Özden Tertwi @terliwetter hat getwittert: Globale Hitzewelle. Ozeane global rekord...
Aber lasst uns noch etwas warten....
...worauf eigentlich? #PlanetaryCrisis #Klimakatastrophe #TheHeatIsOn
#planetarycrisis #klimakatastrophe #theheatison
Tokitae: To my tribe, the Lhaq’ te’mish of the Salish Sea, the Qwe lhol mech ten are people. In our stories, they have societies and a culture similar to our own… Throughout history, captivity has been a major U.S. industry - Rena Priest
#MotherEarth #WaterIsLife #SiblingBeings #LivingScapes #GaiaRising #PlanetaryCrisis
#motherearth #waterislife #siblingbeings #livingscapes #gaiarising #planetarycrisis #capitalismkillslife
I have said this before, and will say it again: #FossilFuelsKill
"fossil fuel companies have not simply been lying to the public, they have been killing members of the public at an accelerating rate, and prosecutors should bring that crime to the public’s attention”
#FossilFuelsKill #DontLookUp #EndFossilFuelsNow #planetarycrisis #SaveOurSeas #saveourplanet