Coinbase Seeks Expansion in Markets With Clear Crypto Rules Unlike US - America’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase, plans to expand its business ... - #cryptoexchange #cryptoindustry #cryptosector #enforcement #regulations #exchanges #crackdown #expansion #singapore #coinbase #exchange #hongkong #europe #japan #rules #mica #plan #u.s. #eu #uk
#uk #eu #u #plan #mica #rules #japan #europe #hongkong #exchange #coinbase #singapore #expansion #crackdown #exchanges #regulations #enforcement #cryptosector #cryptoindustry #cryptoexchange
Just spent a fruitful time recovering an #archive of #tunes I recorded in a #bygone age of #Atari 1040 running #Cubase #MIDI only synced to an #Akai rackmount multitrack.
I think I will release them! Better stuff than I thought!
Fave #plan right now is to release them as 'singles' with a #refurbished so to speak A side and the original from the archive on the B side.
When they're all done will release them on an album together, the title of which is 'so cunning' that I am not telling! 😁
#archive #tunes #bygone #atari #cubase #midi #akai #plan #refurbished
A quotation from Ash, Mary Kay:
Just as you drifted through an entire day without a plan and accomplished nothing, some people drift through their entire lives. They do it one day at a time, one week at a time, and one month at a time. The months run into years and span a life. It happens so gradually that they are unaware of how their lives are slipping by them until it’…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #carpediem #drifting #plan
Das #Wochenende naht, und mein #Plan steht: Keine #Pläne. Ohnehin rede ich lieber von #Vorhaben, das klingt nicht so nach #Todo-Liste
#todo #vorhaben #plane #plan #wochenende
Ich habe nichts vorbereitet, damit auch nichts #schiefgehen kann.
(Helge #Schneider)
#psychotHHerapie #Zitat #Zitate #HelgeSchneider #Vorbereitung #Plan #Fehler #Angst #Vertrauen
#vertrauen #angst #fehler #plan #vorbereitung #helgeschneider #zitate #zitat #psychothherapie #schneider #schiefgehen
Grenzüberschreitender Verkehr im Trend.
@morgenpost #fernverkehr #nachtzug #angebot #plan
#fernverkehr #nachtzug #angebot #plan
Les premières pistes de Luc Rémont pour réorganiser le nucléaire d’EDF
👉 Les grandes orientations de la future réorganisation des activités nucléaires d’EDF ont été présentées aux syndicats du groupe. L’Informé vous en dévoile la teneur.
#edf #energie #nucleaire #plan #organisation #management
Ambitioniert ist der Zeitplan, weil offenbar das nötige Planfeststellungsverfahren noch nicht begonnen hat.
@ndaktuell @bvg_ubahn #werkstatt #ausbau #plan
DC the Midi Alien - Man Made Ways
East Coast Avengers: Avengers Airwaves
#DCtMA #ManMadeWays #slaves #brainwash #plan #dying #money #religion
#dctma #manmadeways #slaves #brainwash #plan #dying #money #religion
#foto #fotografieren #mywork #jamendo #CC #fedibikes #MdRddG #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee
#Welt! Bist du noch da?
An die #Weser und zurück.
Am Samstag, nach den starken #Regenfällen, dann die Tour in Angriff genommen.
Es hat sich mal wieder gelohnt und besonders die frühen Morgenstunden konnte ich sehr genießen.
Notiz an mich:
Eine #Plane wäre ein guter #Plan!
So aber jetzt 'n #Kaffee!
Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!
#kaffee #plan #plane #fazit #regenfallen #weser #welt #tousledcraneontour #tee #kakao #fruhstuck #MdRddG #fedibikes #cc #jamendo #mywork #fotografieren #foto
Am 07.09.2023 von 11-12 Uhr findet der nächste Live-Online-Termin im Rahmen von #Plan F statt.
Im Fokus steht das Handlungsfeld #Wirtschaft. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Anmeldung unter (Betreff: “Live-Online-Termin 07.08.2023").
