BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
170 followers · 724 posts · Server

Plantations and fires
"We were able to show that some of the most intense fires were associated with eucalyptus and also pinus plantations.The plantations really were driving some of the most intense fires on Earth at that point and these are not non-trivial fires.These are absolute raging firestorms." Professor Bowman

#forestrycorporation #plantations #eucalyptus #bushfires #firestorm #risks

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
162 followers · 665 posts · Server

Koalas crushed, starving as Kangaroo Island's blue gum plantations come down

"As the plantations come, down dislocated koalas are hurting recovering native vegetation."

"Wildlife workers and researchers say Kangaroo Island koalas displaced by the removal of controversial Tasmanian blue gum plantations are starving — and an urgent solution is required...We're seeing koalas starving and being displaced in large numbers and this is just not good enough. Mrs Welz said since November last year, her group had cared for numerous animals with crush injuries."

"What we … would love to see is a sacrificial plantation where healthy koalas can be put in to live out their natural lives," she said."

"Koalas are not indigenous to Kangaroo Island and were introduced in the 1920s...the island's vegetation had not fully recovered from the Black Summer bushfires, and as koalas displaced by the plantation shutdown moved into farmland and areas of roadside vegetation, over-browsing was occurring."

"The spokesperson said the department was aware of the potential impacts on remnant native vegetation as koalas were forced to move, but that it was not considering acquiring or leasing part of the remaining unburnt plantation as a refuge."

"The animals are being displaced as the island's timber plantations come down."

""Locals say a koala management plan is needed as displaced animals are destroying native plants."

#wildlife #habitat #koalas #crush #injuries #plantations #remnantvegetation #logging #blacksummer #bushfires #carbonoffsets #kangarooisland #translocation

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
160 followers · 654 posts · Server

How 19th-century plantations turned Maui into a tinderbox

Hawaii/ Lahaina, the 18th century, “Venice of the Pacific”:
"A glut of natural wetlands nourished breadfruit trees, extensive taro terraces and fishponds that sustained wildlife and generations of Native."

"But more than a century and a half of plantation agriculture, driven by American and European colonists, have depleted Lahaina’s streams and turned biodiverse food forests into tinderboxes... The rise of plantation capital spawned the drying of the west side of Maui."

"Land privatization and water depletion set the stage for the Lahaina fire 150 years ago. ...Disaster capitalism at its finest”

#colonial #monoculture #plantations #water #rights #logging #indigenouspeoples #lahaina #hawaii #disasters #australia #nativeforest #bushfires

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
161 followers · 2676 posts · Server
kilombavita · @kilombavita
222 followers · 828 posts · Server
BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
119 followers · 580 posts · Server

Why was there no water to fight the fire in Maui?

"Big corporations, golf courses and hotels have been taking water from locals for years. Now the fire may result in even more devastating water theft."

"All over Maui, golf courses glisten emerald green, hotels manage to fill their pools and corporations stockpile water to sell to luxury estates. And yet, when it came time to fight the fires, some hoses ran dry. Why?"

"This is a classic case of the most craven disaster capitalism: a small elite group using a profound human tragedy as their window to roll back a hard-won grassroots victory for water rights, while removing civil servants who pose a political inconvenience to the administration’s pro-developer agenda."...
by Naomi Klein and Kapuaʻala Sproat

#bushfires #disasters #water #rights #theft #golf #plantations #developers #resorts #settlerculture

Last updated 1 year ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
243 followers · 1452 posts · Server

Origin Stories: , , and Industrial Control : Misc

Suddenly, It Looks Like We’re in a for : NY Times

The : How Hax reprioritized corporate strategy : MIT Sloan

Check our latest

#knowledgelinks #arnoldo #deltamodel #medicine #goldenage #computers #plantations

Last updated 1 year ago

juli g pausas · @jgpausas
446 followers · 191 posts · Server

What happen when a watch a ?

Here is Adrian Newton, from University, describing the idyllic landscapes of The Lord of the Rings

@ecology @plants @botany @plantscience @nature
@biodiversity @conservation

#plantations #invasive #tlor #thelordoftherings #bournemouth #ecologist #movie #scientist

Last updated 1 year ago

Greg Miller · @gregmillerwrites
16 followers · 19 posts · Server

@nancylwayne Several were operating on Lake Champlain in #1776. The largest belonged to Philip Skene, founder of Skenesboro aka Whitehall NY, who owned fields, mines, mills, a shipyard, and forge operated by workers. He also forced his house slaves to dress in fancy livery. Appointed British Lt.-Gov. of the province but arrested upon his return to America from England tomorrow (June 7, 1775).

#plantations #enslaved #otd #ushistory #slavery #americanhistory #histodons #BlackMastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Greg Miller · @gregmillerwrites
7 followers · 15 posts · Server

We can discuss the around (and elsewhere in the north) if anyone is interested.

#plantations #lakechamplain

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
68 followers · 443 posts · Server

The Amazon is everywhere
"A handful of global giants dominate the industrialisation of the Amazon , extracting tens of billions of dollars of raw materials every year, according to an analysis that highlights how much value is being sucked out of the region with relatively little going back in."

"The combination of irresponsible behaviour by some private companies with “the dismantling of public and policies in the past four years led to a twofold increase in deforestation rates in the region compared to the previous ten years average.”

"One of the problems, observers say, is that an extractivist development model has prevailed in the Brazilian Amazon ever since it was opened up by the country’s military dictatorship in the 1970s."

"This logic, which has prevailed since the first European colonisers invaded South America more than 500 years ago, is now under intense scrutiny because the Amazon is so degraded that scientists warn this pillar of the global climate is close to collapse."

Excerpts via:

#rainforest #conservation #indigenous #tncs #supplychain #cattle #meat #mining #logging #deforestation #eucalyptus #plantations #roads #extractivism #destruction #biodiversity #climate

Last updated 1 year ago

Jocelyn · @cyclotopie
43 followers · 697 posts · Server


• Appropriation de l’espace public à des fins privées. Aucun usage privé ne bénéficie
d’une telle faveur.
• Tout ou partie des espaces publics affectés au stationnement pourrait être réaffecté à
des usages sociétalement et environnementalement plus utiles : élargissement des
, aménagements , couloirs de , , bancs, etc.

#alttext #trottoirs #cyclables #bus #plantations

Last updated 1 year ago

Financial Chronicle · @chronicle
8 followers · 740 posts · Server
BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
58 followers · 336 posts · Server
Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
1987 followers · 5353 posts · Server

it’s really lovely reading all the tributes and memories from everyone here - a brilliant and lifelong activist, he meant so much to so many. I first heard the at a NYE party as a 9y old - my first exhilerating music experience. Been thinking about it again recently researching and - all that hard labour every day, and the role of music in it.

#rip #harrybelafonte #singer #musician #civilrights #bananaboatsong #plantations #supplychains #jamaica #RacialCapitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
966 followers · 3031 posts · Server
BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
56 followers · 296 posts · Server
Duane Aubin :verified: · @duaneaubin
347 followers · 323 posts · Server

11/23 And then the stock market crashed in 1929.

, a Democrat based in New York (the north!), won with a Texan as running mate.

As the effects of the crash mushroomed into the , initiated several new primarily to help those southerners whose — er, farms — had become poor (since they'd lost their slave labor),and "forgotten".

The Democrats were sliding towards being more progressive and based in the north!

#franklindroosevelt #greatdepression #fdr #socialprograms #plantations

Last updated 2 years ago

The-14 · @The14
18 followers · 622 posts · Server
IHC · @IHChistory
271 followers · 277 posts · Server

📘 Hot off the presses: Marta Macedo is one of the editors of the book "Global Plantations in the Modern World. Sovereignties, Ecologies, Afterlives" (Palgrave Macmillan).

The book proposes an unexplored nexus between and , with cases studies from around the world and addressing pressing global issues such as environmental degradation, food production and social inequality.


#plantations #sovereignty #histodons #newbook #foodhistory #envhist

Last updated 2 years ago