The 3rd UNwaste Trendspotting Alert Bulletin offers up a 'movement' analysis summary for btwn 2017-2021. Here are some highlights,
1. and/or 'global north' nations were main exporters to , but also incl. .
2. ~Three Mega tonnes (Mt) were exported from the to ASEAN.
3. ~38% net decrease in exports from the
4. Main ASEAN importers incl, and
5. are top exporters to ASEAN

#un #plasticswaste #ASEAN #g7 #seasia #Thailand #eu #malaysia #vietnam #indonesia #germany #belgium

Last updated 2 years ago

The 2022 categorical gauges a country's self-awareness of threats from and , and need. ranks 1 w/an index=79.1. Here's how nations ranked and scored,
7, EPI=71.7
38, EPI=59.7
84, EPI=33.8
96, EPI=29.5
100, EPI=28.5
111, EPI=25.6
116, EPI=23.4
PDR 130, EPI=16.4
144, EPI=13.7
167, EPI=8.2

#EPI #wastemanagement #index #solidwaste #ocean #plasticswaste #recycling #luxembourg #ASEAN #singapore #brunei #malaysia #indonesia #Thailand #vietnam #philippines #lao #cambodia #myanmar

Last updated 2 years ago

finds that is one of 4 nations + responsible for 50% of , which can come from land sources. In early-mid 2022 Thailand passed a law banning in all of its National Parks w/fines up to $3K USD for violators. Protecting the region's is key to which is key to protecting ; but is there the will AND resources for compliance/enforcement to be taken seriously?

#oceanconservancy #Thailand #ASEAN #china #ocean #plasticswaste #singleuseplastics #wildlife #biodiversity #HumanHealth

Last updated 2 years ago

, a city of 10 Mil ppl does not have a formal system, but generates nearly 10K tonnes of per day. A ltd. group of emerging businesses operate to repurpose into 'new' consumer items, are not formally recognised by local govt., operations are expanded, but is an increasingly acceptable govt. option, and amended is hampered by lack of compliance/enforcement. What's the solution? , not.

#hcm #recycling #municipal #sw #plasticswaste #iscs #landfill #wte #EnvironmentalLaw #SDG12

Last updated 2 years ago

Maddening, frustrating, then comes some form of capitulation. generates millions of tonnes of annually w/mismgmnt leading to ltd. traceable (??), and repeat violations poisoning rivers, and plantable soils w/nary a 'wrist slap.' and clarity of proper govt. legal/reg. purview w/out ministry , or is what is required for effctv. & .

#Thailand #plasticspollution #plasticswaste #importation #corporate #environmental #ruleoflaw #coi #corruption #governance #accountability #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

2nd only to as a source of , generates ~8 million tonnes of per year (>50% mismanaged), while 13 intertwining rivers in incl. the (world's most polluted) are filled w/ ~75% of which is . That's ~10g per capita, and adds up fast given the city's 10 million residents. This dubious distinction for city & nation further tarnishes the region.

#china #global #marine #plasticspollution #indonesia #plasticswaste #jakarta #Cituram #solidwaste #plastics #ASEAN

Last updated 2 years ago

The 2020 score and rankings tabulation show that among nations only and have effective systems w/scores of 99.6 and 81.4, respectively. 8 other nations in the region score from below 50 to 0. What's peculiar is that according to Malaysia's per capita rate of mismgnd. is among the highest in (~60X that of the nationstate) which doesn't exactly jibe w/an overall system of effective mgmnt.

#EPI #ASEAN #singapore #malaysia #wastemanagement #ourworldindata #plasticswaste #seasia #lioncity #solidwaste

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's a chart visualisation downloaded from 's comparing per capita mismanaged outcomes for nations with regional G7/G20 countries and . Some of what it shows,
1. High income nations and had 'lower' mismanagement levels similar to JPN
2. Of the 3 G20 nations fared better than either or
3. Low-to-Mid-income ASEAN nations dmnstrd. the highest relative levels of mismgmnt.

#oxforduniversity #ourworldindata #plasticswaste #ASEAN #china #india #Jpn #singapore #brunei #indonesia #plastics

Last updated 2 years ago

There's the optics of the cleanup for the , then there is the visceral reality...A daily estimated release of 200 kg of released into , Tonlé Sap, and Bassac (42% of the city's ) during the . The summation of unrestrained/non-sustainable w/an under developed, under funded scheme. It's not just cosmetic anymore.

#phnompenh #rivers #ASEANSummit #plasticswaste #Mekong #plasticpollution #monsoons #economicdevelopment #wastemanagement

Last updated 2 years ago