@kevinrns @gdeihl The only working #CarbonCapture tech that is scalable is #PlantingTrees!
I want to plant trees this week. I am in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh-ish. Suggestions?
#Trees #PlantingTrees #TreesRock #TreesTreesTrees #ILoveTrees
#ilovetrees #treestreestrees #treesrock #plantingtrees #Trees
Green Spaces in Decline: Climate Anxiety Exacerbated by Lack of Access to Nature
#Environment #Health #ClimateChange #ClimateAnxiety #GreenSpaces #MentalHealth #plantingTrees #Nature #AccessToNature #Decline
#environment #health #climatechange #climateanxiety #greenspaces #mentalhealth #plantingtrees #nature #accesstonature #decline
Planting trees is a popular strategy for reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. But, if you are not careful with the way and location you plant the trees, you may be causing more harm than good.
#PlantingTrees #MinuteEarth #ClimateChange #CarbonCapture #Trees
#plantingtrees #minuteearth #ClimateChange #carboncapture #trees
A brief #introduction:
I’m a software developer from northern Sweden (#Sápmi) running my own #SmallTech one person business (currently 50% on parental leave).
I also do #MusicProduction and #Podcasting. I’m into #Drums, #Synthezisers, #Photography, #PixelArt, #GameDev, #Gardening, #PlantingTrees, #Anarchy, #Taoism, indigenous culture and a million other things. I like good people and despise big corporations, billionaires and AI.
#introduction #sapmi #SmallTech #MusicProduction #podcasting #drums #synthezisers #Photography #pixelart #gamedev #gardening #plantingtrees #anarchy #taoism