For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' in a rape field near Höxter, Germany -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #rape #raps #frühling #spring
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #rape #raps #fruhling #spring
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' in in the mudflats on the German North Sea coast -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #küste #watt #coast
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #kuste #watt #coast
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' in the forests of the Sauerland -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #lostplace #forest
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #lostplace #forest
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' in the town centre of Immerath -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #lostplace
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #lostplace
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' at an abandoned industrial site -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
In Germany, new land continues to be sealed in order to designate industrial areas instead of reusing land already used by industry.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #lostplace
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography #lostplace
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' at a landscape of plastic-covered fields -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' at a littered backyard -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' at the ligning power plant at Niederaussem, Germany -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed #photography
For reasons: 'Plastic-Man' at the Erwitte limestone quarry/cement works' -> do we know what we are doing? Are we able to understand our own involvement in civilising rites? The series 'Plastic Man' explores this question - starting today, a new picture every day.
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed
#environment #plastic #plastikman #letztegeneration #fff #doomed
BBK exhibition 'Blau machen' started today in the BIG Gallery, next to the Dortmunder U. The 'Pastik-Man is also presented there. #biggallery #plastikman #bbkwestfalen #art #photography
#biggallery #plastikman #bbkwestfalen #art #photography
#NowPlaying Musik by #RichieHawtin's alias #Plastikman
#nowplaying #richiehawtin #plastikman