Morning, world. the #PlanForToday is fluid and noisy, because the wall for the flower bed in the garden is starting construction. Noisy, dirty and hot, our crew will be hard at work. I suspect swearing to follow. Maybe some of the patio slabs will get laid too.
Neither of those jobs yielded a result this week: despite both companies telling me I interviewed well, neither wanted me. I have another couple applications closing this coming week.
Tennis coverage starts at 13:00, should be a good semifinals, and I have a few small bits of freelance work to do: 1 JAWS script, a VBA cludge for outlook and some documentation to update for a converter I sold a year or two ago that needed an update last week.
Tonight we aim to finish season 3 of #DeepSpaceNine, we only have 2 episodes left. Life feels quite dreary just at the moment.
my #PlanForToday:
* Still working from home and have much to prep for another job interview tomorrow. Will be a gruelling afternoon and I needs ready both good answers to complex interview questions, practical material, more besides I've probably not thought of and travel arrangements.
* Our garden is still being worked-on, so no audio recording or anything quiet-needing. also frequent stops to make the builders tea, I suspect.
* Cameron Norrie is second up on centre court at Queen's this afternoon, so that should hopefully dovetail with a late lunch. He's also last-on for the Doubles!
* I will probably also keep an eye on the match following his. Rune got off to a slow start yesterday but pulled it back well. Nice to see how he does.
Bore da, good morning and bwrw glaw.
I haven't dared peep through the curtains yet, but if it's anything like the forecast we're in for +90% rain all day.
Of course, I've planned to go trouser shopping with fiancé today. Better wear my rain coat and make a quick dash between car and shops. And the forecast could be wrong
#rain #bwrwglaw #planfortoday #boreda