There is a new update to Planet Crafter. I took a look at the new trading platform. Check it out :) #planetcrafter #gaming
Planet Crafter Hype!
Riding Rockets in Planet Crafter #planetcrafter #rockets #survivalgame via @YouTube
#planetcrafter #rockets #survivalgame
Oj vad sent det blev! Jag som bara skulle titta lite på Planet Crafter. Men så hittade jag en sak som ledde till en annan som var så spännande att jag glömde tiden. Om jag nu bara kunde få planeten att sluta locka till sig varenda meteor och asteroid i universum vore jag nöjd. Ibland är det löjligt tätt mellan skurarna ... #PlanetCrafter #Spel
Planet Crafter has been one of my community's favorite games and it just got another update!
I was already enjoying it and now they've started to add automation? Be still my heart!
Stay tuned for when I resume my play-through on stream with this update!
#planetcrafter #gaming #gamer #pcgaming #earlyaccess
Ich brauche diese Woche wieder 2 Streamfreie Tage. Am Sonntag kochen wir nur und danach leite ich meine aller erste #PnP Runde, die ihr dann auch bald danach zu sehen bekommt. Ich bin super aufgeregt und muss die Woche noch einiges vorbereiten.
#twitch #stream #zelda #halflife2 #GOW #ds2 #planetcrafter #kochen #DnD #dnd5e
#pnp #twitch #stream #zelda #halflife2 #GOW #ds2 #planetcrafter #kochen #DnD #dnd5e
The only real surprise is how high Zuma is in here given that my wife plays that under my account. Otherwise it's #Subnautica and #PlanetCrafter all the way down.
#subnautica #planetcrafter #steamreplay
J'ai testé la demo de Planet Crafter hier. Ça ressemble à Subnautica apparemment (que j'ai pas fait).
D'habitude je touche pas à ces trucs là parce que ça m'ennuie mais là j'ai pas vu le temps passé. L'univers a l'air bien foutu et m'intrigue de ouf. La première pluie de météorite j'étais comme un gosse :blob_aww:
Ah et c'est français :blob_finger_guns:
5 questions for variety streamers!
1) Favorite game to stream?
2) Most successful game you've streamed?
3) A game you're looking forward to streaming?
4) A game you wish you could go back and play for the first time on stream
5) A game you enjoy watching other people stream?
#Streamer #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #VTuber #YouTuber #Gaming #Games #Boost #QOTD
#subnautica #planetcrafter #starfield #littlenightmares #soma #starcitizen #streamer #twitch #twitchstreamer #vtuber #youtuber #gaming #games #boost #QOTD