#PlanetaryCalendar has been in continuous publication since 1949. I was blessed to become the co-author in 2002 & added it to our publishing catalog in 2017 after the originator passed & the publisher retired. Today is characterized as a 'social day' with #neptune, #pluto & #jupiter making easy aspects to the #moon in #pisces early and in #aries after 11am PST. The #Sun #Sextile #Moon later in the day will help you express yourself & your feelings well! Have a great day.
#sextile #sun #aries #pisces #moon #jupiter #pluto #Neptune #planetarycalendar
The ‘elements’ that correspond to each animal year is determined by the last digit of the calendar year.
If the year ends in 0 it's Yang Metal, 1 is Yin Metal, 2 is Yang Water, 3 is Yin Water, 4 is Yang Wood, 5 is Yin Wood, 6 is Yang Fire, 7 is Yin Fire, 8 is Yang Earth & 9 is Yin Earth.
Have fun & entertain your friends &family with these little insights into the East Meets West of Astrology!
#astrology #chinesenewyear2023
#planetarycalendar #yearofthewaterrabbit #chinesenewyear2023 #Astrology
The Animal energies are based on the position of Jupiter in the Sidereal Zodiac at the time of the New Moon in Aquarius, when the Chinese celebrate their “Springtime Festival”. People born in the same animal year share a Jupiterian optimism and generosity, explaining the comradery often found among classmates since they are generally born under the same sign influence.
#astrology #chinesenewyear2023
#planetarycalendar #yearofthewaterrabbit #chinesenewyear2023 #Astrology
Happy Lunar New Year! Welcome to the Chinese Year of the Water Rabbit. Did you ever wonder about how the Chinese Animal System relates to the signs of the Western Zodiac? The Animal wheel usually begins with the Rat so here is the correlating sequence.
#astrology #chinesenewyear2023
#planetarycalendar #yearofthewaterrabbit #chinesenewyear2023 #Astrology