Found this ted talk after the SRF interview of James Bridle by Barbara Bleisch Monica Gagliano talks about #plantcognition. Very interesting..
Clearly,” Thompson says, “plants are self-organizing, self-maintaining, self-regulating, highly adaptive, they engage in complex signaling among each other, within species and across species, and they do that within a framework of multicellularity that’s different from animal life but exhibits all the same things: autonomy, intelligence, adaptivity, sense-making.” From a 4E perspective, Thompson says, “there’s no problem in talking about #PlantCognition.”
If you are interested in plant cognition, minimal cognition...: Me and wonderful Ric Sims wrote this paper that is published last month. 🌿
Stigmergic coordination and minimal cognition in plants
#PlantPhenomeProject 🌱 #Egenis #UniversityofExeter
#plantcognition #minimalcognition #coordination
#coordination #minimalcognition #plantcognition #UniversityofExeter #egenis #plantphenomeproject
Really interesting podcast with Monica Gagliano on #plantcognition 🤓