Mehr Informationen zu dem Projekt:
Lust auf noch mehr Interaktion? Noch gibt es kostenfreie Plätze in unseren E-Learningkurs!
#radverkehr #verkehrswende
#wirtschaft #lieferverkehr #lastenrad
#Lastenrad #lieferverkehr #VerkehrsWende #radverkehr #wirtschaft #plan
#Bill_Gates' #Plan to #Vaccinate the #World HAS #NOW BEEN #DECLARED A #TOTAL_FAILURE!|
You be the Judge?
Bill since you don't know what CONCERN MEANS we have takin it upon ourselves to #EDUCATE THE #INEPT OF WHAT #TARGET MEANS!
#Who is #Bill_Gates?
* A software developer?
* A businessman?
* A philanthropist?
* A global health expert?
This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates' unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.
And There at the center of the #WEB is the #Gates_Foundation, Connected to every #Major_Organization, #Research_Institution, #International_Alliance and #Vaccine_Manufacturer Involved in the Covid_19 CRISIS. Certainly the Gates like the #ROCKEFELLERS' have #profited from their years as.."The Most Generous on the Planet" Bill Gates personal #NET_WORTH has #DOUBLED during the #Covid_19_PANDEMIC?? From 50 Billion to OVER $105,800,000,000 BILLION??? May 8, 2020
In January of 2010, #Bill_and_Melinda_Gates announced a $10 billion #pledge to #usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the #truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a #much_bigger_agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater #profits for #BIG_PHARMA_COMPANIES, greater #control for the Gates Foundation over the #field_of_global_health, and greater #power for Bill Gates to #shape the course of the #future for #billions of people around the #planet.
Part 2:
#ID2020 #FAILURE?? | #ID2020 #FAILURE? | #Vaccines & #Crypto!
ID2020, #Digital_IDs, and #Forced_Vaccinations? Is this coming from the global pandemic crisis? Was this planned by the elites and led by Bill Gates to take away our liberties, while creating a mandatory implanted ID? The evidence is mounting from ID2020 programs like #MyPass, the creation of #MiPasa and a recent reddit AMA done by Mr. Gates himself. Mar 31, 2020
00:08 Introduction: Flipping the Script
01:10 America Is Still the Beautiful. But For How Long?
01:54 Our Liberties Reduced Until at least the End of April
03:07 Limits on Civil Liberties: Medical Martial Law
05:18 More Drastic Measure to Come?
06:26 Social Distancing Being Pushed Like Mad
07:18 The Contagion Connection To Real Life: Predictive Programming
11:11 The Contagion Similarities Continue
13:13 The Vaccines Coming? The Fear Spreads
14:36 Worst Case Scenario So Similar to Contagion
15:38 The Vaccine Scramble?
15:51 ID2020, Global IDs & Vaccinations
16:15 Bill Gates Is Behind This
16:54 Vaccination IDs?
17:27 MiPasa Blockchain for Coronavirus Data
18:18 ID2020 MyPass
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (#International_Tech_News); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#PART_ONE #bill_gates #tried #failed #MONOPOLIZED #global_health #plan #vaccinate #world #now #DECLARED #TOTAL_FAILURE #monopoly_cartel #EDUCATE #inept #target #who #it #murderer #web #Gates_Foundation #Major_Organization #Research_Institution #International_Alliance #Vaccine_Manufacturer #ROCKEFELLERS #profited #net_worth #DOUBLED #covid_19_pandemic #bill_and_melinda_gates #pledge #usher #truth #much_bigger_agenda #profits #big_pharma_companies #control #field_of_global_health #power #shape #future #billions #planet #ID2020 #failure #vaccines #crypto #Digital_IDs #Forced_Vaccinations #MyPass #MiPasa #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#Bill_Gates' #Plan to #Vaccinate the #World HAS #NOW BEEN #DECLARED A #TOTAL_FAILURE!|
You be the Judge?
