Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
696 followers · 30490 posts · Server

@AshleyMarineP Instead of criminalizing their fuel should be taxed so high that it will work as actual wealth redistribution.

And yes I hate since it's utterly bad and ableist espechally since the cup ist sill plastic-coated paper and won't be recycled and they still slap a plastic disc on top...

#virtueSignalling #plasticstrawban

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
469 followers · 13484 posts · Server

@Voka @giulio_mattioli I just think doing something sustainable and longterm is more useful than just running after the cheapest popular take.

It reminds me of the shitty which was just bs when the cups are still covered with and people still throw their shit into the envoirment instead of actually stuff.

Not to mention that constantly draining rich wankers with taces on the gas pump works longterm.

#recycling #plasic #virtueSignalling #plasticstrawban

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
469 followers · 13533 posts · Server

@DanielLuecking ist wie einfach nur rein performatives Schachtfeld...

Über die -Deckel auf Fast-Food - Bechern regt sich keiner auf...

#plastik #plasticstrawban #bollerverbot

Last updated 2 years ago