#PlasticFreeJuly isn't about eliminating plastics for a month, but about making more sustainable choices permanently. Here's a website with links to lots of resources:
I was too busy this month to do #PlasticFreeJuly posts daily like I've done the past few summers, but on the last day of the month, here's a post about why it's not your fault that you don't know how to recycle plastic (there are no national standards and your local ones are probably confusing).
There is something you can do, though. You can reduce your use of single-use plastics. 1/2
#PlasticFreeJuly is a reminder for all of us to consider steps we can take to reduce plastic consumption.
But reducing our use of plastic shouldn’t just happen in July. It should happen all year round.
As Sir David Attenborough says:
“If working apart we are a force powerful to destabilise our planet, surely working together we are powerful enough to save it.”
RT WIN-BIG project
Turning trash into art to save our #oceans🌊
This is the concept behind "100 Days Of Beach Cleans Exhibition"
Since 2021 Lorella Doherty is collecting #plastics from her local beaches in Taranaki🇳🇿 & converting every single piece of that trash into artwork
#PlasticFreeJuly https://t.co/fJpD86PvKq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WINBIG_EU/status/1681980114798620674
#Oceans #plastics #plasticfreejuly
Die Menstruationsschwämmchen sind eine nachhaltige Alternative zur herkömmlichen Monatshygiene.
Sie werden ähnlich wie Tampons verwendet, sind angenehm zu tragen und trocknen die Schleimhäute nicht aus.
Der hochwertige, feinporige Schwamm ist besonders weich, formanpassend und kann sehr viel Flüssigkeit aufnehmen.
#nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigeprodukte #plastikfrei #derumweltzuliebe #lesswaste #plasticfreejuly
#nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigeprodukte #plastikfrei #derumweltzuliebe #lesswaste #plasticfreejuly
So @WholeFoods, why add to @Amazon's #sustainability problems? #Glass with #metal #lids is #NonToxic. #Plastic leaches #petrochemicals & should not be a #FoodContactMaterial. Yet nearly everything in #supermarkets is packaged in plastic. #PlasticFreeJuly & #PlasticFree everyday. QT @Janet_MASSPIRG: https://nitter.it/Janet_MASSPIRG/status/1680314280371970048#m
#sustainability #glass #metal #lids #nontoxic #plastic #petrochemicals #foodcontactmaterial #supermarkets #plasticfreejuly #plasticfree
You may already know not to #microwave in #PlasticContainers. And now…
DON'T STORE FOOD in #plastic!
It's worse for acidic foods (like citrus, vinegar, tomatoes). #PlasticIsToxic so use #NaturalMaterials. #PlasticFreeJuly #PeerReviewedScience @yusongliUNL
#microwave #plasticcontainers #plastic #plasticistoxic #naturalmaterials #plasticfreejuly #peerreviewedscience
Something about taking a bottle (a 'galone' if you're fancy) and container to the local refillery and coming back with fresh cider and coffee beans feels very grounding, very nice. #PlasticFreeJuly
Auch Rasierhobel passen hervorragend zum #plasticfreejuly.
In meinem Shop findet ihr ganz wundervolle Exemplare der Sicherheitsrasierer mit edlen Griff aus Olivenholz 🪵
Es passen Plattklingen verschiedenster Marken hinein, eine Klinge von Wilkinson ist im Lieferumfang enthalten.
#nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigeprodukte #plastikfrei #derumweltzuliebe #lesswaste #rasierhobel #olivenholz #sicherrasieren
#plasticfreejuly #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigeprodukte #plastikfrei #derumweltzuliebe #lesswaste #rasierhobel #olivenholz #sicherrasieren
We're a week into #PlasticFreeJuly, so this op ed from #JudithEnck resonates even more loudly. #PFAS and #microplastics are in our drinking water -- and there is no "safe" level of contamination.
But avoiding single-use plastic is neigh impossible for consumers. The change has to come from bipartisan policies that halt the production, use, and disposal of plastic.
