This is very cool. A second example of #bees as seed dispersers, this time orchid bees and stingless bees carrying vanilla seeds (previously only known from Australian stingless bees and a eucalypt species #seeddispersal #plantinsect
#bees #SeedDispersal #plantinsect
Cool #fasciation on our #Casuarina. Dozens of these tiny brown #beetles (maybe nitidulids?) ran out of it, could be the cause #PlantInsect
#fasciation #casuarina #beetles #plantinsect
I have a #PhDposition open on Climate Change effects on plant-enemy interactions starting early 2023! If you are interested in #PlantInsect #Interaction and #PlantPathogen #Interactions, and how they are altered by #ClimateChange have a look!
The position is within our #BugNet project, will be co-supervised by Eric Allan and in close collaboration with @rr_junker and Jake Alexander.
#Job #PhD
#PhDposition #plantinsect #interaction #plantpathogen #interactions #climatechange #bugnet #job #phd