Listen to the latest episode of the eLife #Podcast 🎧
Chris Smith from the Naked Scientists chats with eLife authors about the ideal number of friends, the #genes behind skin colour, the #PlaceboEffect, and more!
#placeboeffect #genes #podcast
If you're looking for a weekend podcast, here's a very interesting episode of Knowable on the placebo effect.
#SciComm #PlaceboEffect #drugdevelopment
#scicomm #drugdevelopment #placeboeffect
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Study finds #placeboeffect also applies to exercise #training @SciReports
@posen This was a fantastic video and a good breakdown of the fringe ex vegans. It's all about themselves, and never about the animals.
Why is it that, when I wasn't using all the RAM I had in this machine before, adding more RAM makes it feel like it's operating faster?
I just went from 48 to 128G RAM in this machine and it feels faster, even though I was (and still am) not using it all.
# free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 125Gi 18Gi 97Gi 298Mi 9.8Gi 106Gi
Swap: 55Gi 0B 55Gi
It's peppier, somehow. I don't know why. I'd use at most 40G RAM when I had #CAD and a #slicer and other 3D printing things going all at the same time...
Don't get me wrong, it never really felt sluggish. This machine is built on server hardware (SuperMicro X9DRH-7F, twin Intel E5-2660v2s, GTX970), so it's a bit of an energy hog, but much faster than what I could afford when I built it if I were to buy new parts...
...even so, is it a form of the #PlaceboEffect that makes me believe it's peppier with more RAM in it, even when it shouldn't be?
Who knows? I do know that I like what I'm typing on, now... and I guess that's all that matters.
Useless Facts, Badly Drawn #247: The Nocebo Effect.
#placeboeffect #placebo #noceboeffect #nocebo #psychosomatic #sideeffects #medicine #health #wtf #didyouknow #strangebuttrue #comic #webcomic #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
#placeboeffect #placebo #noceboeffect #nocebo #psychosomatic #sideeffects #medicine #health #wtf #didyouknow #strangebuttrue #comic #webcomic #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
The science of #placebos is fueling quackery
The #placeboeffect is real. So are the ethical conundrums posed by those who would exploit the latest research advances for profit.
Placebo Response and Media Attention in Randomized Clinical Trials Assessing Cannabis-Based Therapies for Pain.
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. #cannabis #pain #placeboeffect
#cannabis #pain #placeboeffect
Defining and evaluating the #HawthorneEffect in primary care: systematic review & meta-analysis
Aware or unconscious #behaviorchange in a study environment, related to the interaction of: #selectionbias; commitment and congruence bias; conformity and #socialdesirabilitybias; and, observation and measurement #bias." It overlaps with the #placeboeffect, and regression to the mean. Shifts Rx fx by avg >40% in binary outcomes, less in well-designed studies. #psychology #RCTs
#hawthorneeffect #BehaviorChange #SelectionBias #socialdesirabilitybias #bias #placeboeffect #psychology #RCTs
Understanding the #placeboeffect and its role in treating #depression
#mentalhealth #depression #placeboeffect
Understanding the #placeboeffect and its role in treating #depression
#mentalhealth #depression #placeboeffect
The researchers found EPO, a hormone involved in the production of red blood cells, made no difference to the cyclists’ performance in the race, although it did have an effect in laboratory fitness tests to the point of exhaustion.
#placeboeffect #lancearmstrong