White Ignorance and the Small Black Child https://foofaraw.medium.com/white-ignorance-and-the-small-black-child-59f0299451ae #BlackLivesMatter. Except in #PlantationNation, where they most assuredly DO NOT. Not even the lives of the babies. #ignorance #racism #CasualRacism #history #CurrentEvents #YouMustBeCarefullyTaught #ExistenceInTheseDividedStates #WhitePrivilege #EveryGoddamnedDay #FleeIfYouCan #CentristsAreTheRealDanger #MLK #WhiteModerate
#blacklivesmatter #plantationnation #ignorance #racism #casualracism #history #currentevents #youmustbecarefullytaught #existenceinthesedividedstates #whiteprivilege #everygoddamnedday #fleeifyoucan #centristsaretherealdanger #mlk #whitemoderate
Oliver Gilbert escaped #slavery at Richland Farm, a #Maryland house revered by his descendant - Washington Post
#md #dmv #history #whitesupremacy #statusquo #evil #PlantationNation #ForcedLaborCamp #MarylandsOngoingShame
#slavery #maryland #md #dmv #history #whitesupremacy #statusquo #evil #plantationnation #forcedlaborcamp #marylandsongoingshame
Family of #HenriettaLacks FINALLY compensated, 7 decades later, for having her cells stolen to save mostly white lives (scientists that robbed Lacks never thought to help or inform her Black relatives) via one of the cruelest, most intimately dehumanizing forms of #whitesupremacist theft: #medicalracism. The US is HIDEOUS. #PlantationNation #Exploitation https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/family-henrietta-lacks-settles-thermo-fisher-scientific-continued-use-rcna97524
#henriettalacks #whitesupremacist #medicalracism #plantationnation #exploitation
Yet another #whitegaze view of #patriotism, #thegoodolddays (not for all), and the #nonholiday that is #IndependenceDay
#july4th #fourthofjuly #notmyholiday #justanotherdayinAmeriKKKa #PlantationNation
#whitegaze #patriotism #thegoodolddays #nonholiday #independenceday #july4th #fourthofjuly #notmyholiday #justanotherdayinamerikkka #plantationnation
Antiracist activists, educators, historians, and organizers feel this every day. If you'd said NO to the slavery and white supremacy, we would not be in this predicament. #PlantationNation
I hate the #UnitedStates with every piece of me. I am ashamed to have been born here. I am distraught that my ancestors were ever born and that they ever had to endure the nightmare that is #PlantationNation. I am disgusted that I fell for the ruse and thought it was safe to have children. Now they are stuck in this #whitesupremacist hellhole that is getting worse each day. Thank God they got their degrees already. But my grandkids and nieces and nephews... sitting ducks for the Kens and Karens of the evil Unwarranted Default (#mainstream, #whitegaze, #centrist #AmeriKKKan society and the unendurable, unjust #statusquo it accepts and which it commands, abuses, and threatens the oppressed people it exploits to tolerate and support) and its inhumane, irredeemable #systemicracism. The #SCOTUS is a prime example of why I am over the human species and why I believe it has EARNED the punishment of #climatechange. No decent species would allow white supremacy, much less mandate it and profit from it. Any species that would do that deserves extinction. Given what I see happening in the US each day, I pray that day comes SOON.
#UnitedStates #plantationnation #whitesupremacist #mainstream #whitegaze #centrist #amerikkkan #statusquo #systemicracism #SCOTUS #ClimateChange
‘What does this mean?’: Server confronts teens who didn’t tip and wrote ‘Black’ on the gratuity line
For the people in the back:
[O]utside of the apparently limitless depths of AmeriKKKan evil, the only thing exceptional I see about #PlantationNation is the [collective] innate decency of those it oppresses en masse. Kens & Karens should be grateful for every breath. I doubt they realize it.
'Openly hostile toward #africanamericans #NAACP issues 'formal #travel advisory' for #Florida - Alternet.org
(Openly hostile? How about damn dangerous!)
#alert #blackfedi #BlackMastodon #blm #BlackLivesMatter #BoycottFlorida #RonDeSantisIsRacist #lgbtqia+ #StayOutOfFlorida #EscapeFlorida #FleeFlorida #GetOutOfFlorida #HateState #WhereTheWokeGoToDie #PlantationNation
#africanamericans #naacp #travel #florida #alert #blackfedi #BlackMastodon #blm #BlackLivesMatter #boycottflorida #rondesantisisracist #lgbtqia #stayoutofflorida #escapeflorida #fleeflorida #getoutofflorida #hatestate #wherethewokegotodie #plantationnation
Jordan Neely was lynched: We must resist the #whitesupremacist narratives that blame #JordanNeely and absolve #whitevigilantism and the systemic violence and #systemicracism of the state
#lynching #PlantationNation #blacklivesmatter #TellTheTruth #BeAntiracist #antiracism
#whitesupremacist #jordanneely #whitevigilantism #systemicracism #lynching #plantationnation #blacklivesmatter #tellthetruth #BeAntiRacist #antiracism
Written by veteran journalist John Rydell two years ago, this piece reflecting on #Baltimore's #racist #history remains a compelling and relevant read today, as much of the nation takes active steps backward: The Baltimore Riot, 160 Years Later: Shades of the Capitol Insurrection - Maryland Matters
#jan6 #January6 #insurrection #whitesuprmeacy #histodon #civilwar #BlackLivesMatter #Maryland #md #PlantationNation
#baltimore #racist #history #jan6 #january6 #insurrection #whitesuprmeacy #histodon #civilwar #blacklivesmatter #maryland #md #plantationnation
US Surgeon General calls for action regarding the ongoing 'epidemic of loneliness & isolation' - ABC News
Loner by necessity. In #PlantationNation, the cost of this "connection" for Officially Othered ShatUpon-izens (#POC, #lgbtqia, etc) is having to hide who you are -- OR ELSE. Loneliness is awful and unhealthy, but it's preferable to being among people who make you feel unsafe and unworthy or constantly remind you to conform, obey, and mind your place.
