Earth Day eye-candy! 🌿 Four muscular hunks in caps, socks, and underwear surrounded by lush Monstera Deliciosa 🍃 Celebrating our planet with a touch of style and muscles! 😍💪 #BrawnyAi #EarthDayHunks #MonsteraMagic #LoveOurPlanet #plantdad #plantdaddy #plantman #plantpeople #plantnerd #plantgeek #gardener #plantdude #naturalman #menofnature #plantlove #plantporn #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantlove #plantporn #plants #plantas #pflanzen #植物 #잘생긴 #식물
#brawnyai #earthdayhunks #monsteramagic #loveourplanet #plantdad #plantdaddy #plantman #plantpeople #plantnerd #plantgeek #gardener #plantdude #naturalman #menofnature #plantlove #plantporn #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plants #plantas #pflanzen #植物 #잘생긴 #식물
Hey les nerds à plantes avec expérience, j'ai une question de nerd à plantes débutant : est-ce que les gousses d'ail germées ça se plante pour en faire des plants d'ail? :blobcatsurprised:
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Hey skilled plants nerds, i have a newbie plant nerd question : can i plant my sprouted garlic cloves, to have a garlic plants? :blobcatsurprised:
#plantnerd #garlic #DisabledGardening #gardening #ail #plantes #jardinage
I got a cat grass kit for Gaby #plantnerd #catgrass #catenrichment
#plantnerd #catgrass #catenrichment
Look at that. More plant surprises every day. I wasn't sure if my narcissus would sprout again. #plantnerd #narcissus #plantfriends #newgrowth #Surprise #aftertherain #nature
#plantnerd #narcissus #plantfriends #newgrowth #surprise #aftertherain #nature
@Snu @NessaUndreza @LifeTimeCooking this looks so much like the Mexican sage I have growing in my yard, had to look it up 🤓
Some interesting uses!
~Edible. The leaves, deep fried in batter, are known as 'lambari' or fried fish in Brazil! Use them young in salads, steamed or stir-fried.
~Medicinal. Leaves can be used on insect bites, including bee-stings. ...
~Functional. A soft natural toilet paper!
#plantnerd #gardening #nativeplants #lambsear
Honeysuckle vine Lonicera sempervirens #ArtAdventCalendar the hummingbirds seem to like this earlier spring blooming food source. Plus it’s just pretty. #birds #nature #plantNerd #horticulture
#ArtAdventCalendar #birds #nature #plantnerd #horticulture
You *might* be a #plantNerd if part of your packing includes your "travel plants."
Looking for tips for this sad #fiddleleaffig We adopted this friend during lock down when the office it lived in closed to go fully remote. It was doing well for quite a long time but recently it has had a lot of die back. I know it's winter but l am worried about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. #plantnerd #indoorplants #plantfriends #help #tips
#fiddleleaffig #plantnerd #indoorplants #plantfriends #help #tips
Instructions: apply a pea sized amount
*narrows eyes*
Yeah, but what KIND of pea?
#plantnerd #neurodivergent #detailsmatter
Look at it! It's growing like crazy #plantnerd #hellebore #wintergrowth #PlantParenthood #plants
#plantnerd #hellebore #wintergrowth #plantparenthood #plants
Am I currently being reeled in by fancy Gesneriads? Maybe. Stick around to find out, I guess! This shimmery beaut is Nautilocalyx cf. ecuadorensis. #plants #houseplant #gesneriad #nautilocalyx #botany #horticulture #terraria #terrariumPlants #plantnerd
#plantnerd #terrariumplants #terraria #horticulture #botany #nautilocalyx #gesneriad #houseplant #plants
@plants @houseplants
@SudoNaaame a #wednesday #! #WindowsillWednesday just a couple of quick shots of a small part of my indoor garden, late morning winter light.. I didn't groom for this, or turn plants for best views.. most need some attention, as you can I've been mostly pre-occupied with outdoor gardens and other things in recent years!
#PlantNerd #cacti #succulents #xerophytes #Alberta #November
plant details in replies
#november #alberta #xerophytes #succulents #cacti #plantnerd #windowsillwednesday #wednesday
Oh here's my little pothos planter from some random cuttings. Look to be a bit of #marbleQueen #snowQueen and some #philodendron I threw in as well. Have some #njoy in the tent I'd like to get in here as well sooner rather than later.
#plant #plants #plantNerd #indoorPlants #indoorGardening #natureNerd #green #greenThumb
#marblequeen #snowqueen #philodendron #njoy #plant #plants #plantnerd #indoorplants #indoorgardening #naturenerd #green #greenthumb
@SudoNaaame @plants #LeafyLundi #houseplants #PlantNerd #IndoorGardening here's my first for our new #
I grow more juicy and spiky plants rather than leafy, indoors, but this Hoya pubicalyx is looking better than I expected, considering it's potting mix is not ideal- too much coir, maybe, so it dries too fast and turns to concrete- it hasn't grown much for a long time, but still looks surprisingly healthy! I see it's making a new leaf again, I should repot it soon to give it a break!
#indoorgardening #plantnerd #houseplants #leafylundi
Avid reader (lots of #graphicnovels #fantasy #scifi ), music tastes all over the map (faves #U2 #TheMonkees #SigurRos #FlorenceAndTheMachine ), never quite #drawing as often as I'd like, lots of cooking and baking, photos around my woods, amateur #plantnerd. I love old stuff and anything that seems a little haunted.
#graphicnovels #fantasy #scifi #u2 #themonkees #sigurros #florenceandthemachine #drawing #plantnerd
@plants A little #houseplants fun- this #retro #critter was spotted on a Copiapoa minima #cactus in my #WindowsillGarden As a kid, I had a whole collection of these little rubbery #toys -called Creepy Crawlies back then ('70s).. this was a more recent purchase (5 or 10 years ago?) #PlantNerd #ChildAtHeart
#childatheart #plantnerd #toys #WindowsillGarden #cactus #critter #retro #houseplants
@plants #FlowersOnFriday for last week-- seems so far away already! We were in late #Autumn still, with a few of the toughest #flowers still going after moderate frosts and light snow-pics from this week will be white and whiter! + a couple of #houseplant pics-- safely indoors some things will flower now and then over the winter.. Other than that, any flower pics from now on will be memories of #florespondence #Alberta #gardening #PlantNerd
#plantnerd #gardening #alberta #florespondence #houseplant #flowers #autumn #FlowersOnFriday