'Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a leading cause of sexually transmitted disease and a concern due to increasing AMR. It contains a restricted repertoire of plasmids, including a conjugative plasmid, pConj, which disseminates plasmid-mediated AMR. We show that, in contrast to broad host range plasmids, pConj is largely restricted to and adapted to N. gonorrhoeae, and has been remarkably conserved since it first emerged over 80 years ago.'
#AMR #Plasmid #antibioticresistance #Evolution
#plasmid #amr #evolution #antibioticresistance
Addgene, Plasmidsorus, UGENE, NEB builder, etc. We live in the **best timeline** ever for #plasmid assembly. 😍
A host of armor: Prokaryotic immune strategies against mobile genetic elements: Cell Reports
A two-part resurrection tale (1|2)
by Christoph
Besides a resurrection tale that I'll relate to in the second part, this post will be about anti-defense systems of plasmids as an intrinsic part of the seemingly endless arms race between conjugative elements and their hosts. Still, I am not inclined to act as war correspondent, and certainly not at a time...
Read more → https://schaechter.asmblog.org/schaechter/2023/04/a-two-part-resurrection-tale-1-2.html
#microbiology #plasmid #conjugation
A highly conserved and globally prevalent cryptic #plasmid is among the most numerous mobile genetic elements in the human gut | bioRxiv
An impressive open-source #plasmid editor packed as a desktop application for Linux, Mac or Windows. I am very impressed by the ergonomy and the available features and I hope the #teselagen company will maintain this software open source in the future.
The C. psittaci BF_amazon_parrot13 strain's complete #genome was sequenced, revealing a circular chromosome (1,160,701 bp, GenBank: CP110211) & a chlamydial #plasmid (7,553 bp, GenBank: CP110212) 🧬 #genomics #microbiology #_BRIG
#genome #plasmid #genomics #microbiology #_brig
Exciting new paper in @PLOSBiology — we show that plasmids use translational global regulators to rewire host cells including expression of key ecological traits, like metabolism and motility, whilst also boosting horizontal transmission of the plasmid
This was a big collaborative effort with colleagues at John Innes Centre, Birmingham, Sheffield & Liverpool
#plasmid #HGT #MobileGeneticElements
#plasmid #HGT #MobileGeneticElements
RT @PLOSBiology
Plasmids manipulate host cells to their benefit. @Catriona1392 @BrockhurstLab &co describe a #plasmid-borne translational regulator that subverts ecological traits in #bacteria, inducing community organization & promoting plasmid transmission #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3I4NES6
#plasmid #bacteria #plosbiology
Plasmids manipulate host cells to their benefit. @Catriona1392 @BrockhurstLab &co describe a #plasmid-borne translational regulator that subverts ecological traits in #bacteria, inducing community organization & promoting plasmid transmission #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3I4NES6
#plosbiology #bacteria #plasmid
Plasmids manipulate host cells to their benefit. @Catriona1392 @BrockhurstLab &co describe a #plasmid-borne translational regulator that subverts ecological traits in #bacteria, inducing community organization & promoting plasmid transmission #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3I4NES6
#plosbiology #bacteria #plasmid
Plasmids manipulate host cells to their benefit. @Catriona1392 @BrockhurstLab &co describe a #plasmid-borne translational regulator that subverts ecological traits in #bacteria, inducing community organization & promoting plasmid transmission #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3I4NES6
#plosbiology #bacteria #plasmid
RT @DaganLab
A graduate student (PhD) position is available in our group. Funded by #ERCCoG on #plasmid evolution. Skills in computational biology are required. See details in evoldir:
#Evolutionary Responses to Acquiring a #Multidrug Resistance #Plasmid Are Dominated by Metabolic Functions across Diverse Escherichia coli #Lineages | mSystems
#lineages #plasmid #multidrug #evolutionary
A modular #plasmid #toolkit applied in marine #Proteobacteria reveals functional insights during #bacteria-stimulated metamorphosis | bioRxiv
#bacteria #Proteobacteria #toolkit #plasmid
A new comparative #ExperimentalEvolution paper with @alanmcn1 lab
Diverse #Ecoli strains adapt to gaining an MDR #plasmid by mutations in metabolic genes
Also shows key roles for IS-element insertions, HNS, and altered plasmid conjugation rate enabling genomic assimilation of a new MDR plasmid
#ExperimentalEvolution #Ecoli #plasmid #antimicrobialresistance #AMR
Efficient #plasmid transfer via natural #competence in a microbial co‐culture
...and the environment selects !
As someone with long term interests in #HorizontalGeneTransfer , I'm really interested in this new research exploring environment-specific selection of #plasmid adaptive traits in #bacteria
Find out more in this new research in mBio on:
#horizontalgenetransfer #plasmid #bacteria #evolution #naturalselection #microbiology #ecology
Vertical and horizontal gene transfer #tradeoffs direct #plasmid fitness | Molecular Systems Biology
An easily modifiable conjugative #plasmid for studying horizontal gene transfer -
#conjugation #HGT #genetictools #synbio
#synbio #genetictools #HGT #conjugation #plasmid