At its July 12 meeting, the Planning Board recommended City Council approve amending the Alameda Marina Master Plan to increase the number of housing units from 760 to 801. Karin K. Jensen details the next steps in the project as Alameda plans for more housing.
#launch #alameda #TheFoundry #AlamedaMarina #PlanningBoard #AffordableHousing #AlamedaMarinaMasterPlan
#launch #alameda #thefoundry #alamedamarina #planningboard #affordablehousing #alamedamarinamasterplan
City Council finalized a budget for two fiscal years. Karin K. Jensen reports that priorities include housing for all Alamedans, community safety, climate change resilience, transportation, infrastructure, and fiscally responsible and inclusive governance.
#parks #alameda #housing #CityCouncil #ClimateChange #PlanningBoard #StrategicPlan #transportation #AffordableHousing #CityAquaticCenter #CommunityDevelopment #MunicipalFiscalResiliencePlan
#parks #alameda #housing #citycouncil #climatechange #planningboard #strategicplan #transportation #affordablehousing #cityaquaticcenter #communitydevelopment #municipalfiscalresilienceplan
The Planning Board approved the West Midway Development Plan, which includes 478 housing units to help Alameda meet requirements for affordable housing. Karin K. Jensen reports that the project will include 40 units for moderate income households at Alameda Point.
#ausd #reshap #alameda #housing #AlamedaPoint #PlanningBoard #HousingElement #AffordableHousing #WestMidwayProject #WestMidwayDevelopmentPlan
#ausd #reshap #alameda #housing #alamedapoint #planningboard #housingelement #affordablehousing #westmidwayproject #westmidwaydevelopmentplan
City Council held its second public workshop on developing a three-year Strategic Plan. Karin K. Jensen reports on the revised draft Vision Statement, agreed-upon priority areas, and specific priority projects which will inform the upcoming budget process.
#future #alameda #FireTower #CoricaPark #CityCouncil #CivicMakers #GreenwayGolf #PlanningBoard #PublicMeeting #StrategicPlan #ThreeYearVision
#future #alameda #firetower #coricapark #citycouncil #civicmakers #greenwaygolf #planningboard #publicmeeting #strategicplan #threeyearvision
At the April 10 meeting, Ken Der reports that the City of Alameda Planning Board discussed the recently adopted Objective Design Review Standards and heard an update on the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Project.
#alameda #estuary #drawbridge #EstuaryBridge #PlanningBoard #HistoricalAdvisoryBoard #ObjectiveDesignReviewStandards
#alameda #estuary #drawbridge #estuarybridge #planningboard #historicaladvisoryboard #objectivedesignreviewstandards
Follow along to learn more about 200 McGrath Highway, a major redevelopment project!
RT @Short_epics
#VilleMA #PlanningBoard begins now! Decently full agenda here: