#hobbystreak day 483:
Sometimes you just have to finish stuff on your desk.
Painted an easy ferret. Did some small details and varnished 21 models, primed 10 new ones.
#plasticrackscore 2023:
Bought 24
Finished 54
Subtotal +30
WIP 36
#BloodBowl #Warmongers #MiniaturePainting #OnTheBall #Warhammer
#hobbystreak #plasticrackscore #bloodbowl #warmongers #miniaturepainting #ontheball #warhammer
#hobbystreak day 482:
Inspired by PhilPaintsStuff/FromHerAshes of the 2 Guys 1 Dice Cup podcast I took stabs at eyes to paint pupils. Stopped short at the wood elves' mean little eyes.
Also painted numbers on back plates and saw a freaking ferret so now I am painting a carnivorous rodent 😂
Shelved 6 finished #dungeonbowl models.
#plasticrackscore 2023:
Bought 24
Finished 33
Subtotal +9
WIP 47!
man I need to finish more stuff.
#MiniaturePainting #BloodBowl #warmongers #Warhammer #wokehammer
#hobbystreak #dungeonbowl #plasticrackscore #miniaturepainting #bloodbowl #warmongers #warhammer #Wokehammer
#hobbystreak day 440
Did the eyes, varnished and finished this #Dungeonbowl team!
#plasticrackscore 2023:
Bought 24
Finished 21
Subtotal -3
WIP 18
#hobbystreak #dungeonbowl #plasticrackscore #bloodbowl #miniaturepainting #warmongers #warhammer