"to sleep, perchance to dream"
Passion vine and #flower picked for super sleepy time tea, soothing anxiety, and calming burning, itching, allergy eyes.
#plants #plantmedicine #tropics #farmacy #bloomscrolling
#flower #plants #plantmedicine #tropics #farmacy #bloomscrolling
I’m a relationally motivated active #writer. I’d like to get to know other writers and eventually find someone I connect with and trust to do a beta reader #writing exchange with (weekly? every other week?) for accountability & feedback. My novel is in its second draft and deals with #addiction #plantmedicine #narcissism #AdvaitaVedanta #radicalacceptance. I am an xp’d beta reader and enjoy many genres. Smut & horror are not my jam to read but I’m happy they bring joy to others.
#writer #writing #addiction #plantmedicine #narcissism #advaitavedanta #radicalacceptance
#Purslane is an #annual #succulent used in #traditional #Chinese #medicine (TCM) for centuries - it's known as “vegetable for long life.” In #TCM - it's used to cool the blood, stop bleeding, clear heat & neutralize toxins. Dried parts are used for treatment of fever, dysentery, diarrhea, carbuncles, eczema & hematochezia.
Whole #plant is #edible & has soury flavour.
#AsianMastodon #ChineseAncientMedicine #CulturalMedicine #PlantMedicine #HolisticMedicine #Nature #FoodAndMedicine
#purslane #annual #succulent #traditional #chinese #medicine #tcm #plant #edible #asianmastodon #chineseancientmedicine #culturalmedicine #plantmedicine #holisticmedicine #nature #foodandmedicine
Rose-petal honey (and elixir and tincture) is my favorite way to preserve the joy of rose season. Here’s a TikTok I made, if you go there.
#PlantMedicine #MakingPlantMedicine #RosePetalHoney #HerbalistDoctor
#plantmedicine #makingplantmedicine #rosepetalhoney #herbalistdoctor
Weeds are great medicine! I’m drying off a bit of cleavers for a fresh plant tincture. One of the best lymph system herbs! #herbs #Plantmedicine #weedsociety #greenmedicine
#herbs #plantmedicine #weedsociety #greenmedicine
Have you played with Pedicularis? Do you have a favorite species? Lmk 👇🏼.
#PedicularisDensisflora #PlantGeek #PlantMedicine #Wildcrafting #MedicineOfPlace #LoveThePlantsYoureWith #HerbalistsHaveFriendsWhereverWeGo #WalkingWithOrna #CalmingHerbs #HerbalistDoctor
#pedicularisdensisflora #plantgeek #plantmedicine #wildcrafting #medicineofplace #lovetheplantsyourewith #herbalistshavefriendswhereverwego #WalkingWithOrna #calmingherbs #herbalistdoctor
Have you played with Pedicularis? Do you have a favorite species? Lmk 👇🏼.
#PedicularisDensisflora #PlantGeek #PlantMedicine #Wildcrafting #MedicineOfPlace #LoveThePlantsYoureWith #HerbalistsHaveFriendsWhereverWeGo #WalkingWithOrna #CalmingHerbs #HerbalistDoctor
#pedicularisdensisflora #plantgeek #plantmedicine #wildcrafting #medicineofplace #lovetheplantsyourewith #herbalistshavefriendswhereverwego #WalkingWithOrna #calmingherbs #herbalistdoctor
My weed week in review.
#WeedWednesday #cannabis #flowers #stoners #photography #gardening #PlantsNotPills #hashish #hash #ptsd #MentalHealth #bipolar #bpd #medicine #PlantMedicine
#weedwednesday #cannabis #flowers #stoners #photography #gardening #plantsnotpills #hashish #hash #ptsd #mentalhealth #bipolar #bpd #medicine #plantmedicine
My Indigenous people from Maizeland, if you share our plant medicines with people who didn't grow up near you, who came from the viral sort of Christian upbringing, please add this to the list of warnings.
"If you return with messianic ambitions or thinking it is your job to save the world from _insert "white" supremacist moral panic_ then you did it wrong. That was an evil spirit you were supposed to see and banish."
Thank you.
#PlantTeachers #PlantMedicine #Indigenous #Peyote #Ayahuasca
#plantteachers #plantmedicine #indigenous #peyote #ayahuasca
The Radboud Institute for Culture and History is offering 2 postdocs to work on history of coca, peyote and ayahuasca for the project « Poison, Medicine or Magic Potion? Shifting Perceptions of 'Drugs' in and from Latin America (1820-2020). »
#psychedelics #coca #peyote #ayahuasca #plantmedicine #postdoc #research #history #HistoryOfArt #histmed #histodons
#psychedelics #coca #peyote #ayahuasca #plantmedicine #postdoc #research #history #HistoryOfArt #histmed #histodons
We may or may not have purchased every one of Paul Stamets' books so.. some light reading over lunch.