Bill since you don't know what CONCERN MEANS we have takin it upon ourselves to #EDUCATE THE #INEPT OF WHAT #TARGET MEANS!
#Who is #Bill_Gates?
* A software developer?
* A businessman?
* A philanthropist?
* A global health expert?
This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates' unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.
And There at the center of the #WEB is the #Gates_Foundation, Connected to every #Major_Organization, #Research_Institution, #International_Alliance and #Vaccine_Manufacturer Involved in the Covid_19 CRISIS. Certainly the Gates like the #ROCKEFELLERS' have #profited from their years as.."The Most Generous on the Planet" Bill Gates personal #NET_WORTH has #DOUBLED during the #Covid_19_PANDEMIC?? From 50 Billion to OVER $105,800,000,000 BILLION??? May 8, 2020
In January of 2010, #Bill_and_Melinda_Gates announced a $10 billion #pledge to #usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the #truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a #much_bigger_agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater #profits for #BIG_PHARMA_COMPANIES, greater #control for the Gates Foundation over the #field_of_global_health, and greater #power for Bill Gates to #shape the course of the #future for #billions of people around the #planet.
Part 2:
#ID2020 #FAILURE?? | #ID2020 #FAILURE? | #Vaccines & #Crypto!
ID2020, #Digital_IDs, and #Forced_Vaccinations? Is this coming from the global pandemic crisis? Was this planned by the elites and led by Bill Gates to take away our liberties, while creating a mandatory implanted ID? The evidence is mounting from ID2020 programs like #MyPass, the creation of #MiPasa and a recent reddit AMA done by Mr. Gates himself. Mar 31, 2020
00:08 Introduction: Flipping the Script
01:10 America Is Still the Beautiful. But For How Long?
01:54 Our Liberties Reduced Until at least the End of April
03:07 Limits on Civil Liberties: Medical Martial Law
05:18 More Drastic Measure to Come?
06:26 Social Distancing Being Pushed Like Mad
07:18 The Contagion Connection To Real Life: Predictive Programming
11:11 The Contagion Similarities Continue
13:13 The Vaccines Coming? The Fear Spreads
14:36 Worst Case Scenario So Similar to Contagion
15:38 The Vaccine Scramble?
15:51 ID2020, Global IDs & Vaccinations
16:15 Bill Gates Is Behind This
16:54 Vaccination IDs?
17:27 MiPasa Blockchain for Coronavirus Data
18:18 ID2020 MyPass
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (#International_Tech_News); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#PART_ONE #bill_gates #tried #failed #MONOPOLIZED #global_health #plan #vaccinate #world #now #DECLARED #TOTAL_FAILURE #monopoly_cartel #EDUCATE #inept #target #who #it #murderer #web #Gates_Foundation #Major_Organization #Research_Institution #International_Alliance #Vaccine_Manufacturer #ROCKEFELLERS #profited #net_worth #DOUBLED #covid_19_pandemic #bill_and_melinda_gates #pledge #usher #truth #much_bigger_agenda #profits #big_pharma_companies #control #field_of_global_health #power #shape #future #billions #planet #ID2020 #failure #vaccines #crypto #Digital_IDs #Forced_Vaccinations #MyPass #MiPasa #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#Bill_Gates' #Plan to #Vaccinate the #World HAS #NOW BEEN #DECLARED A #TOTAL_FAILURE!|
You be the Judge?
Bill since you don't know what CONCERN MEANS we have takin it upon ourselves to #EDUCATE THE #INEPT OF WHAT #TARGET MEANS!
#Who is #Bill_Gates?
A software developer?
A businessman?
A philanthropist?
A global health expert?
This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates' unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.
