On Friday the #FloridaSupremeCourt heard oral arguments (video of full oral arguments) in #PlannedParenthood of Southwest and Central #Florida v. State of Florida, (FL Sup. Ct., 9/8/2-23). At issue in the case is a state constitutional challenge to Florida's 15-week #abortionban. The Florida Supreme Court has links to all the pleadings and briefs in the case.
#floridasupremecourt #plannedparenthood #florida #abortionban
#PlannedParenthood is worried #Texas lawsuit could bankrupt them
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: South Carolina's All-Male Supreme Court Approves Extreme 6-Week Abortion Ban https://jezebel.com/south-carolinas-all-male-supreme-court-approves-extreme-1850766846 #Jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #abortioninnorthcarolina #abortionrightsmovements #catherinehumphreville #lawoftheunitedstates #carolinesacerdote #plannedparenthood #sexualrevolution #katherinefarris #southcarolinas #johnkittridge #jamilaperritt #abortion #politics
#jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #abortioninnorthcarolina #abortionrightsmovements #catherinehumphreville #lawoftheunitedstates #carolinesacerdote #plannedparenthood #sexualrevolution #katherinefarris #southcarolinas #johnkittridge #jamilaperritt #abortion #politics
On Tuesday, the only #abortion clinic in #California’s #ImperialValley burned down. The #PlannedParenthood served that part of Southern California, as well as some residents of #Arizona who are trying to escape the state’s 15-week ban. It is also an already underserved area, with the second poorest population and one of the highest rates of teen #pregnancy in California. This is devastating. https://jezebel.com/abortion-clinic-near-california-arizona-border-burns-do-1850749037
#pregnancy #Arizona #plannedparenthood #imperialvalley #California #abortion
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Abortion Clinic Near California-Arizona Border Burns Down, a Major Blow to Regional Access https://jezebel.com/abortion-clinic-near-california-arizona-border-burns-do-1850749037 #Jezebel #abortioninnorthcarolina #darrahdigiorgiojohnson #antiabortionviolence #plannedparenthood #abortionclinic #eleanorgrano #socialissues #georgetiller #sandraduran #abortion #johnson #clinics #wade #roe
#jezebel #abortioninnorthcarolina #darrahdigiorgiojohnson #antiabortionviolence #plannedparenthood #abortionclinic #eleanorgrano #socialissues #georgetiller #sandraduran #abortion #johnson #clinics #wade #roe
People forget that the bullies (fascists) test by picking on groups that are small. They then move onto larger groups.
We see that when the Indiana AG subpoenas medical information from Planned Parenthood seeking gender affirming care.
If there isn't much push back, it lets him subpoena abortion records so the GOP can punish women who have had abortions.
#indiana #trans #transgender #abortion #plannedparenthood #women
#indiana #trans #transgender #abortion #plannedparenthood #women
LIVE 8/16/23 80pm EST REVELATION REDPILL EP25: Margaret Sanger, Eugenics, & Population Control Buckle up for what is likely to be the most controversial RRP episode yet! What do #birthcontrol , eugenics, #sterilization & #abortion all have in common? They are all about #populationcontrol . The turn of the century saw an upheaval in American #churches . Are #conservative #christians making packs with the #devil & #moloch ? Are the lies of #plannedparenthood 's founder #margaretsanger & eugenicists alive & well in the body of Christ? What did the early church teach about children & the purpose of marriage? If, like the #rapture theory, Christians are believing in something that is less than 100 yrs old, wouldn't you like to know where this belief came from? You will not be the same after this show- God wants to unlock blessings you can't imagine! Watch!!!👇👇👇https://rumble.com/v38b0qd-rev....elation-redpill-ep25
#birthcontrol #sterilization #abortion #populationcontrol #churches #Conservative #christians #devil #moloch #plannedparenthood #margaretsanger #rapture
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Notorious Right-Wing Judge Will Decide Fate of 'Sham' Lawsuit That Could Bankrupt Planned Parenthood https://jezebel.com/notorious-right-wing-judge-will-decide-fate-of-sham-law-1850742861 #Jezebel #impactofthecovid19pandemiconabortionintheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #healthmedicalpharma #plannedparenthood #matthewjkacsmaryk #matthewkacsmaryk #womenshealth #susanmanning #socialissues #jacobelberg #kenpaxton #lawcrime #alexdoe
#jezebel #impactofthecovid19pandemiconabortionintheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #healthmedicalpharma #plannedparenthood #matthewjkacsmaryk #matthewkacsmaryk #womenshealth #susanmanning #socialissues #jacobelberg #kenpaxton #lawcrime #alexdoe
Man who set fire to #PlannedParenthood sentenced to 10 years in prison
Tyler Massengill pleaded guilty to burning the office in February. According to investigators, on January 15, Massengill made a firebomb from what is believed to be a laundry detergent container filled with gasoline and placed it inside the office after lighting it on fire.