Maybe one of these days I'll successfully cultivate oyster mushrooms instead of jar after jar of mold. (And then hopefully many more types of fungi after that!)
#AmateurMycologist #mycology #mushrooms #PlantMedicine #PaulStamets
#amateurmycologist #mycology #mushrooms #plantmedicine #paulstamets
Musing today about how much effort I've gone to in order to educate myself about #cbd for medicinal purposes, how it regulates firing of the nervous system and can help with basically any inflammatory issue, and might even function as a protective measure against death by COVID by inhibiting the cytokine storm that can kill you or reducing the inflammation that causes the symptoms of long COVID.
Yet people will just straight up ignore me because they think I'm a hippie who believes weed is some cure-all lol
I'm kinda wishing I kept links to the studies where I learned all this, especially some of the studies that came out during the pandemic because they were super fascinating. Some of it I learned through patient education at a licensed medical cannabis clinic though.
I very nearly became a patient cannabis educator at the same clinic but wasn't meant to be just yet unfortunately, although that would've been an amazing gig.
#cannabis #plantmedicine
#alternativemedicine #disabled #askingautistics #actuallyautistic #marijuana #plantmedicine #cannabis
At one time it relaxed me and allowed me to look into parts of myself and my childhood which I have long hidden even from myself.
At some point or stopped that and just made me anxious and paranoid.
So I now abstain. Usefulness has run its course.
#alternativemedicine #disabled #askingautistics #actuallyautistic #marijuana #plantmedicine #cannabis
Pine cones never cease to amaze me. They go through seemingly endless transformations, handling each of their many stages of change and growth with such grace. Truly an inspiration.
I saw this one yesterday when I went #foraging for #pineneedles. The sun highlighted it for me, a picture-perfect moment despite the strong wind! The snow we got is finally melting away. It feels like spring is just around the corner with how everything's starting to thaw. It's been a strange, heavy winter this time around. Sometimes we need help seeing and pivoting our attention accordingly.
The colours almost remind me of a mango. Bright and shining. 🥭
As for the #pine needles, I made jelly with them, adding in #homemade tangerine 🍊 jam for their immune boosting effects. Aside from The Virus, there's a lot of flus and other such nasties going about, and while we still mask, it doesn't hurt to be cautious.
I place great trust in my #plantmedicine. Continuing #herbalism the way my #Ancestors have been practicing it is such a blessing. It's what inspired me to start creating content online in the first place, wanting to share the joy and love I have for my culture and to help foreigners approach #hellenicpolytheism and #greekculture respectfully and in an educated manner.
I also wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who take a moment to interact with my posts here! It's encouraging me to share more.
(Cross-post from Instagram)
#foraging #pineneedles #pine #homemade #plantmedicine #herbalism #ancestors #hellenicpolytheism #greekculture
Subject: Medicinal cannabis
For those who find it helpful, can I ask in what ways?
Comment if your answers differ from those in the poll (note, you can choose more than one) or if you have any specific experience or info/points to add.
Thank you ☺️
And thanks for reboosts!
#Cannabis #PlantMedicine #Marijuana #ActuallyAutistic #AskingAutistics #Disabled #AlternativeMedicine
#alternativemedicine #disabled #askingautistics #actuallyautistic #marijuana #plantmedicine #cannabis
The concoction that I've been taking 2x day since Wednesday am: uhaloa and mamaki leaf tea, mixed with 2 droppers each of, turkey tail mushroom, usnea and turmeric tinctures, all grown here, made here. Also some commercial product: lions mane and cordyseps mushroom tinctures.
Desired effect: general immune support and anti-inflammatory properties. Gentle healing support for undiagnosed rat lungworm, or whatever made me sick for 2+ weeks.
Doing better daily since the "relapse" on Tuesday.
#plantmedicine #treatyoself #homesteady #witchtoot #farmacy
#plantmedicine #treatyoself #homesteady #witchtoot #farmacy
Good short read if you are interested in plant medicine and are open to indigenous ways of knowing. I learned a lot about tobacco, nicotine, and ayahuasca. Free to borrow as an audiobook on Hoopla.
#PlantMedicine #plants #ayahuasca #tobacco #books #AmReading @plants
#plantmedicine #plants #ayahuasca #tobacco #books #amreading
Bottled the usnea tincture. @mk30 drew the little label art 🥰
I have a limited number of 2oz bottles if anyone is interested in a purchase or exchange of some kind. ☺️
#plantmedicine #homesteady #hawaii #barter
#plantmedicine #homesteady #hawaii #barter
Although the new regulations around psilocybin and MDMA prescribing will require an authorised psychiatrist, the intention is to prove that they 'can be used and prescribed safely to the public.' In reality, plant medicines have been used in ceremony for thousands of years under the guidance of shaman and traditional healers. We are now approaching the 'westernisation' of traditional medicine. #psilocybin #mdma #plantmedicine #tga #australia #mindmedicine
#psilocybin #mdma #plantmedicine #tga #australia #mindmedicine