RT @sjosiden@twitter.com
Tid: 23. februar 2020
Antall: 4 stk vanlig Halden-type
Sted: 59°7'7.3"N 11°23'17"E https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=59.11867&mlon=11.38807#map=17/59.11867/11.38807&layers=N (Kongens brygge, Halden)
#biofilmbærere #biofilterspill https://d.consumium.org/p/1567427
#biofilmbærere #plastavfall #biofilterspill
Dagens #plastavfall:
(#biofilmbærere, #mbbr, #biofilters)
RT @CleanSeaLIFE@twitter.com
plastic discs are washing up by the thousands on Italian coasts. We are coordinating w oceaographers to pinpoint the origin of the spill, most likely from a water treatment plant accident 1 MONTH AGO! #marinedebris @marinelitter@CleanSeas. News in English
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CleanSeaLIFE/status/976053123369316352
#plastavfall #biofilmbærere #mbbr #biofilters #marinedebris