Massengill was ordered to pay $1.45 million for the damages in addition to being handed the prison sentence.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Montana Attorney General Implies Planned Parenthood Is Trafficking Humans https://jezebel.com/montana-attorney-general-implies-planned-parenthood-is-1850736011 #Jezebel #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #plannedparenthood #humantrafficking #austinknudsen #montanatalks #womenshealth #socialissues #liveaction #sexcrimes #marilyn
#jezebel #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #plannedparenthood #humantrafficking #austinknudsen #montanatalks #womenshealth #socialissues #liveaction #sexcrimes #Marilyn
What do you have to say about this, #PlannedParenthood?
#plannedparenthood #ChildTrafficking
Videos in Article: The #Devil #Witch Got Her Way, That Is Until She Died - #MargaretSanger #PlannedParenthood - 1957 - #MikeWallace Interviews Margaret Sanger - https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/the-devil-witch-got-her-way-that-is-until-she-died/
#devil #witch #margaretsanger #plannedparenthood #mikewallace
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Turns Out Rep. Tricia Cotham, North Carolina Abortion Traitor, Was a GOP Plant All Along https://jezebel.com/turns-out-rep-tricia-cotham-north-carolina-abortion-t-1850691458 #Jezebel #plannedparenthoodsouthatlantic #abortionrightsmovements #plannedparenthood #jillianreilly #laceywilliams #triciacotham #jonathancoby #robertreives #danbishopr #abortion #johnbell #politics #roevwade #timmoore #cotham #wade #roe
#jezebel #plannedparenthoodsouthatlantic #abortionrightsmovements #plannedparenthood #jillianreilly #laceywilliams #triciacotham #jonathancoby #robertreives #danbishopr #abortion #johnbell #politics #roevwade #timmoore #cotham #wade #roe
Cheri Pies death: Author of ‘pioneering’ lesbian parenting handbook dies of cancer at 73
#CheriPies #PlannedParenthood #LesbianMotherhood #Lesbian
#lesbian #lesbianmotherhood #plannedparenthood #cheripies
Iowa Judge Pauses State's 6-Week Abortion Ban https://politicaliq.com/2023/07/18/iowa-judge-pauses-states-6-week-abortion-ban/ #Iowa #Abortion #AbortionBan #KimReynolds #PlannedParenthood #PolkCountyDistrictCourt #politicaliq #news #politics
#Iowa #abortion #abortionban #kimreynolds #plannedparenthood #polkcountydistrictcourt #politicaliq #News #politics
Ars Technica: FDA approves the first over-the-counter birth control pill https://arstechnica.com/?p=1953709 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #plannedparenthood #birthcontrolpill #over-the-counter #birthcontrol #pregnancy #Health #Opill #fda #OTC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #plannedparenthood #birthcontrolpill #over #birthcontrol #pregnancy #health #opill #fda #otc
FDA approves the first over-the-counter birth control pill - Enlarge (credit: Perrigo)
For the first time, the Food and Dru... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1953709 #plannedparenthood #birthcontrolpill #over-the-counter #birthcontrol #pregnancy #health #opill #fda #otc
#otc #fda #opill #health #pregnancy #birthcontrol #over #birthcontrolpill #plannedparenthood
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Indiana Planned Parenthoods Are Fully Booked Until Abortion Ban Takes Effect in August https://jezebel.com/indiana-planned-parenthoods-fully-booked-abortion-ban-1850633775 #Jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #lawoftheunitedstates #healthmedicalpharma #abortioninwisconsin #plannedparenthood #deborahnucatola #vanetabecker #ericholcolmb #socialissues #abortion #politics #wade
#jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #lawoftheunitedstates #healthmedicalpharma #abortioninwisconsin #plannedparenthood #deborahnucatola #vanetabecker #ericholcolmb #socialissues #abortion #politics #wade
Wednesday, #ReproductiveRights groups sued to stop Iowa's newly passed 6-week #AbortionBan from going into effect.
#PlannedParenthood of the Heartland, the #ACLU of #Iowa & the #EmmaGoldmanClinic, a women’s health care facility in Iowa City, filed the #legal challenge in a state court Wednesday afternoon — <12 hours after the #Republican-controlled Legislature passed the ban.
#AbortionRights #AbortionlsHealthcare
#reproductiverights #abortionban #plannedparenthood #aclu #iowa #emmagoldmanclinic #legal #republican #abortionrights #abortionlshealthcare