#plantationnation #poc #lgbtqia
#BlackMan, #Texas Roadhouse Restaurant Server Forced to Wait on #Confederate-Loving, #Nword-Spewing Diners, Says He's Torn Between Giving Up Beloved Job and Sacrificing Self-Worth: ‘They Completely Dehumanized Me’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/black-server-in-tiktok-on-confederate-loving-texas-roadhouse-diners-they-dehumanized-me #racism #whitesupremacy #gop #BoycottTexas #systemicracism #KensAndKarens #Hate #PlantationNation
#blackman #texas #confederate #nword #racism #whitesupremacy #gop #boycotttexas #systemicracism #kensandkarens #hate #plantationnation
In #racist #police text scandal, US town sees echoes of an intolerant past
#racist #police #racism #plantationnation #acab
https://folioweekly.com/2022/12/16/citizen-1-kent-stermon-was-the-florida-politicians-bestie/ #GiveCopsRaises #BustCorruptCopUnion #FireBadCops and feeling like businessman group of nine members known as the sheriffs circle seems a little tired… #plantationnation
#givecopsraises #bustcorruptcopunion #firebadcops #plantationnation
@TheConversationUS Why do you people keep insisting that those of us diminished daily by society and the system must deal with those who go along with it -- aka the whitegaze-given mainstream -- any more than is necessary for safety and sanity's sake? Forget centuries of #history, we're just biased and polarized. Easier than saying the truth clearly and directly -- and then, finally, doing what's needed to make your country for the first time DECENT. And SAVE #PlantationNation from its own evil.
Damn. This is embarrassing. George Michael is considered more valuable to music than the mighty The Spinners? Or is he more popular? Was he cuter? Sold more records? Is this about art or history or popularity or influence (clearly the Philadelphia group influenced the younger Brit) or filthy lucre? Or is this yet another manifestation of #PlantationNation's ruling ethos: #WhiteMakesRight?
You wouldn't HAVE #rockandroll without #Black artists. Period.
Someone needs to start voting for #BlackMusicians for the #RockAndRollHallOfFame or "Fame" Needs to Turn to "Shame." #MissyElliot #ATribeCalledQuest #TheSpinners
#music #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackLivesMatter #BlackArtistsMatter #BlackMusicMatters
#plantationnation #whitemakesright #rockandroll #black #blackmusicians #rockandrollhalloffame #missyelliot #atribecalledquest #thespinners #music #BlackMastodon #blackfedi #BlackLivesMatter #blackartistsmatter #blackmusicmatters
AND: He is the property of #GinniThomas.
This remains #PlantationNation, after all. If Clarence has it, it's cos His Betters ALLOWED him to have it.
#ginnithomas #plantationnation #ginniownsclarence #corruption #modernslavery #gop #gopboy
@samlitzinger The world knows what the US is. Yesterday's horror just reminded the rest of the world that #PlantationNation practices inhumanity, hypocrisy, and mendacity on a scale no other country quite achieves, even in 2023. Beheading and such are horrifying, but keeping your human property/"lesser citizens" essentially imprisoned societally AND expected to accept emotional brutality from supposed superiors over a lifetime, that's exceptionally evil.
@Papablue There are good people in Tennessee. But the evil that runs the place is centuries old, it has NEVER gone away, and they're obviously working overtime to bring it back in full force. Too dangerous for POC; that's why I left and likely will never return. I'm old and have seen and have been damaged by too much of that shit. And sorry, I found more #racism in #Tennessee than barbecue and #countrymusic. And I experienced a lot of great barbecue and country music there. Even the "good" ones I met while working In #Nashville with #BernieSanders are poisoned by it. The place made me frightened every day. Now that's true for most of #PlantationNation, of course, but the south and the birthplace of the KKK are particularly, ridiculously disturbing and soul-crushing. You can feel the cry of the collateral damage in the ground beneath your feet, hear their cries of suffering in the air. When in the #VolunteerState or any part of the enslavement states, you are in a place of #evil.
Fascist? Undemocratic? Embarrassing? Yes.
But it's full-stop #whitesupremacy. Why don't they just tell the truth and call this EVIL what it is????
#racism #tennessee #countrymusic #nashville #berniesanders #plantationnation #volunteerstate #evil #whitesupremacy #boycotttennessee