@AshleyMarineP Instead of criminalizing their fuel should be taxed so high that it will work as actual wealth redistribution.
And yes I hate #PlasticStrawBan since it's utterly bad and ableist #VirtueSignalling espechally since the cup ist sill plastic-coated paper and won't be recycled and they still slap a plastic disc on top...
#virtueSignalling #plasticstrawban
@Voka @giulio_mattioli I just think doing something sustainable and longterm is more useful than just running after the cheapest popular take.
It reminds me of the shitty #PlasticStrawBan which was just bs #VirtueSignalling when the cups are still covered with #plasic and people still throw their shit into the envoirment instead of actually #recycling stuff.
Not to mention that constantly draining rich wankers with taces on the gas pump works longterm.
#recycling #plasic #virtueSignalling #plasticstrawban
@DanielLuecking #Böllerverbot ist wie #PlasticStrawBan einfach nur rein performatives Schachtfeld...
Über die #Plastik-Deckel auf Fast-Food - Bechern regt sich keiner auf...
#plastik #plasticstrawban #bollerverbot