Einige Wahrheiten (1/4):
#Ökostrom ist billiger als der aus fossilen Brennstoffen - vom #Atomstrom" gar nicht zu reden.
#Homöopathische "Arzneimittel" sind #Placebos.
Durch Fäkalien verschmutztes Wasser war im #Mittelalter nur selten ein Problem, im Gegensatz zum 19. Jahrhundert - und Bier wurde nicht deshalb getrunken, weil das Wasser so schlecht war.
Die großen #Ölkonzerne wussten schon vor 50 Jahren, wie schlimm die #Klimakatastrophe werden würde.
#okostrom #atomstrom #homoopathische #placebos #mittelalter #olkonzerne #klimakatastrophe
A #philosopher 👩🏻🎓✨
#universityofsussex #brightonandsussexmedicalschool #environmentaljustice #metascience #EvidenceBasedMedicine #ebm #philosophy #moralphilosophy #philosophyofscience #phdlife #phdstudent #MedicalHumanities #placebos #healthdata #dataethics #medicalethics #qualitative
#placebos #brightonandsussexmedicalschool #environmentaljustice #metascience #EvidenceBasedMedicine #ebm #phdstudent #MedicalHumanities #philosopher #universityofsussex #philosophyofscience #healthdata #dataethics #medicalethics #philosophy #moralphilosophy #phdlife #qualitative
#SugarPill Nation
Even when we know they’re “fake,” #placebos can tame our emotional #distress.
#sugarpill #placebos #distress
Thrilled to announce that I passed my #PhD viva in the #philosophyofmedicine with no corrections last week! Thanks to all of those who have supported me over the last few years, particularly at my host institutions #universityofsussex and #brightonandsussexmedicalschool. 🥂❤️🥰
#environmentaljustice #metascience #EvidenceBasedMedicine #ebm #philosophy #moralphilosophy #philosophyofscience #phdlife #phdstudent #MedicalHumanities #placebos #healthdata #dataethics #medicalethics #qualitative
#phd #universityofsussex #brightonandsussexmedicalschool #environmentaljustice #metascience #EvidenceBasedMedicine #ebm #philosophy #moralphilosophy #philosophyofscience #phdlife #phdstudent #MedicalHumanities #placebos #healthdata #qualitative #philosophyofmedicine #dataethics #medicalethics
"Can’t shake off guilty feelings? A placebo pill might help"
We've known for some time that placebos are powerful, even open label placebos. And not just for feelings of guilt.
I wrote about #placebos in The Conversation:
More wishful thinking than medical reality: “Placebos” by Kathryn T. Hall
Dave Hahn
The 'powerful placebo' is a seductive myth that Kathryn T. Hall's "Placebos" can't resist, even though her grand claims clearly misinterpret what the best available evidence says
#medicalmyths #criticalthinking #skeptic #placebos #placebo
More wishful thinking than medical reality: “Placebos” by Kathryn T. Hall
Dave Hahn
The 'powerful placebo' is a seductive myth that Kathryn T. Hall's "Placebos" can't resist, even though her grand claims clearly misinterpret what the best available evidence says
#medicalmyths #criticalthinking #skeptic #placebos #placebo
The science of #placebos is fueling quackery
The #placeboeffect is real. So are the ethical conundrums posed by those who would exploit the latest research advances for profit.
In #cannabis trials against #pain, people who take #placebos report feeling largely the same level of pain relief as those who consume the active #cannabinoid substance.
#Medical #Pharmaceutical #sflorg
#cannabis #pain #placebos #cannabinoid #medical #pharmaceutical #sflorg
Smug consumer #MichaelPollan wrote a positive book on the therapeutic use of #psychedelics. He cautions us to remember that in the 80s it was believed that #SSRIs were going to save the world, but few turned out to be only slightly better than #placebos.
#michaelpollan #psychedelics #ssris #placebos