Bog Pondweed, Potamogeton polygonifolius (a monocot) in flowing acidic water not far below the summit of Kings How, Borrowdale, #Cumbria. A new one to me -- I checked with the recorder for Cumbria Mike Porter as I didn't know it. Locally common in the right conditions.#Botany #WildFlowerHour #PlantReport
#cumbria #botany #wildflowerhour #plantreport
Goldmiths campus, SE London -- a patch of lawn now maintained as long grass/whatever grows. In the first couple of years a good range of plants has come up. This is the remains of last year's Hemlock patch; this year's shoots already coming up through the fallen stems. #apiaceae . In the foreground, Caper Spurge Euphorbia lathyris -- apparently an #archaeophyte and a Euphorbia -- no connection to capers. #WildFlowerHour #PlantReport #Botany
#apiaceae #archaeophyte #wildflowerhour #plantreport #botany