RT @esaoperations
This is just the seventh time an #asteroidimpact has ever been predicted before it happens - a sign of the rapid advancements in global asteroid detection capabilities!
📸This was the 6th
©️Robert Weryk👉https://www.esa.int/Space_Safety/Planetary_Defence/The_sixth_asteroid_impact_we_saw_coming
#spacesafety #planetarydefence #asteroidimpact
RT @esa@twitter.com
Hey @esaoperations@twitter.com, have you typed 'meteorite' into @Google@twitter.com yet? Wait for it... 😉
RT @esaoperations
The sixth #AsteroidImpact we saw coming☄️👉https://www.esa.int/Space_Safety/Planetary_Defence/The_sixth_asteroid_impact_we_saw_coming
📸Robert Weryk
#asteroidimpact #planetarydefence
Another thread on #2022WJ1.
RT @esaoperations@twitter.com
The sixth #AsteroidImpact we saw coming☄️👉https://www.esa.int/Space_Safety/Planetary_Defence/The_sixth_asteroid_impact_we_saw_coming
📸Robert Weryk
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/esaoperations/status/1595794967888273410
#planetarydefence #asteroidimpact #2022wj1
Plans to dominate the #Fedi by using the tag #PlanetaryDefence ruined forever 😕 (in 8 hours or so)
Here’s the 2nd asteroid I’ve observed from my backyard in the name of #citizenscience 💪🏻
7335 (1989 JA) is a huge 1 km diameter asteroid that whizzed by Earth on May 27. Luckily it missed us by 4 million km 🫣
#citizenscience #asteroidday #planetarydefence
Happy #AsteroidDay fellow Earthlings!
This is the first asteroid I observed through my backyard telescope: 2001 SN263. It’s classified as potentially hazardous due to its close pass(es) with Earth 👀
#asteroidday #planetarydefence #citizenscience