#PlasticCrisis #PlasticPollution #StopPlasticPollution #Health #Sustainability #SustainableLiving
#plasticfreejuly #judithenck #pfas #microplastics #plasticcrisis #plasticpollution #StopPlasticPollution #health #sustainability #sustainableliving
There's no need for single-use plastics in order to grab a yummy summer beverage. To kick off Plastic Free July, OKAPI reusables is partnering with local Alameda cafés and offering discount membership, a raffle, and free coffee!
#casa #okapi #alameda #wescafe #TheLocal #DonutPetit #environment #CoffeeCultures #PlasticFreeJuly #JulieSCoffeeAndTeaGarden
#casa #okapi #alameda #wescafe #thelocal #donutpetit #environment #coffeecultures #plasticfreejuly #juliescoffeeandteagarden
Plastic is one of the biggest sources of #marine #pollution. #surfersagainstsewage
Without a thriving, clean ocean, we cannot thrive either. Why not join one of our #plasticfreecommunities this #PlasticFreeJuly, and take the first step towards turning back the plastic tide? https://plasticfree.org.uk/
#plasticfreejuly #plasticfreecommunities #surfersagainstsewage #pollution #marine
Plastic is one of the biggest sources of #marine #pollution. #surfersagainstsewage
Without a thriving, clean ocean, we cannot thrive either. Why not join one of our #plasticfreecommunities this #PlasticFreeJuly, and take the first step towards turning back the plastic tide? https://plasticfree.org.uk/
#plasticfreejuly #plasticfreecommunities #surfersagainstsewage #pollution #marine
Plastic is one of the biggest sources of #marine #pollution.
Without a thriving, clean ocean, we cannot thrive either. Why not join one of our #plasticfreecommunities this #PlasticFreeJuly, and take the first step towards turning back the plastic tide? https://plasticfree.org.uk/
#plasticfreejuly #plasticfreecommunities #pollution #marine
Plastic is one of the biggest sources of #marine #pollution.
Without a thriving, clean ocean, we cannot thrive either. Why not join one of our #plasticfreecommunities this #PlasticFreeJuly, and take the first step towards turning back the plastic tide? buff.ly/32IEcjL
#plasticfreejuly #plasticfreecommunities #pollution #marine
Wenn du dich nun dazu entschieden hast feste Seifen zu benutzen, stellst du dir vielleicht die Frage „Wohin jetzt damit?“
Vor allem in der Dusche sind solche Seifensäckchen ideal. Die Seife kann nach der Nutzung hängend trocknen und klebt dabei nicht an den Badoberflächen.
Außerdem sind die Beutelchen praktisch um Seifenreste komplett aufzubrauchen 👍
#plasticfreejuly #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigeprodukte #plastikfrei #handmade #seifensäckchen #nachhaltigkeitimbad
#plasticfreejuly #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigeprodukte #plastikfrei #handmade #seifensackchen #nachhaltigkeitimbad
Does packaging matter to you?
It matters to us, that is why we are plastic free and all of our packaging is fully recyclable ♻️
You are welcome.
#slated #sustainability #plasticfreejuly
Es ist #plasticfreejuly 🌿
Ein guter Anlass um mal zu schauen wo man im Haushalt noch Plastik einsparen kann.
Werf doch mal ein Blick in dein Badezimmer. Zu Duschgels, Shampoos und Flüssigseifen gibt es einige feste Alternativen, die nicht nur Plastikmüll vermeiden, sondern auch ergiebiger sind 🧼
Auch in meinem Shop findest du sowohl Hand- und Körperseifen als auch Haar- und Rasierseifen aus rein pflanzlichen Rohstoffen!
#plasticfreejuly #nachhaltigleben #plastikfrei #naturseife
As a start for #PlasticFreeJuly we chose pizza as our takeaway treat option because we knew its packaging would be cardboard based rather than plastic based
This is just a glimpse into the scale of pollution choking up our rivers and seas...
Join our #plasticfreecommunities https://plasticfree.org.uk/ and get ready for #plasticfreejuly in a couple of weeks! 🚮
#EndPlasticPollution #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreecommunities