“My #1 key to a #goodlife💡 is how well you deal with #PlanB.
#PlanA is what you plan for. But Plan B is what actually happens.”
-#MariluHenner, actress, and one of an estimated 80 people with Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory 🧠 #HSAM & can remember most life events in all-encompassing detail 🧐
#People Magazine
#people #hsam #mariluhenner #plana #planb #goodlife
New from Solzy at the Movies: Plan A: A Holocaust Revenge Thriller
#PlanA #film #movies #Holocaust #Jewish #Mazeldon
#mazeldon #jewish #holocaust #Movies #Film #plana
Ich höre selten deutschsprachige Musik. Aber das neue #JohannesOerding Album #PlanA ist toll. Tolle Stimme, Texte, die einen mitnehmen. Top!
#plana #johannesoerding #musiktipp #musik