My daily escape from the gloom and UK politics photo is of the 2 plant pot frogs I made in our French village community craft group. I hope that they make you smile 😃. #grenouille #frog #gardening #plantpot
#grenouille #frog #gardening #plantpot
A simple little pitfired stoneware hanging flowerpot.
It actually ended up being a bit too small to maintain a stable soil environment. I haven't come up with a new purpose for it yet. It might be able to support a tiny succulent.
#Pitfired #Ceramics #Kurinuki #CarvedCeramic #Stoneware #FlowerPot #PlantPot
#plantpot #FlowerPot #stoneware #carvedceramic #kurinuki #ceramics #pitfired
There is no clear winner when it comes to pot shapes: square pots can look more modern, while round pots frequently have a more classic appearance. Purchase the best Round Terracotta Planters & Pots from Michael dark. Buy now:
#plot ##terracotta #terracottapots #michaeldark #florist #homeandgarden #plantpot #flowerpot #flowerpots #plantpots #plantpotsdesign
#plantpotsdesign #plantpots #flowerpots #flowerpot #plantpot #homeandgarden #florist #michaeldark #terracottapots #TERRACOTTA #plot
Les vikings se servaient des crânes de leurs ennemis pour boire de la bière. C'est extrêmement violent !
Alors qu'en faire un pot de fleurs, c'est tout pipou.
#impression3d #print3d #crane #skull #potdefleur #plantpot
#impression3d #print3d #crane #skull #PotDeFleur #plantpot