A Litter Bestiary: giraffe
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #giraffes
#giraffes #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
A Litter Bestiary: cat
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #cats
#cats #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
A Litter Bestiary: flamingos
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #flamingos
#flamingos #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
Cleaning out the old family home and found this piece of sea glass. Used to find a lot of it as a child 60 years ago. Haven't seen as much on the beaches in recent years. And I suddenly wondered, has this been replaced by the omnipresent #plasticpollution now that plastic has replaced the glass soda and beer bottles I remember?
"It’s clear that trying to deal with the endless stream of plastic just isn’t working. We need to stop #plastic production at its source!" #plasticpollution #climate #wildlife
#wildlife #climate #plasticpollution #plastic
landscape portrait.
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #paper #algae #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #photography #landscape #portrait
#portrait #landscape #photography #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #algae #paper #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
today's colours.
#todayscolours #colours #litter #foundobjects #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #colourtherapy
#colourtherapy #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #foundobjects #litter #colours #todayscolours
A Litter Bestiary: unicorn
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #unicorns
#unicorns #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #sheep #litterbestiary
#litterbestiary #sheep #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #bears
#bears #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
Gizmodo: Paper Cups Are Bad for the Environment Too, Study Finds https://gizmodo.com/paper-cups-are-bad-for-the-environment-too-study-finds-1850798054?utm_source=regular #environmentaltoxicology #marineplasticpollution #bethaniecarneyalmroth #disposableproducts #plasticpollution #biodegradation #waterpollution #polylacticacid #microplastics #environment #bioplastic #pollution #papercup #sediment #plastic #water
#environmentaltoxicology #marineplasticpollution #bethaniecarneyalmroth #disposableproducts #plasticpollution #biodegradation #waterpollution #polylacticacid #microplastics #environment #bioplastic #pollution #papercup #sediment #plastic #water
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #mice
#mice #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
A litter bestiary:
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #flamingos
#flamingos #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
Why I hate #fastfood. (1.)
Rockpools adjacent to a National Park on beautiful Umina Beach and some idiot leaves a #McDonalds plastic milkshake container right in the rocks. This wasn't washed up by the tide; this still had milkshake in it, so it was placed there by some uncaring hand. Why do some people have such little respect for the wonders of nature?
(And yes, I "disposed" of it; i.e. sent it out of sight towards landfill. How many millions of these plastic containers are littering the earth? We can do better than this, I think.)
#plastic #plasticpollution #waste #pollution #consumerism #capitalism
#fastfood #mcdonalds #plastic #plasticpollution #waste #pollution #consumerism #capitalism
The planet's food chain is becoming more toxic than the planet's governments.
Just rejoice at that.
#oilpollution #plasticpollution #foodchain #corrupt #governments
Are #biodegradable paper cups an example of a regretable substitution? Single-use take-away cups of paper are as #toxic to aquatic midge larvae as #plasticpollution cups. A reminder that *re-use* is always best! Great work by @BCarneyAlmroth and colleagues.
#plasticpollution #microplastics #ecotoxicity
#ecotoxicity #microplastics #plasticpollution #toxic #biodegradable
Gizmodo: Microplastics Can Travel Into the Brain and Cause Behavioral Changes, Study Finds https://gizmodo.com/microplastics-behavioral-changes-in-mice-alzheimers-stu-1850785217?utm_source=regular #draftmicroplasticsandtheirimpactonthehumanendocrinesystem #marineplasticpollution #healthmedicalpharma #plasticpollution #waterpollution #microplastics #jamieross #pollution #plastic
#draftmicroplasticsandtheirimpactonthehumanendocrinesystem #marineplasticpollution #healthmedicalpharma #plasticpollution #waterpollution #microplastics #jamieross #pollution #plastic
Huge Amounts Of Plastic From Artificial Grass End Up In The Sea
https://www.newscientist.com/article/2383869-huge-amounts-of-plastic-from-artificial-grass-end-up-in-the-sea/ <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122094 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #artificial #artificialgrass #artificialturf #AT #pollution #water #hydrology #marine #ocean #coastline #plastics #microplastics #microplastic #plasticpollution #Spain #research #waterquality #sampling #ecosystems #plasticfibres #sports #sporting #golf #golfcourses
#gis #spatial #mapping #artificial #artificialgrass #artificialturf #AT #pollution #water #hydrology #marine #ocean #coastline #plastics #microplastics #microplastic #plasticpollution #spain #research #waterquality #sampling #ecosystems #plasticfibres #sports #sporting #golf #golfcourses
@cannaclub I am all for #Cannabis and cannabis-related products, but disposable vaping products contribute to plastic and electronic waste, a problem that we are currently overwhelmed with. Products like this should not exist because they just end up in landfills or as litter, and people should not be purchasing them.
#cannabis #ewaste #plasticpollution
I wish some really militant #ClimateCrisis group would lean on the packaging industry for their continued and immoral use of plastic. Consumers only have so much control over packaging for their purchases, but it’s gotten manically out of hand.
#climatecrisis #plasticpollution