RT @BereniceGagne@twitter.com
"La pollution au #chlordécone révèle le fondement des économies esclavagistes et de leurs prolongements ultralibéraux: un principe extractif de contrôle et d’exploitation des corps et des ressources"
Mon entretien de 2020 avec la géographe Christine Chivallon
#plantationocene https://twitter.com/Alexandre_Rigal/status/1612410016962674688
Y2 programme of our TRACTS COST Action includes meetings, workshops & training schools on #traces #collections #ethics #archives #heritage #plantationocene #mapping #memory #technology, #conflict #temporality & more. To learn more & join our network's Working Groups on Traces & #ClimateCrisis #SocialJustice & #Technology check here: http://tractsnetwork.online/about/
#traces #collections #Ethics #archives #heritage #plantationocene #mapping #memory #technology #Conflict #Temporality #climatecrisis #SocialJustice
Hello! 👋
I'm a literary academic and critical theorist who has been working within spatio-temporal and ecoGothic and Capitolocene/Plantationocene contexts lately. Here's my latest academic publication.
"Plantationocene Systems and Communal Disruptions in N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth Trilogy: An Ecogothic Perspective"
#sff #plantationocene #anthropocene #academia
Really into renaming this geological/historical moment something that reflects European aggression, or really anything that doesn't throw literally all of humanity under the bus as if these shitty systems we're under are somehow a choice we all woke up and made one day. I really like Plantationocene, though it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue...
#Anthropocene #Plantationocene #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming
#anthropocene #plantationocene #climatechange #globalwarming