"Hemp Can Save The Planet" #International #PlantAppreciationDay @russellrope @ https://russellrope.com/plantappreciationday2023 🌴🌎🌿
#international #plantappreciationday
As it's #PlantAppreciationDay, we're returning to this lovely piece from My First Garden author Livi Gosling!
She shares how both books and exploring nature can be great for children's wellbeing: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/news-and-features/features/2023/march/how-nature-books-can-inspire-families-to-discover-the-mental-health-benefits-of-being-outdoors/
It's #PlantAppreciationDay - so why not get creative?
Head over to #BookTrustHomeTime and Omar, the Bees and Me illustrator Katie Cottle will show you how to create a beautiful wildflower painting: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/hometime
#plantappreciationday #BookTrustHomeTime
It's #PlantAppreciationDay today! 🌻
We think it's the perfect time to check out some delightful books about plants and gardens: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/booklists/p/plants-and-gardens/
Pic: Erika Meza
Heute (13. April) ist der "Ehrentag der Pflanze" (International Plant Appreciation Day). Dieser Aktionstag soll an die Pflanzen und ihre Bedeutung für unser körperliches und geistiges Wohlergehen erinnern. Initiatorin dieses Tages ist amerikanische Gärtnerin und Umweltaktivistin Marion Owen.
#plantappreciationday #plants #pflanzen #Ehrentag