Finally retrieved my little #keyboard. Feels so good! Look at those ridiculous bottom rows. 13 keys space wasted with irregular size. #Planck #Isolinear #Matrix #QWERTY
#keyboard #planck #isolinear #matrix #qwerty
Is the #Planck #Length really the #Smallest?
#Fermilab #Science #Physics #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #PlanckLength #PlanckTime #MaxPlanck #Measurement #MeasurementUnits #NaturalUnits #NaturalValues #Scale #Scaling #Heisenberg #HeisenbergUncertainty #Uncertainty #ConservationOfEnergy #Superconductivity #Tachyons #DonLincoln #20SubatomicStories
#20subatomicstories #DonLincoln #tachyons #superconductivity #conservationofenergy #uncertainty #heisenberguncertainty #heisenberg #scaling #scale #naturalvalues #naturalunits #measurementunits #measurement #MaxPlanck #plancktime #plancklength #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #physics #science #fermilab #smallest #length #planck
Hey @frameworkcomputer, how about a laptop with a #Planck keyboard layout? It'd be an instabuy for me, as I only use Plancks with my desktop and it gets difficult to use laptops in general because of that... 😞
The company that makes my favorite keyboard of all time, the Planck EZ, is discontinuing it next month.
I ordered a final one to keep as a backup and sent them a sad email. 😭
If you've every wanted a tiny super lightweight fully programmable keyboard, its the last chance to grab one of the best.
#planck #mechanicalkeyboard #keyboard
Gift atmen: Mikrobielles Leben dank Stickoxid Ob und wie Mikroorganismen NO als Substrat zum Wachsen nutzen können, ist kaum erforscht. Forschend ... #fachunabhängig #geowissenschaft #idw #interessantes #leben #mikrobiologie #planck #umwelt
#fachunabhangig #geowissenschaft #idw #interessantes #leben #Mikrobiologie #planck #umwelt
Haben Quanten eine Art Bewusstsein?
( ... #bewusstsein #doppelspaltexperiment #elementarteilchen #geist #information #intelligentergeist #interferenzmuster #lichtteilchen #materie #physik #physiker #planck #psychologie #quanten #quantenphysik #raum #umbruchszeit #wahrscheinlichkeit #wasserstoff #wissenschaft #zeit
#bewusstsein #doppelspaltexperiment #Elementarteilchen #geist #information #intelligentergeist #interferenzmuster #Lichtteilchen #materie #Physik #physiker #planck #psychologie #quanten #Quantenphysik #raum #umbruchszeit #wahrscheinlichkeit #wasserstoff #wissenschaft #zeit
just posting some public love for my #ZSA #ergodox and #planck keyboards. They make a difference in my job every day. I have had the ergodox for about 3 years, and missed it when traveling, so I got the planck recently and love it! When not traveling, it does duty as a streamdeck alternative.
Ironically for a person praising a 47-key board, I like lots of keys, so now I have about 40 x 32 more to use at my desk, in addition to the ergodox with its layers.
Also love the user-repairable switches
#SethLloyd - Is #Information #Fundamental?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Physics #Information #InformationTheory #Computing #Cosmology #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Planck #MaxPlanck #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #MaxPlanck #planck #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #cosmology #computing #informationtheory #physics #philosophyofscience #philosophy #fundamental #information #sethlloyd
Haben Quanten eine Art Bewusstsein?
( ... #bewusstsein #doppelspaltexperiment #elementarteilchen #geist #information #intelligentergeist #interferenzmuster #lichtteilchen #materie #physik #physiker #planck #psychologie #quanten #quantenphysik #raum #umbruchszeit #wahrscheinlichkeit #wasserstoff #wissenschaft #zeit
#bewusstsein #doppelspaltexperiment #Elementarteilchen #geist #information #intelligentergeist #interferenzmuster #Lichtteilchen #materie #Physik #physiker #planck #psychologie #quanten #Quantenphysik #raum #umbruchszeit #wahrscheinlichkeit #wasserstoff #wissenschaft #zeit
Have you ever had two keys randomly swap places on your keyboard? Only if your #keyboard is this cool #planck
I've read a lot of books about black holes. Some have more impressive illustrations/visual aids than others.