And There at the center of the #WEB is the #Gates_Foundation, Connected to every #Major_Organization, #Research_Institution, #International_Alliance and #Vaccine_Manufacturer Involved in the Covid_19 CRISIS. Certainly the Gates like the #ROCKEFELLERS' have #profited from their years as.."The Most Generous on the Planet" Bill Gates personal #NET_WORTH has #DOUBLED during the #Covid_19_PANDEMIC?? From 50 Billion to OVER $105,800,000,000 BILLION??? May 8, 2020
In January of 2010, #Bill_and_Melinda_Gates announced a $10 billion #pledge to #usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the #truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a #much_bigger_agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater #profits for #BIG_PHARMA_COMPANIES, greater #control for the Gates Foundation over the #field_of_global_health, and greater #power for Bill Gates to #shape the course of the #future for #billions of people around the #planet.
Part 2:
#ID2020 #FAILURE?? | #ID2020 #FAILURE? | #Vaccines & #Crypto!
ID2020, #Digital_IDs, and #Forced_Vaccinations? Is this coming from the global pandemic crisis? Was this planned by the elites and led by Bill Gates to take away our liberties, while creating a mandatory implanted ID? The evidence is mounting from ID2020 programs like #MyPass, the creation of #MiPasa and a recent reddit AMA done by Mr. Gates himself. Mar 31, 2020
00:08 Introduction: Flipping the Script
01:10 America Is Still the Beautiful. But For How Long?
01:54 Our Liberties Reduced Until at least the End of April
03:07 Limits on Civil Liberties: Medical Martial Law
05:18 More Drastic Measure to Come?
06:26 Social Distancing Being Pushed Like Mad
07:18 The Contagion Connection To Real Life: Predictive Programming
11:11 The Contagion Similarities Continue
13:13 The Vaccines Coming? The Fear Spreads
14:36 Worst Case Scenario So Similar to Contagion
15:38 The Vaccine Scramble?
15:51 ID2020, Global IDs & Vaccinations
16:15 Bill Gates Is Behind This
16:54 Vaccination IDs?
17:27 MiPasa Blockchain for Coronavirus Data
18:18 ID2020 MyPass
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (#International_Tech_News); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#PART_ONE #bill_gates #tried #failed #MONOPOLIZED #global_health #plan #vaccinate #world #now #DECLARED #TOTAL_FAILURE #monopoly_cartel #EDUCATE #inept #target #who #it #murderer #web #Gates_Foundation #Major_Organization #Research_Institution #International_Alliance #Vaccine_Manufacturer #ROCKEFELLERS #profited #net_worth #DOUBLED #covid_19_pandemic #bill_and_melinda_gates #pledge #usher #truth #much_bigger_agenda #profits #big_pharma_companies #control #field_of_global_health #power #shape #future #billions #planet #ID2020 #failure #vaccines #crypto #Digital_IDs #Forced_Vaccinations #MyPass #MiPasa #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
På planen for dagen:
- Les 17 sidar med tekniske krav
- Delta på 4-timers #teams-møte
- Finn dei relevante delane av dei 17 sidane med tekniske krav
(Det møtet gler eg meg no faktisk til, sida det er siste del av #NITO-kurset eg har deltatt på sida førre veke. Det beste digitale kurset eg har deltatt på)
#teams #nito #norsktut #nynorsktut #dagenidag #plan #kurs #allheimen
Pour découvrir la cartographie et explorer les atlas géographiques à travers l’histoire
👍 L’Atlas des atlas, par l’historien Philip Parker
#carte #plan #cartographie #science #géographie #histoire #images
Image BAnQ : Nouvelle-France en 1656, Nicolas Sanson
#carte #plan #cartographie #science #geographie #histoire #images
Erster "Urlaubstag" nach der kleinen Kanzleigrillfeier gestern bei Chef. Ich habe natürlich keinen Alkohol getrunken, weil ich Fahrerin war. Trotzdem Kopfschmerzen?! Das kann ja heiter werden.
Ich muss diesen Sonnabend gaaaaaaanz langsam am besten angehen und einfach gleich nach dem obligatorischen Wochenendeinkauf wieder ausklingen lassen. #Plan