can change it. #devonthink #pkm #productivity #tipoftheday https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20201020-markdown-styling-in-devonthink
#markdown #devonthink #pkm #productivity #tipoftheday
Just updated my Obsidian weekly tasks to include checking the covid-19 situation in Japan through those websites:
#covidjapan #japancovid #新型コロナウイルス #国立感染症研究所 #obsidian #pkm
Sometimes a note-taking app should remain a note-taking app. Had interesting conversations with #PKM enthusiasts yesterday & I've decided to move my tasks out of #Obsidian. I list the reasons why here:
#NoteTaking #Tech #ProjectManagement #Todoist
#pkm #obsidian #notetaking #tech #projectmanagement #todoist
Does anyone know a good cli-based #PKM solution for #Linux. I love tools like #logseq and #obsidianmd, but I am not able to find any CLI based #frontend for them, to streamline my #workflow. I am thankful for any suggestion you have.
#pkm #linux #logseq #obsidianmd #frontend #workflow
Tip of the day: We not only take the development of our applications seriously, we are strongly committed to their support as well. One additional resource available in #DEVONthink and #DEVONagent Pro is the Support Assistant window. Here’s what you’ll find there. #pkm #productivity #support #tipoftheday https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230119-support-assistant
#devonthink #devonagent #pkm #productivity #support #tipoftheday
@daviddelven Hmm. For me, #PKM and #notetaking are modal. Sometimes, it’s about capturing everything as quickly as possible. (I tell myself I’ll clean up later. And I do. Sometimes. 😮) But other times, it's about thoughtful reflection and seeking connection -- and that's when Properties become really useful. I *like* musing over how one thing connects to another. Is reflection and thoughtfulness friction? If so, my vault has never been frictionless ... but it's always been useful. #Obsidian
Well hello there #Capacities. We are going to have ourselves a fun time together. Four hours ago I barely knew what you were and now I’m up way too late and the rabbit hole is expanding. This is going to be awesome!
Where has this app been hiding? The last thing I need is another #notetaking or #pkm app to play with but I can’t resist.
Tempted to stop using #Obsidian as a task manager for work and use #Todoist or heck, Jira. But I like how I can connect my project notes with my tasks in Obsidian. Just that as a task manager, it isn't as robust as it should be.
#projectmanagement #obsidian #todoist #tech #pkm
If you don't convert your fleeting or literature notes into permanent ones, you won't be able to extract value from your #pkm vault.
In my opinion, the most effective approach is to connect these notes with others and explore new ideas and thoughts that can emerge from those connections.
For that, I’m using the graph and in #obsidian and Zettelkasten. Hbu?
As every month, 15% of #ActionsForObsidian's revenue (after App Store fees & VAT) sponsors the #OpenSource developers whose work helps me make my app.
Much ❤️ to the #FOSS community!
Open source is the backbone of the global software-based economy. Talk to your employer about sustainability in this area too — if your company makes/uses/sells software but doesn't sponsor any of the #FOSS projects/libraries it uses under the hood, it's disrespecting them.
#actionsforobsidian #opensource #foss #obsidianmd #obsidian #pkm #shortcutsapp
Tip of the day: A popular application for making notes is Apple Notes. But maybe you would like to transfer your notes to #DEVONthink, individual notes or all? While there isn’t a way to sync your notes with #DEVONthink, here are a few options for copying your notes into our application. #notetaking #pkm #productivity #thirdparties #tipoftheday https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230509-switch-from-apple-notes
#devonthink #notetaking #pkm #productivity #thirdparties #tipoftheday
Veckans poddavsnitt bjuder på en genomgång av appen @obsidian, en demonstration av svensk röstkloning samt avfärdandet av en ständigt återkommande myt.
#blisaker #obsidian #markdown #secondbrain #pkm
Tip of the day: Whether due to a physical infirmity or just a product of getting older, viewing things on screen can become more difficult. Changing the interface isn’t something that’s simply done and everyone has their own level of correction needed. Here are a few ways to make things a bit easier on your eyes. #accessibility #devonthink #devonthinktogo #ios #macos #pkm #productivity #tipoftheday https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230411-reduced-vision
#accessibility #devonthink #devonthinktogo #ios #macos #pkm #productivity #tipoftheday
The private #TestFlight for Actions for Obsidian 1.3 comes along pretty well. No show stoppers have been found yet, I’m currently kind of confident that the app could go into App Review in the next few days. 🤞🏼
#ActionsForObsidian #ObsidianMD #Obsidian #PKM #ShortcutsApp #macOS #iOS
#testflight #actionsforobsidian #ObsidianMD #obsidian #pkm #shortcutsapp #macos #ios