MotorizedVehicleHegemony · @MVHegemony
31 followers · 172 posts · Server
Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
616 followers · 4059 posts · Server

How many people HATE paper straws?

You should.

They're terrible.

Maybe not for the reasons you hate them, but they're fucking terrible, and we should complain about them, refuse them, and NOT use them, ever.

Don't misunderstand, as much as plastic straws are much more pleasant to use, we should do the same for them. Oil based plastics will be here long after we're gone. They're awful, and we should NEVER use them, ever again. For anything. The idea that plastic is convenient and disposable is, well, wrong. it's a forever pollutant, and there's no excuse to use disposable plastics ever, there never was.

But, hear me out

I think, ALL of the fast food industry, convenience stores, anywhere that uses straws (or any kind of plastic packaging, but this is about straws). HEMP PLASTIC. Stop using paper straws! Not only do they suck, BUT WE NEED TO PRESERVE TREES, TEARING DOWN FORESTS FOR CRAPPY STRAWS IS A VERY BAD THING. Also, hemp plastic is amazing.

It starts breaking down, and biodegrades with no nastiness in less than a year. Aside from that, you'd never see a difference. It's is in fact, convenient, disposable, and eco friendly. You're welcome.

#plastic #plasticsucks #straws #hempplasticisamazing

Last updated 2 years ago

Tino Eberl ✅ · @tinoeberl
429 followers · 1986 posts · Server
Tino Eberl ✅ · @tinoeberl
429 followers · 1986 posts · Server
Patrick · @0CynicalBastard
326 followers · 1710 posts · Server

Trying to be non-political today, not talk about covid, or climate. Maybe a little climate related, but not directly.

first post was frying pans (LOVE my cast iron pan, and it loves me back because I treat it with love)

A few months ago I switched from an artificial bath sponge to a natural sponge. Since I made the switch, I've discovered my skin is happier, and I've been using it for 3 months, it hasn't degraded at all.

I did a lot of reading on them, and while information differs place to place, what I've discovered:

1. A natural sponge, if properly cared for, is good for up to, and maybe longer than, around 5 years. In contrast, an artificial plastic sponge is good for ~30 days. You can use it longer, but it deteriorates and loses its cohesiveness pretty quickly, and much longer it's a giant mess.

2. Once a month or so, you just throw a natural sponge in a pot of boiling water for a minute or two, kills off any bacteria or fungus, anything that might start to grow. A natural sponge is naturally resistant to both, but those things are tenacious and will start to grow eventually anyways. A quick boil once a month will keep that from ever being an issue. Throw a plastic sponge in boiling water for a few minutes, it'll melt and ruin your pot. Gross.

3. A natural sponge is biodegradable and safe to throw in the garbage when you're done with it. The artificial version, while not hardy at all as far as keeping its shape, will spend 1000s of years with very little degradation from when you threw it out.

#bathing #sponges #whowouldathunkit #EarthFriendly #Biodegradeable #plasticsucks #TeamEarth #clean

Last updated 2 years ago

Tino Eberl ✅ · @tinoeberl
308 followers · 1550 posts · Server

Ein -Profi läge nach 10 min unter seinem und würde entspannt entspannen. 🤦

Aber nein, Osman hat eine tolle Idee.
Ein weiterer Beleg dafür, warum uns nicht besuchen. 🤦 ☹️

#plasticpollution #plasticsucks #goplasticfree #outdoor #Ressourcenvergeudung #Plastikverschmutzung #plastik #Außerirdische #tarp #bushcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

Tino Eberl ✅ · @tinoeberl
308 followers · 1550 posts · Server

Vor 2 Jahren, als es auf EU-Ebene darum ging, den in der zu reduzieren, war eine Beispiellösung die Befestigung der -Verschlüsse an den . Ich habe nicht wirklich daran geglaubt, dass die Hersteller das wirklich machen. Aber es wird Gesetz in Deutschland in 2024 und einige Hersteller machen es jetzt schon.

#plasticpollution #refusesingleuseplastic #plasticsucks #goplasticfree #ditchsingleuseplastic #plasticfree #getrankeflaschen #kunststoff #umwelt #plastikmull

Last updated 2 years ago

Tino Eberl ✅ · @tinoeberl
308 followers · 1550 posts · Server

Laut einer neu veröffentlichten Studie nehmen PRO TAG geschätzte 2,51 bis 43,6 kg auf (10 million pieces of microplastic). Sie fischen quasi nicht nur Krill. Ich will mir das jetzt gar nicht vorstellen.


#umweltverschmutzung #Umweltschutz #Artenschutz #plasticocean #plasticpollution #plasticsucks #goplasticfree #ditchsingleuseplastic #plasticfree #mikroplastik #blauwale

Last updated 2 years ago

Tino Eberl ✅ · @tinoeberl
308 followers · 1551 posts · Server