#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#beret_films #bug-zapper #suggestive #story_in_the_source #pony #plaguetyranno #silent-e #oc #earth_pony #pegasus
There is a common correlation between ponies going missing, and Bug temporarily gaining a suspiciously shaped swelling in her stomach. The Pegasus prey rarely hard for the Mardy mare to process down into pudge, even if their feathers could come up in belches at inopportune or incriminatin...
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art #beret_films #bug #suggestive #story_in_the_source #plaguetyranno #silent #oc #earth_pony #pegasus
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#pony #mare #plaguetyranno #vore #silent-e #oc #simple_background #crystal_pony #female #bug-zapper
On an early morning walk to check her frog traps, Bug encountered a lost-looking Crystal pony. Amber Laurel flagged down the grey glutton in search of directions, and well one thing lead to another, and Bug ended up waddling away from the interaction with a meal in tow....
My ninety-seventh sketch...
#bug #female #crystal_pony #simple_background #oc #silent #plaguetyranno #mare #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#lunapred #mare #simple_background #burping_up_items #female #silent-e #vore #suggestive #plaguetyranno #alicorn
After a few strong swallows Princess Luna finds herself the sole ruler of Equestria....
My eighty-ninth sketch from Silent_E 's patreon.
This consumptive coup was kindly coloured by my friend plaguetyranno .
If you would like to support me and vote in upcoming polls check out ...
#alicorn #plaguetyranno #suggestive #silent #female #burping_up_items #simple_background #mare #lunapred #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#earth_pony #female #mare #pony #vore #honey_rays #plaguetyranno #story_in_the_source #bug-zapper #silent-e
After enjoying a pegamare meal, Bug noticed that her now safely stowed snack was wearing a colourful vest. The grey glutton shrugging at the sight, as it looked like she had snag a few more mare meals today if she wanted to complete this years Winter Wrap-up collection....
My eighty-sixth sk...
#silent #bug #story_in_the_source #plaguetyranno #honey_rays #mare #female #earth_pony #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#octavia_melody #fetish #silent-e #dj_pon-3 #vinyl_scratch #plaguetyranno #pony #unbirthing #bug-zapper #doomfister
Multiple meals in a single sitting are no issue for the grey glutton, as Bug is an experienced equine eater, with a seemingly endless capacity for chevaline. Because of this when she saw an opportunity to snag some musician snacks, she didn't skip a beat, as she knew the perfect holes t...
#doomfister #bug #unbirthing #plaguetyranno #vinyl_scratch #dj_pon #silent #fetish #octavia_melody #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#plaguetyranno #questionable #story_in_the_source #white_background #unicorn #rarity #doomfister #rariprey #schoolmarm_rarity #silent-e
One of the oft-forgotten quirks of eating unicorns is the gentle tingle of magic once their bones begin to break down within the stomach. Depending on the magical potential of a meal, it can often leave their predator rather gassy, as the surplus sorcery is belched u...
#silent #schoolmarm_rarity #rariprey #doomfister #rarity #unicorn #white_background #story_in_the_source #questionable #plaguetyranno #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#oc #simple_background #telegram_pony #doomfister #silent-e #pony #earth_pony #story_in_the_source #plaguetyranno #female
When Bug woke up she had not anticipated that she might receive a telegram. Not like the mardy mare minded the unexpected message, as she just viewed the cheerful pegamare who had dropped it off as a late breakfast...
My seventy-seventh sketch from Silent_E 's patreon.
#female #plaguetyranno #story_in_the_source #earth_pony #silent #doomfister #telegram_pony #simple_background #oc #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#plaguetyranno #female #mare #frog_(hoof) #silent-e #preylight #plot #vore #pony #doomfister
When Twilight had embarked on an expedition of Ghastly Gorge in search of fossils, she had written a lengthy risk assessment, with a special focus on Quarry Eels. Unfortunately for the educated equine, she had glossed over the local leeches as she had assumed them little more than a mildly irritating parasite...
#doomfister #plot #preylight #silent #frog_ #mare #female #plaguetyranno #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#earth_pony #plaguetyranno #mare_pred #mare_prey #female #mare #oc #bug-zapper #doomfister #story_in_the_source
Ever the opportunist, Bug has little qualms committing to a grab and gulp if she thinks she can get away with it. In this case she saw a distracted Powder Rouge messing around with some makeup, and made the snap decision to snarf the preoccupied cosmetologist...
