Unterschiede in den Treibhausgasemissionen einzelner Ernährungsweisen: Zusammenhänge zwischen den Treibhausgasemissionen und der Nährstoffaufnahme
#klima #landwirtschaft #ernährung #agrarwende #biodiversität #co2 #methan #fleisch #Milch #Käse #Ei #Schweine #Schwein #Rinder #Hühner #Kälber #Ferkel #Hähnchen #Schafe #Lamm #plantbased #plants
#klima #Landwirtschaft #ernahrung #agrarwende #biodiversitat #co2 #methan #Fleisch #milch #kase #ei #schweine #schwein #rinder #huhner #kalber #ferkel #hahnchen #schafe #lamm #plantbased #plants
At last, we’re getting green beans!!! They’re delicious! 😋
#CommunityGarden #growyourown #vegetables #plantbased
When I eat out, I try to order as #vegan or #PlantBased as possible, because I like to think I can reduce harm and be healthy at the same time.
Sadly, also being #celiac means that a lot of the time, the #meatless selections are just not an option for me. Really wish more veganish places would have more #GlutenFree options.
#vegan #plantbased #celiac #meatless #glutenfree
Versuche der französischen Regierung, Fleischnamen für vegane Alternativen als „irreführen“ zu verbieten.
#Landwirte sowie #Fleisch- und #Milchindustrie in #Frankreich haben argumentiert, dass die Verwendung von diesen Begriffen für pflanzliche Produkte die Verbraucher verwirrt. Dabei ist das eine umfassend widerlegte Behauptung.
Lobbyarbeit! Die #Fleischindustrie beschuldigt vegane Alternativen oft, ungesund zu sein, aber das neue Gesetz wird Marken bestrafen, die einen hohen Gehalt an gesundem #Pflanzenprotein in ihren Produkten gewährleisten.
#landwirtschaft #agrarwende #ernährung #vegan #plantbased #ernährungswende
#Pflanzenprotein #fleischindustrie #ernahrungswende #plantbased #vegan #ernahrung #agrarwende #landwirtschaft #frankreich #Milchindustrie #fleisch #landwirte
Unterschiede in den Treibhausgasemissionen einzelner Ernährungsweisen: Zusammenhänge zwischen den Treibhausgasemissionen und der Nährstoffaufnahme
#klima #landwirtschaft #ernährung #agrarwende #biodiversität #co2 #methan #fleisch #Milch #Käse #Ei #Schweine #Rinder #Hühner #Kälber #Ferkel #Hähnchen #Schafe #Lamm #plantbased #plants
#klima #landwirtschaft #ernahrung #agrarwende #biodiversitat #co2 #methan #Fleisch #milch #kase #ei #schweine #rinder #huhner #kalber #ferkel #hahnchen #schafe #lamm #plantbased #plants
I never cook gnocchi - mainly because I can't be arsed to make it and otherwise rarely see ready-made that's #PlantBased / #Vegan. But my OH has found a source and keeps bringing it home. So....... I wondered if anyone had any exciting / outside the box gnocchi ideas for me tonight? I was thinking creamy spinachy, but have lost confidence and worry it'll just be a big load of gloop. HELP!
“Universities should see themselves as microcosms of society, where a spirit of exploration encourages people to try new things, to test better options, and to assess the consequences.”
Me, quoted in this article in the Guardian about support for a student-led campaign to make UK university catering entirely plant-based (while obviously still allowing people to bring what they want to eat on campus).
#Climate #universities #plantbased
I know it’s sort of unimportant but there are vegan Müller Rice now. They are really good as well 👍
#Vegan #PlantBased
Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian high quality protein rich food, that is, produced by fungal fermentation and has unique texture and flavour; sometimes described as nutty or mushroom-like, and is made from just two ingredients: beans (traditionally soybeans) and Rhizopus oligosporus fungi.
#plantbased #plantprotein #superfood #tempeh #highprotein #nutrition #vegan #vegetarian #prebiotic #fermentation #meatalternative #ferment #fermentfood
#plantbased #plantprotein #superfood #tempeh #highprotein #nutrition #vegan #vegetarian #prebiotic #fermentation #meatalternative #ferment #fermentfood
Science tells me I shouldn't have banana in my berry smoothie, but smoothie without banana is just ick. 😭 #PlantBased
It's been a while since I posted something about #veganism, so I thought this article is a good reminder for all those 'plant-based food' is unnatural (????) that your beef meal is very likely to be full of antibiotic, hormones, and derived from a genetically manipulated animal grown to meet commercial standards which, by definition, are UNNATURAL.
#veganism #vegan #plantbased #animals #govegan
There was a Mellow Mushroom restaurant where I used to teach in TN, and one here in FL where I live now, but we've never tried it.
Our power was out after the hurricane today, so we're staying at a hotel down the street from the pizzeria.
Their vegan pie is yummy!
With lots of my favorite, black olives, plus spinach, Roma tomatoes, green peppers, onions, mushrooms.
No butter or Parmesan toppers.
I will definitely be picking these up on the way home from work.
#Vegan #PlantBased
Wow! For a first attempt at cashew “mozzarella” this didn’t turn out half bad!
It slices okay with a serrated knife, is almost free of taste (so I’ll have to work with that next time), it’s stretchy almost like freshly-made mozzarella, and it MELTS a bit when you reheat it.
I am freezing one to see how that affects the texture and tomorrow I’ll make a caprese salad for lunch with some of the other one. So, photos of that to come. Woo! #Vegan #Cheese #Cooking #PlantBased
#plantbased #Cooking #cheese #Vegan
#NowPlaying #Podcast #PlantBased
#nowplaying #podcast #plantbased
Menu du jour : seitan rôti, crudités, pommes dauphines
via @itsveganjim
#seitan #vegan #plantbased #sustainable #veganfood
In less-depressing news, this week I am going to learn how to make #plantbased “cheese” out of cashew and coconut and some weird level-10 #vegan internet magic. Later on in the week I will learn to make my own coconut yogurt and plant milks. I’m actually super-excited because I can control the ingredients. Most commercial dairy replacements have xanthan gum, which makes me really sick. I’m not vegan, but I try not to eat dairy. Backyard #eggs are a different story, though.