Will be discussing our latest findings on hazardous chemicals in plastics tomorrow, Wed. 4 pm Nairobi time at the @unep webinar. Join us:
RT Andrés Del Castillo:
»🔴Yesterday Propylene & ethylene (plastic precursors) fire in Brazori. 🇺🇸
INEOS “This is an isolated incident”
Plastic Pollution: “all emissions and risks resulting from plastics production, use, waste management & leakage.” OECD
Watch: https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/brazoria-county-ruptured-pipeline-fire/285-456b7b78-3958-401d-92c7-c53953c48be3 «
Just dropped the new #episode! July 28 is Plastic Overshoot Day - and the calculations behind it reveal different challenges for countries around the world to tackle #plasticpollution.
#plastic #plasticstreaty #pollution #policy #podcast
Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/plastisphere-podcast/plastic-overshoot-day
#episode #plasticpollution #plastic #plasticstreaty #pollution #policy #podcast
« Happy #WorldRefillDay! Together, let's fight for a strong Global #PlasticsTreaty that finally ends the age of plastics and begins the age of reuse and refill. Act Now and tell world leaders to support an ambitious treaty https://www.greenpeace.ch/fr/agir/mettons-fin-ere-plastique/ https://t.co/pSMCGiUUUq »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/joelle_herin/status/1669641505483509760
#worldrefillday #plasticstreaty
Cautiously optimistic summary of #INC2 aka #plasticstreaty negotiations in the @guardian
#PlasticPollution #pfas
First steps agreed on plastics treaty after breakthrough at Paris talks | Global development | The Guardian
#pfas #PlasticPollution #plasticstreaty #inc2
What's next for work on a #PlasticsTreaty? Here's an overview of the recent negotiations in Paris: https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/inc-chair-prepare-zero-draft-international-agreement-plastic
Heute endete die 2. Verhandlungsrunde für das globale #Plastikabkommen. Sie zeigt: Ölproduzierende Länder und die Fossilindustrie wollen das Abkommen schwächen.
Das #PlasticsTreaty muss die Plastikproduktion reduzieren, sonst es wird scheitern!
#Plastikabkommen #plasticstreaty
RT @BCouillard33: 🇺🇳A #PlasticsTreaty in 2024 !
C'est l'ambition que nous avons réaffirmée avec @ChristopheBechu à @GustavoMezaCua1, Président du Comité intergouvernemental de négociation, et à la Team France🇫🇷.
Ce dernier jour de négociations est crucial pour préparer la 3e session à #Nairobi. https://t.co/tc3aOHUQhk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ChristopheBechu/status/1664594263655473153
« What a powerful intervention by the indigenous peoples major group at #INC2
Thank you for sending such a strong message to us! Companies have to be held accountable for the harm they have caused and your knowledge has to be included in this #PlasticsTreaty https://t.co/wG1Oj7xJY3 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/LPanhuber/status/1664183681215352834
👀 The world is watching
Menschen weltweit senden eine klare Botschaft an ihre Regierungen: Wir brauchen ein starkes globales #Plastikabkommen.
Die Verhandlungen für ein #PlasticsTreaty finden derzeit in Paris statt.
Jetzt Petition unterschreiben 👉https://act.gp/43v62gm https://t.co/LAV5rBS7mR
#Plastikabkommen #plasticstreaty
A peine entamées, les négociations pour un #PlasticsTreaty bloquent déjà.
Parce que des pays font tout pour retarder les débats et protéger leurs intérêts financiers.
Courage aux ONG, associations, délégations, qui bataillent pour un traité ambitieux. Il y a urgence. https://nitter.net/mickacorreia/status/1663802226618277889
« We need a global #PlasticsTreaty agreed at #INC2 🌎💚 https://twitter.com/Greenpeaceafric/status/1662458714086064129 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1663545806597640192
RT @MoDem: #PlasticsTreaty | Sommet mondial contre la pollution plastique
🗣️ @JimmyPahun : "On en consomme 2 fois plus qu'il y a 20 ans, 3 fois moins que dans 40 ans. Il est temps d'agir !"
🌍 Au siège de l'@UNESCO_fr, défendons un traité international contraignant et ambitieux. https://t.co/tVRjKCXpAz
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/laurencefarreng/status/1663520420299939842
Seit gestern verhandeln die Staats- und Regierungschefs in Paris über das globale #Plastikabkommen 🤝. Es wird endlich Zeit, das Plastikzeitalter zu stoppen!
Erfahre mehr über das #PlasticsTreaty und unterschreibe die Petition ✍️
#Plastikabkommen #plasticstreaty
« Plastic pollution exacerbates climate harms & social injustices, especially for countries like the Philippines which is always at the receiving end of climate-induced catastrophes. It's time to turn off the plastics tap & end the age of injustice.
#PlasticsTreaty Now https://t.co/kJDPawelGD »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/GreenpeaceSEA/status/1663067048581165056
My take: „While we're discussing the reduction of #plastic pollution, they [#fossilfuel companies] 're building new factories. And we don't even have the capacity to monitor the effects or the extent of the pollution.“ #PlasticsTreaty 👀 #AllEyesOnParis 👀
#alleyesonparis #plasticstreaty #fossilfuel #plastic
My take: „While we're discussing the reduction of #plastic pollution, they [#fossilfuel companies] 're building new factories. And we don't even have the capacity to monitor the effects or the extent of the pollution.“ #PlasticsTreaty 👀 #AllEyesOnParis 👀
#alleyesonparis #plasticstreaty #fossilfuel #plastic
« It’s day 1 of #INC2 Global #PlasticsTreaty negotiations in Paris, France.
We’re calling on you to champion an ambitious treaty that will drastically reduce plastic production! https://t.co/8Gnltqc6T1 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1663115479161110528
Le plastique est partout.
Sa production a doublé entre 2000 et 2020 ; elle devrait tripler à 1,2 milliard de tonnes/an en 2060...
Pourtant le plastique détruit la santé, les écosystèmes et pourrait absorber jusque 20% du budget carbone.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/marietouss1/status/1663072703698333696
First glimpse of the plenary hall during the briefing on the procedures for election to fill vacancies in the Bureau of the #INC to develop an international legally binding instrument on #plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. #PlasticsTreaty