My seventy-fifth sketch f...
#story_in_the_source #doomfister #bug #oc #mare #female #mare_prey #mare_pred #plaguetyranno #earth_pony #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#story_in_the_source #eclair_créme #white_background #questionable #simple_background #jangles #female #pony #earth_pony #plaguetyranno
Though Bug was never an invited guest to the Grand Galloping Gala, she had a habit of turning up anyway. Of course, for the grey glutton to gate crash, she needed a golden ticket, and that was something she could always get with a few confident swallows....
My sev...
#plaguetyranno #earth_pony #female #jangles #simple_background #questionable #white_background #eclair_créme #story_in_the_source #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#unbirthing #doomfister #story_in_the_source #vore #bug-zapper #earth_pony #plaguetyranno #photo #silent-e #female
After being faffed around by the mail system, Bug decided it was time to send a message to her local post office....
My seventy-third sketch from Silent_E 's patreon.
This irate Bug was kindly coloured by my friend plaguetyranno .
If you would like to support me and vote in ...
#female #silent #photo #plaguetyranno #earth_pony #bug #story_in_the_source #doomfister #unbirthing #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#bug-zapper #post-vore #plaguetyranno #silent-e #story_in_the_source #royal_ribbon #vore #simple_background #impossibly_large_belly #earth_pony
Bug enjoys a visit to Canterlot, she takes in the sights, takes a few sales orders from some affluent members of the royal court, and well of course tried out the local food, this little indulgence was also kind enough to provide her predator with a free dr...
#earth_pony #impossibly_large_belly #simple_background #royal_ribbon #story_in_the_source #silent #plaguetyranno #post #bug #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#mare #silent-e #alicorn #changeling #plaguetyranno #female #vore #queen_chrysalis #safe #changeling_queen
After biding her time in the shadows, Queen Chrysalis finally found an opportunity for her nefarious plans to play out. The first step of course involves a filling feast, as the passion parasite partook in a certain princess of love, who was sure to fill a gap in the half-starved love leech...
#changeling_queen #safe #queen_chrysalis #female #plaguetyranno #changeling #alicorn #silent #mare #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#oral_vore #nudity #human #snake #hand_on_butt #story_in_the_source #plaguetyranno #rariprey #nipples #twilight_sparkle
A six-course meal makes a substantial swelling in a snake, as the peckish predator managed to pack down basically its entire body weight in writhing women. The combined mass of six struggling ladies makes a substantial swell in the snake's stomach, though I am sure it will manage to...
#twilight_sparkle #nipples #rariprey #plaguetyranno #story_in_the_source #hand_on_butt #snake #human #nudity #oral_vore #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#same_size_vore #mare #story_in_the_source #vore #unicorn #plaguetyranno #white_background #abdominal_bulge #female #underhoof
As a famous model, Fleur de Lis was an ideal candidate for changeling consumption. Her position rubbing shoulders in Canterlot high society offering a juicy infiltration opportunity, though based on the noises the mare is making, I don't think she agrees with the assessment. ...
#underhoof #female #abdominal_bulge #white_background #plaguetyranno #unicorn #story_in_the_source #mare #same_size_vore #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#story_in_the_source #pony #big_belly #octavia_melody #belly #mare #plaguetyranno #earth_pony #unicorn #silent-e
Vinyl tries to help Octavia get ready for a risque recital, though it seems the cellist has much to learn about performing well stuffed...
My sixty-first sketch from Silent_E 's patreon.
This musical meal was kindly coloured by my friend plaguetyranno .
This image was voted for...
#silent #unicorn #earth_pony #plaguetyranno #mare #belly #octavia_melody #big_belly #story_in_the_source #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by doomfister:
#oc #pony #ms._harshwhinny #vore #silent-e #big_belly #oral_vore #belly #plaguetyranno #questionable
When Ms Harshwhinny went to her private booth at the Equestria games she did not expect to see a moody looking mares sitting in her seat. The irritated inspector swift to confront the grey earth pony, which she found out a few moments later might have been a mistake....
My fifty-seventh sketch fr...
#questionable #plaguetyranno #belly #oral_vore #big_belly #silent #ms #oc #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw