#Protest #Bees #PlantATree #reforestation
#Trees #GlobalEmissions #ClimateJustice #plasticpollution
#CleanSeas #ExtinctionRebellion
#GretaThunberg #YouthStrike4Climate
#TheResistance #actionspeakslouder #noplanetb #teamplanet ROCK ON!!🤘
#listenfollowsupport #sharingiscaring
#sharingiscaring #listenfollowsupport #teamplanet #noplanetb #actionspeakslouder #theresistance #youthstrike4climate #gretathunberg #extinctionrebellion #CleanSeas #plasticpollution #climatejustice #globalemissions #trees #reforestation #plantatree #bees #protest
Plant A Tree - A Poem
#amwriting #poem #poetry #writerslife #WritingCommunity #climatechange #trees #PlantATree
#amwriting #poem #poetry #writerslife #writingcommunity #climatechange #trees #plantatree
Bravo Alex! 👏 #AlexRins #plantAtree https://alex-rins-plants-trees.raisely.com/
💞 This week's #MercherMindful falls on #DyddGwylDewi - #StDavidsDay - a day of cultural celebration in #Cymru #Wales
"Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd" is a maxim of #DewiSant and means "do the the little things". David was a teetotal vegan ascetic who taught that it's the little things day to day that matter most.
One of the small things you can do today is #PlantATree with a free tree from @CoedCadw https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/wales-tree-giveaway/
#DyddGwylDewiHapus #community #mindful #midweekmindful #plantatree #DewiSant #Wales #cymru #stdavidsday #dyddgwyldewi #merchermindful
Deine "Combo aus “Support your favorite Techblogger” und “wir pflanzen einen Wald”", Sehr coole Idee@pallenberg@mastodon.social :blobcatbigfan: #blog und #podcast
Boosten, bitte.
#blog #podcast #umweltschutz #greenplanet #plantatree #baume #pflanzen
Se state pensando ad un regalo date un occhiata a www.treedom.net/it/ progetto tutto italiano per un futuro più sostenibile piantando un albero
#treedom #fridaysforfuture #plantatree
Greetings fellow #Mastodonians Making a new self #Introduction here: I am engaged in #Environmentalist, #Meditation Teacher, #MasterGardner, #RESIST, #Nonviolence, #BidenHarris, #TibetanBuddhism, #vajrayana, #Dzogchen, #Mahamudra, #FBR, #PlantATree, #AntiFascist, #BlockMagats
Just transferred to mastodon.social
#mastodonians #introduction #environmentalist #meditation #mastergardner #resist #nonviolence #BidenHarris #TibetanBuddhism #vajrayana #dzogchen #mahamudra #fbr #plantatree #antifascist #blockmagats
Auch das Radio macht mit :)
Nature by Nordisch :blobcatheadphones:
"Mehr als 20.000 Bäume wurden schon gespendet und die ersten haben wir bereits unter anderem in Hameln und Hann. Münden gepflanzt - dank euch!"
If trees gave us wifi, we would all plant the trees.
But because they give us oxygen no one cares.
If money grew on trees, we would all plant trees.
But because they give us rain no one cares
Greetings fellow #Mastodonians Making a self #Introduction here: I am engaged in #Environmentalist, #Meditation Teacher, #MasterGardner, #RESIST, #Nonviolence, #BidenHarris, #TibetanBuddhism, #vajrayana, #Dzogchen, #Mahamudra, #nondual #FBR, #PlantATree, #AntiFascist, #BlockMagats
#mastodonians #introduction #environmentalist #meditation #mastergardner #resist #nonviolence #bidenharris #tibetanbuddhism #vajrayana #dzogchen #mahamudra #nondual #fbr #plantatree #AntiFascist #blockmagats
@jacksokol - Welcome Jack! People are a little harder to find here because Mastodon operates a little differently. Only #Hashtags and @ usernames are searchable, and hashtags in your profile are not searchable, so the norm here is to Post an #Introduction to yourself that is mostly hashtags - like:
#Environmentalist, #Meditation Teacher, #MasterGardner, #RESIST, #Nonviolence, #BidenHarris,
#FBR, #PlantATree, #AntiFascist, #BlockMagats
#hashtags #introduction #environmentalist #meditation #mastergardner #resist #nonviolence #BidenHarris #fbr #plantatree #antifascist #blockmagats
Ich war mal so fleißig und habe Euch eine Seite für eine grandios umweltfreundliche Geschenkidee zusammen gestellt :blobcatcoffee: Finde das eine wirklich gute Sache und keiner beschwert sich mehr über Geschenkpapier :blobcathappy:
#umweltschutz #greenplanet #plantatree #baume #pflanzen
RT @LiftForever67@twitter.com
#PlantATree #WinterWonderland
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LiftForever67/status/1595883147086168064
#thanksgiving2022 #plantatree #WinterWonderland
Download Ecosia to plant trees for free so you can enjoy every #ThickTrunkTuesday. 😉
#trees #plantatree #thicktrunktuesday
Printing with @Polymaker_3D@twitter.com Forest Green PolyTerra PLA. For every PolyaTerra spool sold, Polymaker plants a tree 🌳🌳🌳 #3Dprinting #3dprint #3dprints #plantatree
#plantatree #3dprints #3dprint #3dprinting
RT @able_acorn@twitter.com
We can reforest the rainforests. Research is being conducted to identify the best species of trees to plant. By planting the most ideal trees we can get the best results.
#rainforests #reforestation #plantmoretrees #treeplanting #plantatree #savethetrees
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/able_acorn/status/1594375025221840896
#rainforests #reforestation #plantmoretrees #treeplanting #plantatree #savethetrees
"Is it no magic this neibourhood, no leaves tae rake or blaw, nae grass tae mow.
Nae beasties in the hoose, nae burds crappin oan the car, nae neibours revin up their hedge trimmers, total peace mon.
Ye dinni even get insects slairiein the car windie when ye go fur yer messages."
#Scotland #Scots weekly word #illustration & #translation https://stooryduster.co.uk/neibourhood/ #COP27 #environment #soil #ClimateChange #climatecrisis #PlantATree
#plantatree #climatecrisis #ClimateChange #soil #environment #cop27 #translation #illustration #scots #scotland