While this particular book doesn't have the most impressive visual aids, it does a marvelous job of describing the fundamental unit of information; the bit, contained within the smallest space possible, the Planck length.
#information #bit #QuantumMechanics #quantum #ModernPhysics #BlackHole #BlackHoleFriday #Planck #ReadingThisWeekend
#readingthisweekend #planck #BlackHoleFriday #blackhole #modernphysics #quantum #quantummechanics #bit #information
Born #onthisday in 1858, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. This all happened in the context of blackbody radiation and the "ultraviolet catastrophe".
I wrote a bit about Plank, blackbody radiation, the ultraviolet catastrophe, and how this led to the development of quantum mechanics here: The LaTeX source is here:
As always, questons/comments/corrections/* greatly appreciated.
#quantummechanics #blackbodyradiation #planck #onthisday
Happy 165th Birthday to Max #Planck, one of the key players in the birth of quantum #physics, born #OTD in 1858. (Yep, he shares a birthday with Shakespeare!)
Mappata la materia oscura grazie al lensing gravitazionale. Materia oscura, una mappa dà ragione a Einstein, nelle distorsioni dello spaziotempo, l'impronta della dark matter.
Una nuova analisi delle misure della Cmb – la radiazione cosmica di fondo a microonde, ovvero la luce più antica dell'universo.
#anellidiEinstein #AtacamaCosmologyTelescope #CMB #darkmatter #lensinggravitazionale #lentigravitazionali #materiaoscura #Planck #relativitàgenerale
#anellidieinstein #atacamacosmologytelescope #cmb #darkmatter #lensinggravitazionale #lentigravitazionali #materiaoscura #planck #relativitagenerale
Quick! Someone tell me I don’t need to buy an OLKB Planck mech kit because the last thing I need to spend money on is another project. Omg I’ve added to cart. Cmoooon!! Hurry up and tell me I don’t neeeed this!!! I’ve confirmed payment details!! What are you doing?? Stop meeee! Order submitted…
Omg. Why? Why didn’t you stop me? This is all your fault. I expected better from y’all. Just wait till my wife finds out what y’all made me do…smh…
#mechanicalkeyboards #planck #dropbuilds #keyboards
After many months of using the Preonic, I switched back to the Planck. Turns out I just don't use Function keys, even when they're sitting there as a top row. I did migrate over the keycaps, though. I'm still a fan of blank keycaps, but really like the look of the Mito SA.
I'm also still using a COLEMAK layout, with some adjustments. The gory details can be found here:
#mechanicalkeyboard #olkb #planck #colemak #qmk
After thinking "#DoomEmacs helps me understand the ortholinear kbd people better" I pulled my #Planck out of the drawer for a spin.
I quickly remembered why it didn't take last time: I don't understand how people switch between staggered and #ortholinear layouts.
I saw a video of someone who rests his Planck on a special MacBook keyboard cover. Looks like carpal tunnel apocalypse.
In the mean time, just re-learning how to survive in Evil mode is providing plenty of brain stimulation.
#doomemacs #planck #ortholinear
@oatmeal I don't use emacs 😬
And I do not use caps lock (still can though with shift+CapsLock), just holding shift when typing. So it is nice to have a dedicated button for layouts (en/run/il in my case). I think any combo with CapsLock will still work though.
I just switched to #planck and have #corne on the way, so no spare keys for me now 😜 Using meta in adjust layer (lower+raise+meta) as CapsLock. It loses the point of having single button and I assume I would need to rethink how to do it
Any other #planck users out there? I’ve been using this 40% keyboard for a few years and don’t think I could go back to a “normal” board. And yeah, it looks kind of silly next to my trackball. 😎
Welcome me to #ortholinear family
#planckEZ #planck
#ortholinear #planckez #planck